"use strict"; var _ = require("lodash"); var pkg = require("../package.json"); var bcrypt = require("bcrypt-nodejs"); var Client = require("./client"); var ClientManager = require("./clientManager"); var express = require("express"); var fs = require("fs"); var io = require("socket.io"); var dns = require("dns"); var Helper = require("./helper"); var ldap = require("ldapjs"); var manager = null; var ldapclient = null; var authFunction = localAuth; module.exports = function() { manager = new ClientManager(); var app = express() .use(allRequests) .use(index) .use(express.static("client")); var config = Helper.config; var server = null; if (config.public && (config.ldap || {}).enable) { log.warn("Server is public and set to use LDAP. Set to private mode if trying to use LDAP authentication."); } if (!config.https.enable) { server = require("http"); server = server.createServer(app).listen(config.port, config.host); } else { server = require("spdy"); server = server.createServer({ key: fs.readFileSync(Helper.expandHome(config.https.key)), cert: fs.readFileSync(Helper.expandHome(config.https.certificate)) }, app).listen(config.port, config.host); } if (config.identd.enable) { if (manager.identHandler) { log.warn("Using both identd and oidentd at the same time!"); } require("./identd").start(config.identd.port); } if (!config.public && (config.ldap || {}).enable) { ldapclient = ldap.createClient({ url: config.ldap.url }); authFunction = ldapAuth; } var sockets = io(server, { transports: config.transports }); sockets.on("connect", function(socket) { if (config.public) { auth.call(socket); } else { init(socket); } }); manager.sockets = sockets; var protocol = config.https.enable ? "https" : "http"; log.info("The Lounge v" + pkg.version + " is now running on", protocol + "://" + (config.host || "*") + ":" + config.port + "/", (config.public ? "in public mode" : "in private mode")); log.info("Press ctrl-c to stop\n"); if (!config.public) { manager.loadUsers(); if (config.autoload) { manager.autoload(); } } }; function getClientIp(req) { var ip; if (!Helper.config.reverseProxy) { ip = req.connection.remoteAddress; } else { ip = req.headers["x-forwarded-for"] || req.connection.remoteAddress; } return ip.replace(/^::ffff:/, ""); } function allRequests(req, res, next) { res.setHeader("X-Content-Type-Options", "nosniff"); return next(); } // Information to populate the About section in UI, either from npm or from git var gitCommit = null; try { gitCommit = require("child_process") .execSync("git rev-parse --short HEAD 2> /dev/null") // Returns hash of current commit .toString() .trim(); } catch (e) { // Not a git repository or git is not installed: treat it as npm release } function index(req, res, next) { if (req.url.split("?")[0] !== "/") { return next(); } return fs.readFile("client/index.html", "utf-8", function(err, file) { var data = _.merge( pkg, Helper.config ); data.gitCommit = gitCommit; data.themes = fs.readdirSync("client/themes/").filter(function(file) { return file.endsWith(".css"); }).map(function(css) { return css.slice(0, -4); }); var template = _.template(file); res.setHeader("Content-Security-Policy", "default-src *; style-src * 'unsafe-inline'; script-src 'self'; child-src 'none'; object-src 'none'; form-action 'none'; referrer no-referrer;"); res.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html"); res.writeHead(200); res.end(template(data)); }); } function init(socket, client) { if (!client) { socket.emit("auth", {success: true}); socket.on("auth", auth); } else { socket.on( "input", function(data) { client.input(data); } ); socket.on( "more", function(data) { client.more(data); } ); socket.on( "conn", function(data) { // prevent people from overriding webirc settings data.ip = null; data.hostname = null; client.connect(data); } ); if (!Helper.config.public && !Helper.config.ldap.enable) { socket.on( "change-password", function(data) { var old = data.old_password; var p1 = data.new_password; var p2 = data.verify_password; if (typeof p1 === "undefined" || p1 === "") { socket.emit("change-password", { error: "Please enter a new password" }); return; } if (p1 !== p2) { socket.emit("change-password", { error: "Both new password fields must match" }); return; } if (!bcrypt.compareSync(old || "", client.config.password)) { socket.emit("change-password", { error: "The current password field does not match your account password" }); return; } var salt = bcrypt.genSaltSync(8); var hash = bcrypt.hashSync(p1, salt); client.setPassword(hash, function(success) { var obj = {}; if (success) { obj.success = "Successfully updated your password, all your other sessions were logged out"; obj.token = client.config.token; } else { obj.error = "Failed to update your password"; } socket.emit("change-password", obj); }); } ); } socket.on( "open", function(data) { client.open(data); } ); socket.on( "sort", function(data) { client.sort(data); } ); socket.on( "names", function(data) { client.names(data); } ); socket.join(client.id); socket.emit("init", { active: client.activeChannel, networks: client.networks, token: client.config.token || null }); } } function reverseDnsLookup(socket, client) { client.ip = getClientIp(socket.request); dns.reverse(client.ip, function(err, host) { if (!err && host.length) { client.hostname = host[0]; } else { client.hostname = client.ip; } init(socket, client); }); } function localAuth(client, user, password, callback) { var result = false; try { result = bcrypt.compareSync(password || "", client.config.password); } catch (error) { if (error === "Not a valid BCrypt hash.") { log.error("User (" + user + ") with no local password set tried to sign in. (Probably a LDAP user)"); } result = false; } finally { callback(result); } } function ldapAuth(client, user, password, callback) { var userDN = user.replace(/([,\\\/#+<>;"= ])/g, "\\$1"); var bindDN = Helper.config.ldap.primaryKey + "=" + userDN + "," + Helper.config.ldap.baseDN; ldapclient.bind(bindDN, password, function(err) { if (!err && !client) { if (!manager.addUser(user, null)) { log.error("Unable to create new user", user); } } callback(!err); }); } function auth(data) { var socket = this; var client; if (Helper.config.public) { client = new Client(manager); manager.clients.push(client); socket.on("disconnect", function() { manager.clients = _.without(manager.clients, client); client.quit(); }); if (Helper.config.webirc) { reverseDnsLookup(socket, client); } else { init(socket, client); } } else { client = manager.findClient(data.user, data.token); var signedIn = data.token && client && data.token === client.config.token; var token; if (client && (data.remember || data.token)) { token = client.config.token; } var authCallback = function(success) { if (success) { if (!client) { // LDAP just created a user manager.loadUser(data.user); client = manager.findClient(data.user); } if (Helper.config.webirc !== null && !client.config["ip"]) { reverseDnsLookup(socket, client); } else { init(socket, client, token); } } else { socket.emit("auth", {success: success}); } }; if (signedIn) { authCallback(true); } else { authFunction(client, data.user, data.password, authCallback); } } }