
The Lounge is loading…

Loading the app… Make sure to have JavaScript enabled.

This is taking longer than it should, there might be connectivity issues.

Sign in to The Lounge

<%= public ? "The Lounge - " : "" %> Connect <%= !displayNetwork && lockNetwork ? "to " + defaults.name : "" %>


Network settings


User preferences

<% if (!useHexIp) { %>
<% } %>



Visual Aids


<% if (typeof prefetch === "undefined" || prefetch !== false) { %>

Links and URLs

<% } %>


<% if (!public && !ldap.enable) { %>

Change password

<% } %>

Custom Stylesheet


Keyboard Shortcuts

On Windows / Linux

Ctrl + /

Switch to the previous/next window in the channel list

Ctrl + Shift + L

Clear the current screen

On macOS

+ /

Switch to the previous/next window in the channel list

+ K

Clear the current screen


/away [message]

Mark yourself as away with an optional message.


Remove your away status (set with /away).


Clear the current screen.

/connect host [port]

Connect to a new IRC network. If port starts with a + sign, the connection will be made secure using TLS.

Alias: /server

/ctcp target cmd [args]

Send a CTCP request. Read more about this on the dedicated Wikipedia article.

/deop nick [...nick]

Remove op (-o) from one or several users in the current channel.

/devoice nick [...nick]

Remove voice (-v) from one or several users in the current channel.

/disconnect [message]

Disconnect from the current network with an optionally-provided message.

/invite nick [channel]

Invite a user to the specified channel. If channel is ommitted, user will be invited to the current channel.

/join channel

Join a channel.

/kick nick

Kick a user from the current channel.


Retrieve a list of available channels on this network.

/me message

Send an action message to the current channel. The Lounge will display it inline, as if the message was posted in the third person.

/mode flags [args]

Set the given flags to the current channel if the active window is a channel, another user if the active window is a private message window, or yourself if the current window is a server window.

/msg channel message

Send a message to the specified channel.

/nick newnick

Change your nickname on the current network.

/notice channel message

Sends a notice message to the specified channel.

/op nick [...nick]

Give op (+o) to one or several users in the current channel.


Close the current channel or private message window.

Aliases: /close, /leave

/query nick

Send a private message to the specified user.

/quit [message]

Disconnect from the current network with an optional message.

/raw message

Send a raw message to the current IRC network.

Aliases: /quote, /send

/slap nick

Slap someone in the current channel with a trout!

/topic newtopic

Set the topic in the current channel.

/voice nick [...nick]

Give voice (+v) to one or several users in the current channel.

/whois nick

Retrieve information about the given user on the current network.

About The Lounge

<% if (gitCommit) { %> The Lounge is running from source (<%= gitCommit %>).
<% } else { %> The Lounge is in version <%= version %> (See release notes).
<% } %> Website
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