import constants from "./constants"; import Mousetrap from "mousetrap"; import {Strategy, Textcomplete, StrategyProps} from "@textcomplete/core"; import {TextareaEditor} from "@textcomplete/textarea"; import fuzzy from "fuzzy"; import emojiMap from "./helpers/simplemap.json"; import {store} from "./store"; export default enableAutocomplete; const emojiSearchTerms = Object.keys(emojiMap); const emojiStrategy: StrategyProps = { id: "emoji", match: /(^|\s):([-+\w:?]{2,}):?$/, search(term: string, callback: (matches) => void) { // Trim colon from the matched term, // as we are unable to get a clean string from match regex term = term.replace(/:$/, ""); callback(fuzzyGrep(term, emojiSearchTerms)); }, template([string, original]: [string, string]) { return `${String(emojiMap[original])} ${string}`; }, replace([, original]: [string, string]) { return "$1" + String(emojiMap[original]); }, index: 2, }; const nicksStrategy: StrategyProps = { id: "nicks", match: /(^|\s)(@([a-zA-Z_[\]\\^{}|`@][a-zA-Z0-9_[\]\\^{}|`-]*)?)$/, search(term: string, callback: (matches: string[] | string[][]) => void) { term = term.slice(1); if (term[0] === "@") { // TODO: type // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/restrict-plus-operands callback(completeNicks(term.slice(1), true).map((val) => ["@" + val[0], "@" + val[1]])); } else { callback(completeNicks(term, true)); } }, template([string]: [string, string]) { return string; }, replace([, original]: [string, string]) { return "$1" + replaceNick(original); }, index: 2, }; const chanStrategy: StrategyProps = { id: "chans", match: /(^|\s)((?:#|\+|&|![A-Z0-9]{5})(?:[^\s]+)?)$/, search(term: string, callback: (matches: string[][]) => void) { callback(completeChans(term)); }, template([string]: [string, string]) { return string; }, replace([, original]: [string, string]) { return "$1" + original; }, index: 2, }; const commandStrategy: StrategyProps = { id: "commands", match: /^\/(\w*)$/, search(term: string, callback: (matches: string[][]) => void) { callback(completeCommands("/" + term)); }, template([string]: [string, string]) { return string; }, replace([, original]: [string, string]) { return original; }, index: 1, }; const foregroundColorStrategy: StrategyProps = { id: "foreground-colors", match: /\x03(\d{0,2}|[A-Za-z ]{0,10})$/, search(term: string, callback: (matches: string[][]) => void) { term = term.toLowerCase(); const matchingColorCodes = constants.colorCodeMap .filter((i) => fuzzy.test(term, i[0]) || fuzzy.test(term, i[1])) .map((i) => { if (fuzzy.test(term, i[1])) { return [ i[0], fuzzy.match(term, i[1], { pre: "", post: "", }).rendered, ]; } return i; }); callback(matchingColorCodes); }, template(value: string[]) { return `${value[1]}`; }, replace(value: string) { return "\x03" + value[0]; }, index: 1, }; const backgroundColorStrategy: StrategyProps = { id: "background-colors", match: /\x03(\d{2}),(\d{0,2}|[A-Za-z ]{0,10})$/, search(term: string, callback: (matchingColorCodes: string[][]) => void, match: string[]) { term = term.toLowerCase(); const matchingColorCodes = constants.colorCodeMap .filter((i) => fuzzy.test(term, i[0]) || fuzzy.test(term, i[1])) .map((pair) => { if (fuzzy.test(term, pair[1])) { return [ pair[0], fuzzy.match(term, pair[1], { pre: "", post: "", }).rendered, ]; } return pair; }) .map((pair) => pair.concat(match[1])); // Needed to pass fg color to `template`... callback(matchingColorCodes); }, template(value: string[]) { return `${value[1]}`; }, replace(value: string[]) { return "\x03$1," + value[0]; }, index: 2, }; function enableAutocomplete(input: HTMLTextAreaElement) { let tabCount = 0; let lastMatch = ""; let currentMatches: string[] | string[][] = []; input.addEventListener("input", (e) => { if ((e as CustomEvent).detail === "autocomplete") { return; } tabCount = 0; currentMatches = []; lastMatch = ""; }); Mousetrap(input).bind( "tab", (e) => { if (store.state.isAutoCompleting) { return; } e.preventDefault(); const text = input.value; if (tabCount === 0) { lastMatch = text.substring(0, input.selectionStart).split(/\s/).pop() || ""; if (lastMatch.length === 0) { return; } currentMatches = completeNicks(lastMatch, false); if (currentMatches.length === 0) { return; } } const position = input.selectionStart - lastMatch.length; const newMatch = replaceNick( // TODO: type this properly String(currentMatches[tabCount % currentMatches.length]), position ); const remainder = text.substring(input.selectionStart); input.value = text.substr(0, position) + newMatch + remainder; input.selectionStart -= remainder.length; input.selectionEnd = input.selectionStart; // Propagate change to Vue model input.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent("input", { detail: "autocomplete", }) ); lastMatch = newMatch; tabCount++; }, "keydown" ); const strategies = [ emojiStrategy, nicksStrategy, chanStrategy, commandStrategy, foregroundColorStrategy, backgroundColorStrategy, ]; const editor = new TextareaEditor(input); const textcomplete = new Textcomplete(editor, strategies, { dropdown: { className: "textcomplete-menu", placement: "top", }, }); textcomplete.on("show", () => { store.commit("isAutoCompleting", true); }); textcomplete.on("hidden", () => { store.commit("isAutoCompleting", false); }); return { hide() { textcomplete.hide(); }, destroy() { textcomplete.destroy(); store.commit("isAutoCompleting", false); }, }; } function replaceNick(original: string, position = 1) { // If no postfix specified, return autocompleted nick as-is if (!store.state.settings.nickPostfix) { return original; } // If there is whitespace in the input already, append space to nick if (position > 0 && /\s/.test(store.state.activeChannel?.channel.pendingMessage || "")) { return original + " "; } // If nick is first in the input, append specified postfix return original + store.state.settings.nickPostfix; } function fuzzyGrep(term: string, array: Array) { const results = fuzzy.filter(term, array, { pre: "", post: "", }); return => [el.string, el.original]); } function rawNicks() { if (!store.state.activeChannel) { return []; } if ( > 0) { const users =; return users.sort((a, b) => b.lastMessage - a.lastMessage).map((u) => u.nick); } const me =; const otherUser =; // If this is a query, add their name to autocomplete if (me !== otherUser && === "query") { return [otherUser, me]; } // Return our own name by default for anything that isn't a channel or query return [me]; } function completeNicks(word: string, isFuzzy: boolean) { const users = rawNicks(); word = word.toLowerCase(); if (isFuzzy) { return fuzzyGrep(word, users); } return users.filter((w) => !w.toLowerCase().indexOf(word)); } function getCommands() { let cmds = constants.commands.slice(); if (!store.state.settings.searchEnabled) { cmds = cmds.filter((c) => c !== "/search"); } return cmds; } function completeCommands(word: string) { const commands = getCommands(); return fuzzyGrep(word, commands); } function completeChans(word: string) { const words: string[] = []; if (store.state.activeChannel) { for (const channel of { // Push all channels that start with the same CHANTYPE if (channel.type === "channel" &&[0] === word[0]) { words.push(; } } } return fuzzyGrep(word, words); }