<div class="header">
	<button class="lt" aria-label="Toggle channel list"></button>
<div class="container">
	<h1 class="title">Help</h1>

		<small class="pull-right">
			(<a href="#" id="view-changelog" data-target="#changelog">release notes</a>)
		About The Lounge

	<div class="about">
		<div id="version-checker"></div>

		{{#if gitCommit}}
				The Lounge is running from source
				(<a href="https://github.com/thelounge/thelounge/tree/{{gitCommit}}" target="_blank" rel="noopener">commit <code>{{gitCommit}}</code></a>).

					<a href="https://github.com/thelounge/thelounge/compare/{{gitCommit}}...master" target="_blank" rel="noopener">between <code>{{gitCommit}}</code> and <code>master</code></a>
					to see what you are missing
					<a href="https://github.com/thelounge/thelounge/compare/{{version}}...{{gitCommit}}" target="_blank" rel="noopener">between <code>{{version}}</code> and <code>{{gitCommit}}</code></a>
					to see your local changes</li>

			<a href="https://thelounge.chat/" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="website-link">Website</a>
			<a href="https://thelounge.chat/docs/" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="documentation-link">Documentation</a>
			<a href="https://github.com/thelounge/thelounge/issues/new" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="report-issue-link">Report an issue…</a>

	<h2>Keyboard Shortcuts</h2>

	<div class="help-item">
		<div class="subject">
			<span class="key-all"><kbd>Alt</kbd> <kbd>Shift</kbd> <kbd>↓</kbd></span>
			<span class="key-apple"><kbd>⌥</kbd> <kbd>⇧</kbd> <kbd>↓</kbd></span>
		<div class="description">
			<p>Switch to the next lobby in the channel list.</p>

	<div class="help-item">
		<div class="subject">
			<span class="key-all"><kbd>Alt</kbd> <kbd>Shift</kbd> <kbd>↑</kbd></span>
			<span class="key-apple"><kbd>⌥</kbd> <kbd>⇧</kbd> <kbd>↑</kbd></span>
		<div class="description">
			<p>Switch to the previous lobby in the channel list.</p>

	<div class="help-item">
		<div class="subject">
			<span class="key-all"><kbd>Alt</kbd> <kbd>↓</kbd></span>
			<span class="key-apple"><kbd>⌥</kbd> <kbd>↓</kbd></span>
		<div class="description">
			<p>Switch to the next window in the channel list.</p>

	<div class="help-item">
		<div class="subject">
			<span class="key-all"><kbd>Alt</kbd> <kbd>↑</kbd></span>
			<span class="key-apple"><kbd>⌥</kbd> <kbd>↑</kbd></span>
		<div class="description">
			<p>Switch to the previous window in the channel list.</p>

	<div class="help-item">
		<div class="subject">
			<span class="key-all"><kbd>Ctrl</kbd> <kbd>K</kbd></span>
			<span class="key-apple"><kbd>⌘</kbd> <kbd>K</kbd></span>
		<div class="description">
				Mark any text typed after this shortcut to be colored. After
				hitting this shortcut, enter an integer in the range
				<code>0—15</code> to select the desired color, or use the
				autocompletion menu to choose a color name (see below).
				Background color can be specified by putting a comma and
				another integer in the range <code>0—15</code> after the
				foreground color number (autocompletion works too).
				A color reference can be found
				<a href="https://modern.ircdocs.horse/formatting.html#colors" target="_blank" rel="noopener">here</a>.

	<div class="help-item">
		<div class="subject">
			<span class="key-all"><kbd>Ctrl</kbd> <kbd>B</kbd></span>
			<span class="key-apple"><kbd>⌘</kbd> <kbd>B</kbd></span>
		<div class="description">
			<p>Mark all text typed after this shortcut as <span class="irc-bold">bold</span>.</p>

	<div class="help-item">
		<div class="subject">
			<span class="key-all"><kbd>Ctrl</kbd> <kbd>U</kbd></span>
			<span class="key-apple"><kbd>⌘</kbd> <kbd>U</kbd></span>
		<div class="description">
			<p>Mark all text typed after this shortcut as <span class="irc-underline">underlined</span>.</p>

