import socket from "./socket"; import type {TypedStore} from "./store"; const defaultSettingConfig = { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function apply() {}, default: null, sync: null, }; const defaultConfig = { syncSettings: { default: true, sync: "never", apply(store: TypedStore, value: boolean, auto = false) { // If applied by settings/applyAll, do not emit to server if (value && !auto) { socket.emit("setting:get"); } }, }, advanced: { default: false, }, autocomplete: { default: true, }, nickPostfix: { default: "", }, coloredNicks: { default: true, }, desktopNotifications: { default: false, sync: "never", apply(store: TypedStore, value: boolean) { // Commit a mutation. options can have root: true that allows to commit root mutations in namespaced modules. // not typed? store.commit("refreshDesktopNotificationState", null, {root: true}); if ("Notification" in window && value && Notification.permission !== "granted") { Notification.requestPermission(() => store.commit("refreshDesktopNotificationState", null, {root: true}) ).catch((e) => { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.error(e); }); } }, }, highlights: { default: "", sync: "always", }, highlightExceptions: { default: "", sync: "always", }, awayMessage: { default: "", sync: "always", }, links: { default: true, }, motd: { default: true, }, notification: { default: true, sync: "never", }, notifyAllMessages: { default: false, }, showSeconds: { default: false, }, use12hClock: { default: false, }, statusMessages: { default: "condensed", }, theme: { default: document.getElementById("theme")?.dataset.serverTheme, apply(store: TypedStore, value: string) { const themeEl = document.getElementById("theme"); const themeUrl = `themes/${value}.css`; if (!(themeEl instanceof HTMLLinkElement)) { throw new Error("theme element is not a link"); } const hrefAttr = themeEl.attributes.getNamedItem("href"); if (!hrefAttr) { throw new Error("theme is missing href attribute"); } if (hrefAttr.value === themeUrl) { return; } hrefAttr.value = themeUrl; if (!store.state.serverConfiguration) { return; } const newTheme = store.state.serverConfiguration?.themes.filter( (theme) => === value )[0]; const metaSelector = document.querySelector('meta[name="theme-color"]'); if (!(metaSelector instanceof HTMLMetaElement)) { throw new Error("theme meta element is not a meta element"); } if (metaSelector) { const themeColor = newTheme.themeColor || metaSelector.content; metaSelector.content = themeColor; } }, }, media: { default: true, }, uploadCanvas: { default: true, }, userStyles: { default: "", apply(store: TypedStore, value: string) { if (!/[?&]nocss/.test( { const element = document.getElementById("user-specified-css"); if (element) { element.innerHTML = value; } } }, }, searchEnabled: { default: false, }, }; export const config = normalizeConfig(defaultConfig); export function createState() { const state = {}; for (const settingName in config) { state[settingName] = config[settingName].default; } return state; } function normalizeConfig(obj: any) { const newConfig: Partial = {}; for (const settingName in obj) { newConfig[settingName] = {...defaultSettingConfig, ...obj[settingName]}; } return newConfig as typeof defaultConfig; } // flatten to type of default export type SettingsState = { [key in keyof typeof defaultConfig]: typeof defaultConfig[key]["default"]; };