"use strict"; const log = require("../../log"); const program = require("commander"); const child = require("child_process"); const colors = require("chalk"); const fs = require("fs"); const Helper = require("../../helper"); const Utils = require("../utils"); program .command("edit ") .description(`Edit user file located at ${colors.green(Helper.getUserConfigPath(""))}`) .on("--help", Utils.extraHelp) .action(function(name) { if (!fs.existsSync(Helper.getUsersPath())) { log.error(`${Helper.getUsersPath()} does not exist.`); return; } const ClientManager = require("../../clientManager"); const users = new ClientManager().getUsers(); if (users === undefined) { // There was an error, already logged return; } if (!users.includes(name)) { log.error(`User ${colors.bold(name)} does not exist.`); return; } const child_spawn = child.spawn( process.env.EDITOR || "vi", [Helper.getUserConfigPath(name)], {stdio: "inherit"} ); child_spawn.on("error", function() { log.error( `Unable to open ${colors.green(Helper.getUserConfigPath(name))}. ${colors.bold( "$EDITOR" )} is not set, and ${colors.bold("vi")} was not found.` ); }); });