	<div class="help-item">
		<div class="subject">
			<span class="key-all"><kbd>Ctrl</kbd> <kbd>I</kbd></span>
			<span class="key-apple"><kbd>⌘</kbd> <kbd>I</kbd></span>
		<div class="description">
			<p>Mark all text typed after this shortcut as <span class="irc-italic">italics</span>.</p>

	<div class="help-item">
		<div class="subject">
			<span class="key-all"><kbd>Ctrl</kbd> <kbd>S</kbd></span>
			<span class="key-apple"><kbd>⌘</kbd> <kbd>S</kbd></span>
		<div class="description">
			<p>Mark all text typed after this shortcut as <span class="irc-strikethrough">struck through</span>.</p>

	<div class="help-item">
		<div class="subject">
			<span class="key-all"><kbd>Ctrl</kbd> <kbd>M</kbd></span>
			<span class="key-apple"><kbd>⌘</kbd> <kbd>M</kbd></span>
		<div class="description">
			<p>Mark all text typed after this shortcut as <span class="irc-monospace">monospaced</span>.</p>

	<div class="help-item">
		<div class="subject">
			<span class="key-all"><kbd>Ctrl</kbd> <kbd>O</kbd></span>
			<span class="key-apple"><kbd>⌘</kbd> <kbd>O</kbd></span>
		<div class="description">
				Mark all text typed after this shortcut to be reset to its
				original formatting.


		To auto-complete nicknames, channels, commands, and emoji, type one of the characters below to open
		a suggestion list. Use the <kbd>↑</kbd> and <kbd>↓</kbd> keys to highlight an item, and insert it by
		pressing <kbd>Tab</kbd> or <kbd>Enter</kbd> (or by clicking the desired item).
		Autocompletion can be disabled in settings.

	<div class="help-item">
		<div class="subject">
		<div class="description">

	<div class="help-item">
		<div class="subject">
		<div class="description">

	<div class="help-item">
		<div class="subject">
		<div class="description">
			<p>Commands (see list of commands below)</p>

	<div class="help-item">
		<div class="subject">
		<div class="description">
			<p>Emoji (note: requires two search characters, to avoid conflicting with common emoticons like <code>:)</code>)</p>


	<div class="help-item">
		<div class="subject">
			<code>/away [message]</code>
		<div class="description">
			<p>Mark yourself as away with an optional message.</p>

	<div class="help-item">
		<div class="subject">
		<div class="description">
			<p>Remove your away status (set with <code>/away</code>).</p>

	<div class="help-item">
		<div class="subject">
			<code>/ban nick</code>
		<div class="description">
			<p>Ban (<code>+b</code>) a user from the current channel.
			This can be a nickname or a hostmask.</p>

	<div class="help-item">
		<div class="subject">
		<div class="description">
			<p>Load the banlist for the current channel.</p>

	<div class="help-item">
		<div class="subject">
		<div class="description">
				Collapse all previews in the current channel (opposite of

	<div class="help-item">
		<div class="subject">
			<code>/connect host [port]</code>
		<div class="description">
				Connect to a new IRC network. If <code>port</code> starts with
				a <code>+</code> sign, the connection will be made secure
				using TLS.
			<p>Alias: <code>/server</code></p>

	<div class="help-item">
		<div class="subject">
			<code>/ctcp target cmd [args]</code>
		<div class="description">
				Send a <abbr title="Client-to-client protocol">CTCP</abbr>
				request. Read more about this on
				<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Client-to-client_protocol" target="_blank" rel="noopener">the dedicated Wikipedia article</a>.

	<div class="help-item">
		<div class="subject">
			<code>/deop nick [...nick]</code>
		<div class="description">
				Remove op (<code>-o</code>) from one or several users in the
				current channel.

	<div class="help-item">
		<div class="subject">
			<code>/devoice nick [...nick]</code>
		<div class="description">
				Remove voice (<code>-v</code>) from one or several users in
				the current channel.

	<div class="help-item">
		<div class="subject">
			<code>/disconnect [message]</code>
		<div class="description">
				Disconnect from the current network with an
				optionally-provided message.

