"use strict"; const $ = require("jquery"); const utils = require("./utils"); const JoinChannel = require("./join-channel"); const {vueApp} = require("./vue"); module.exports = { renderNetworks, trimMessageInChannel, }; /* function appendMessage(container, chanId, chanType, msg) { if (utils.lastMessageId < msg.id) { utils.lastMessageId = msg.id; } return; let lastChild = container.children(".msg, .date-marker-container").last(); const renderedMessage = buildChatMessage(msg); // Check if date changed const msgTime = new Date(msg.time); const prevMsgTime = new Date(lastChild.data("time")); // Insert date marker if date changed compared to previous message if (prevMsgTime.toDateString() !== msgTime.toDateString()) { lastChild = $(templates.date_marker({time: msg.time})); container.append(lastChild); } // If current window is not a channel or this message is not condensable, // then just append the message to container and be done with it if (msg.self || msg.highlight || constants.condensedTypes.indexOf(msg.type) === -1 || chanType !== "channel") { container.append(renderedMessage); return; } const obj = {}; obj[msg.type] = 1; // If the previous message is already condensed, // we just append to it and update text if (lastChild.hasClass("condensed")) { lastChild.append(renderedMessage); condensed.updateText(lastChild, obj); return; } // Always create a condensed container const newCondensed = $(templates.msg_condensed({time: msg.time})); condensed.updateText(newCondensed, obj); newCondensed.append(renderedMessage); container.append(newCondensed); } function buildChatMessage(msg) { const type = msg.type; let template = "msg"; // See if any of the custom highlight regexes match if (!msg.highlight && !msg.self && options.highlightsRE && (type === "message" || type === "notice") && options.highlightsRE.exec(msg.text)) { msg.highlight = true; } if (typeof templates.actions[type] !== "undefined") { template = "msg_action"; } else if (type === "unhandled") { template = "msg_unhandled"; } // Make the MOTDs a little nicer if possible if (msg.type === "motd") { let lines = msg.text.split("\n"); // If all non-empty lines of the MOTD start with a hyphen (which is common // across MOTDs), remove all the leading hyphens. if (lines.every((line) => line === "" || line[0] === "-")) { lines = lines.map((line) => line.substr(2)); } // Remove empty lines around the MOTD (but not within it) msg.text = lines .map((line) => line.replace(/\s*$/, "")) .join("\n") .replace(/^[\r\n]+|[\r\n]+$/g, ""); } const renderedMessage = $(templates[template](msg)); const content = renderedMessage.find(".content"); if (template === "msg_action") { content.html(templates.actions[type](msg)); } msg.previews.forEach((preview) => { renderPreview(preview, renderedMessage); }); return renderedMessage; } */ function renderNetworks(data, singleNetwork) { // Add keyboard handlers to the "Join a channel…" form inputs/button JoinChannel.handleKeybinds(data.networks); let newChannels; const channels = $.map(data.networks, function(n) { return n.channels; }); if (!singleNetwork && utils.lastMessageId > -1) { newChannels = []; channels.forEach((channel) => { const chan = $("#chan-" + channel.id); if (chan.length > 0) { if (channel.type === "channel") { channel.usersOutdated = true; } if (channel.messages.length > 0) { const container = chan.find(".messages"); if (container.find(".msg").length >= 100) { container.find(".show-more").addClass("show"); } container.parent().trigger("keepToBottom"); } } else { newChannels.push(channel); } }); } else { newChannels = channels; } if (newChannels.length > 0) { newChannels.forEach((channel) => { if (channel.type === "channel") { channel.usersOutdated = true; } }); } utils.confirmExit(); for (const network of vueApp.networks) { for (const channel of network.channels) { if (channel.highlight > 0) { utils.updateTitle(); utils.toggleNotificationMarkers(true); return; } } } } function trimMessageInChannel(channel, messageLimit) { const messages = channel.find(".messages .msg").slice(0, -messageLimit); if (messages.length === 0) { return; } messages.remove(); channel.find(".show-more").addClass("show"); // Remove date-separators that would otherwise be "stuck" at the top of the channel channel.find(".date-marker-container").each(function() { if ($(this).next().hasClass("date-marker-container")) { $(this).remove(); } }); }