"use strict"; const $ = require("jquery"); const Mousetrap = require("mousetrap"); const wrapCursor = require("undate").wrapCursor; const input = $("#input").get(0); const sidebar = $("#sidebar"); const windows = $("#windows"); const contextMenuContainer = $("#context-menu-container"); Mousetrap.bind([ "pageup", "pagedown", ], function(e, key) { let container = windows.find(".window.active"); // Chat windows scroll message container if (container.prop("id") === "chat-container") { container = container.find(".chan.active .chat"); } container.finish(); const offset = container.get(0).clientHeight * 0.9; let scrollTop = container.scrollTop(); if (key === "pageup") { scrollTop = Math.floor(scrollTop - offset); } else { scrollTop = Math.ceil(scrollTop + offset); } container.animate({scrollTop}, 200); return false; }); Mousetrap.bind([ "alt+up", "alt+down", ], function(e, keys) { const channels = sidebar.find(".chan"); const index = channels.index(channels.filter(".active")); const direction = keys.split("+").pop(); let target; switch (direction) { case "up": target = (channels.length + (index - 1 + channels.length)) % channels.length; break; case "down": target = (channels.length + (index + 1 + channels.length)) % channels.length; break; } channels.eq(target).click(); }); Mousetrap.bind([ "alt+shift+up", "alt+shift+down", ], function(e, keys) { const lobbies = sidebar.find(".lobby"); const direction = keys.split("+").pop(); let index = lobbies.index(lobbies.filter(".active")); let target; switch (direction) { case "up": if (index < 0) { target = lobbies.index(sidebar.find(".channel").filter(".active").siblings(".lobby")[0]); } else { target = (lobbies.length + (index - 1 + lobbies.length)) % lobbies.length; } break; case "down": if (index < 0) { index = lobbies.index(sidebar.find(".channel").filter(".active").siblings(".lobby")[0]); } target = (lobbies.length + (index + 1 + lobbies.length)) % lobbies.length; break; } lobbies.eq(target).click(); }); Mousetrap.bind([ "escape", ], function() { contextMenuContainer.hide(); }); const colorsHotkeys = { k: "\x03", b: "\x02", u: "\x1F", i: "\x1D", o: "\x0F", s: "\x1e", m: "\x11", }; for (const hotkey in colorsHotkeys) { Mousetrap.bind("mod+" + hotkey, function(e) { // Do not handle modifier hotkeys if input is not focused if (document.activeElement !== input) { return; } e.preventDefault(); const modifier = colorsHotkeys[e.key]; wrapCursor(input, modifier, input.selectionStart === input.selectionEnd ? "" : modifier); }); } // Ignored keys which should not automatically focus the input bar const ignoredKeys = { 8: true, // Backspace 9: true, // Tab 12: true, // Clear 16: true, // Shift 17: true, // Control 18: true, // Alt 19: true, // Pause 20: true, // CapsLock 27: true, // Escape 33: true, // PageUp 34: true, // PageDown 35: true, // End 36: true, // Home 37: true, // ArrowLeft 38: true, // ArrowUp 39: true, // ArrowRight 40: true, // ArrowDown 45: true, // Insert 46: true, // Delete 112: true, // F1 113: true, // F2 114: true, // F3 115: true, // F4 116: true, // F5 117: true, // F6 118: true, // F7 119: true, // F8 120: true, // F9 121: true, // F10 122: true, // F11 123: true, // F12 144: true, // NumLock 145: true, // ScrollLock 224: true, // Meta }; if (!("ontouchstart" in window || navigator.maxTouchPoints > 0)) { $(document.body).on("keydown", (e) => { // Ignore if target isn't body (e.g. focused into input) // Ignore any key that uses alt modifier // Ignore keys defined above if (e.target !== document.body || e.altKey || ignoredKeys[e.which]) { return; } // Ignore all ctrl keys except for ctrl+v to allow pasting if ((e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) && e.which !== 86) { return; } // On enter, focus the input but do not propagate the event // This way, a new line is not inserted if (e.which === 13) { input.trigger("focus"); return false; } input.trigger("focus"); }); }