	<div class="help-item">
		<div class="subject">
		<div class="description">
				Expand all previews in the current channel (opposite of

	<div class="help-item">
		<div class="subject">
			<code>/invite nick [channel]</code>
		<div class="description">
				Invite a user to the specified channel. If
				<code>channel</code> is ommitted, user will be invited to the
				current channel.

	<div class="help-item">
		<div class="subject">
			<code>/ignore nick</code>
		<div class="description">
				Block any messages from the specified user on the current network.
				This can be a nickname or a hostmask.</p>

	<div class="help-item">
		<div class="subject">
		<div class="description">
			<p>Load the list of ignored users for the current network.</p>

	<div class="help-item">
		<div class="subject">
			<code>/join channel</code>
		<div class="description">
			<p>Join a channel.</p>

	<div class="help-item">
		<div class="subject">
			<code>/kick nick</code>
		<div class="description">
			<p>Kick a user from the current channel.</p>

	<div class="help-item">
		<div class="subject">
		<div class="description">
			<p>Retrieve a list of available channels on this network.</p>

	<div class="help-item">
		<div class="subject">
			<code>/me message</code>
		<div class="description">
				Send an action message to the current channel. The Lounge will
				display it inline, as if the message was posted in the third

	<div class="help-item">
		<div class="subject">
			<code>/mode flags [args]</code>
		<div class="description">
				Set the given flags to the current channel if the active
				window is a channel, another user if the active window is a
				private message window, or yourself if the current window is a
				server window.

	<div class="help-item">
		<div class="subject">
			<code>/msg channel message</code>
		<div class="description">
			<p>Send a message to the specified channel.</p>

	<div class="help-item">
		<div class="subject">
			<code>/nick newnick</code>
		<div class="description">
			<p>Change your nickname on the current network.</p>

	<div class="help-item">
		<div class="subject">
			<code>/notice channel message</code>
		<div class="description">
			<p>Sends a notice message to the specified channel.</p>

	<div class="help-item">
		<div class="subject">
			<code>/op nick [...nick]</code>
		<div class="description">
				Give op (<code>+o</code>) to one or several users in the
				current channel.

	<div class="help-item">
		<div class="subject">
			<code>/part [channel]</code>
		<div class="description">
				Close the specified channel or private message window, or the
				current channel if <code>channel</code> is ommitted.
			<p>Aliases: <code>/close</code>, <code>/leave</code></p>

	<div class="help-item">
		<div class="subject">
		<div class="description">
				Leave and immediately rejoin the current channel. Useful to
				quickly get op from ChanServ in an empty channel, for example.
			<p>Alias: <code>/cycle</code></p>

	<div class="help-item">
		<div class="subject">
			<code>/query nick</code>
		<div class="description">
			<p>Send a private message to the specified user.</p>

	<div class="help-item">
		<div class="subject">
			<code>/quit [message]</code>
		<div class="description">
				Disconnect from the current network with an optional message.

	<div class="help-item">
		<div class="subject">
			<code>/raw message</code>
		<div class="description">
			<p>Send a raw message to the current IRC network.</p>
			<p>Aliases: <code>/quote</code>, <code>/send</code></p>

	<div class="help-item">
		<div class="subject">
			<code>/slap nick</code>
		<div class="description">
			<p>Slap someone in the current channel with a trout!</p>

	<div class="help-item">
		<div class="subject">
			<code>/topic newtopic</code>
		<div class="description">
			<p>Set the topic in the current channel.</p>

	<div class="help-item">
		<div class="subject">
			<code>/unban nick</code>
		<div class="description">
			<p>Unban (<code>-b</code>) a user from the current channel.
				This can be a nickname or a hostmask.</p>

	<div class="help-item">
		<div class="subject">
			<code>/unignore nick</code>
		<div class="description">
				Unblock messages from the specified user on the current network.
				This can be a nickname or a hostmask.</p>

	<div class="help-item">
		<div class="subject">
			<code>/voice nick [...nick]</code>
		<div class="description">
				Give voice (<code>+v</code>) to one or several users in the
				current channel.

	<div class="help-item">
		<div class="subject">
			<code>/whois nick</code>
		<div class="description">
				Retrieve information about the given user on the current