"use strict"; const expect = require("chai").expect; const stub = require("sinon").stub; const log = require("../../src/log"); const Client = require("../../src/client"); const TestUtil = require("../util"); describe("Custom highlights", function () { let userLoadedLog = ""; stub(log, "info").callsFake(TestUtil.sanitizeLog((str) => (userLoadedLog += str))); const client = new Client( { clients: [], getDataToSave() { return { newUser: "", newHash: "", }; }, }, "test", { clientSettings: {highlights: "foo, @all, sp ace , 고"}, } ); log.info.restore(); expect(userLoadedLog).to.equal("User test loaded\n"); it("should NOT highlight", function () { const teststrings = [ "and foos stuff", "test foobar", "testfoo bar", "fooö", "wtf@all", "foo고", "test고", "space", "sp:ace", ]; for (const teststring of teststrings) { expect(teststring).to.not.match(client.highlightRegex); } }); it("should highlight", function () { const teststrings = [ "Hey foo hello", "hey Foo: hi", "hey Foo, hi", "<foo> testing", "foo", "hey @all test", "testing foo's stuff", '"foo"', '"@all"', "foo!", "www.foo.bar", "www.bar.foo/page", "고", "test 고", "고!", "www.고.com", "hey @Foo", "hey ~Foo", "hey +Foo", "hello &foo", "@all", "@all wtf", "wtf @all", "@@all", "@고", "f00 sp ace: bar", ]; for (const teststring of teststrings) { expect(teststring).to.match(client.highlightRegex); } }); it("should trim custom highlights in the compiled regex", function () { expect(client.highlightRegex).to.match(/\(\?:foo\|@all\|sp ace\|고\)/); }); it("should NOT compile a regex", function () { // test updating the regex and invalid custom hl inputs client.config.clientSettings.highlights = ",,"; client.compileCustomHighlights(); expect(client.highlightRegex).to.be.null; client.config.clientSettings.highlights = " "; client.compileCustomHighlights(); expect(client.highlightRegex).to.be.null; }); });