"use strict"; const $ = require("jquery"); const socket = require("../socket"); const templates = require("../../views"); const options = require("../options"); const webpush = require("../webpush"); socket.on("configuration", function(data) { if (options.initialized) { // Likely a reconnect, request sync for possibly missed settings. socket.emit("setting:get"); return; } $("#settings").html(templates.windows.settings(data)); $("#connect").html(templates.windows.connect(data)); $("#help").html(templates.windows.help(data)); $("#changelog").html(templates.windows.changelog()); $("#play").on("click", () => { const pop = new Audio(); pop.src = "audio/pop.ogg"; pop.play(); }); options.initialize(); webpush.initialize(); const forms = $("#connect form, #change-password form"); forms.on("submit", function() { const form = $(this); const event = form.data("event"); form.find(".btn").prop("disabled", true); const values = {}; $.each(form.serializeArray(), function(i, obj) { if (obj.value !== "") { values[obj.name] = obj.value; } }); socket.emit(event, values); return false; }); $(".nick") .on("focusin", function() { // Need to set the first "lastvalue", so it can be used in the below function const nick = $(this); nick.data("lastvalue", nick.val()); }) .on("input", function() { const nick = $(this).val(); const usernameInput = forms.find(".username"); // Because this gets called /after/ it has already changed, we need use the previous value const lastValue = $(this).data("lastvalue"); // They were the same before the change, so update the username field if (usernameInput.val() === lastValue) { usernameInput.val(nick); } // Store the "previous" value, for next time $(this).data("lastvalue", nick); }); });