"use strict"; const path = require("path"); const expect = require("chai").expect; const util = require("../util"); const Helper = require("../../src/helper"); const link = require("../../src/plugins/irc-events/link.js"); describe("Link plugin", function() { // Increase timeout due to unpredictable I/O on CI services this.timeout(process.env.CI ? 25000 : 5000); this.slow(200); let app; beforeEach(function(done) { app = util.createWebserver(); app.get("/real-test-image.png", function(req, res) { res.sendFile(path.resolve(__dirname, "../../client/img/logo-grey-bg-120x120px.png")); }); this.connection = app.listen(0, () => { this.port = this.connection.address().port; done(); }); this.irc = util.createClient(); this.network = util.createNetwork(); Helper.config.prefetchStorage = false; }); afterEach(function(done) { this.connection.close(done); }); it("should be able to fetch basic information about URLs", function(done) { const url = "http://localhost:" + this.port + "/basic"; const message = this.irc.createMessage({ text: url, }); link(this.irc, this.network.channels[0], message); expect(message.previews).to.deep.equal([ { body: "", head: "", link: url, thumb: "", size: -1, type: "loading", shown: true, }, ]); app.get("/basic", function(req, res) { res.send( "<title>test title</title><meta name='description' content='simple description'>" ); }); this.irc.once("msg:preview", function(data) { expect(data.preview.type).to.equal("link"); expect(data.preview.head).to.equal("test title"); expect(data.preview.body).to.equal("simple description"); expect(data.preview.link).to.equal(url); expect(message.previews).to.deep.equal([data.preview]); done(); }); }); it("should prefer og:title over title", function(done) { const message = this.irc.createMessage({ text: "http://localhost:" + this.port + "/basic-og", }); link(this.irc, this.network.channels[0], message); app.get("/basic-og", function(req, res) { res.send("<title>test</title><meta property='og:title' content='opengraph test'>"); }); this.irc.once("msg:preview", function(data) { expect(data.preview.head).to.equal("opengraph test"); done(); }); }); it("should find only the first matching tag", function(done) { const message = this.irc.createMessage({ text: "http://localhost:" + this.port + "/duplicate-tags", }); link(this.irc, this.network.channels[0], message); app.get("/duplicate-tags", function(req, res) { res.send( "<title>test</title><title>magnifying glass icon</title><meta name='description' content='desc1'><meta name='description' content='desc2'>" ); }); this.irc.once("msg:preview", function(data) { expect(data.preview.head).to.equal("test"); expect(data.preview.body).to.equal("desc1"); done(); }); }); it("should prefer og:description over description", function(done) { const message = this.irc.createMessage({ text: "http://localhost:" + this.port + "/description-og", }); link(this.irc, this.network.channels[0], message); app.get("/description-og", function(req, res) { res.send( "<meta name='description' content='simple description'><meta property='og:description' content='opengraph description'>" ); }); this.irc.once("msg:preview", function(data) { expect(data.preview.body).to.equal("opengraph description"); done(); }); }); it("should find og:image with full url", function(done) { const port = this.port; const message = this.irc.createMessage({ text: "http://localhost:" + this.port + "/thumb", }); link(this.irc, this.network.channels[0], message); app.get("/thumb", function(req, res) { res.send( "<title>Google</title><meta property='og:image' content='http://localhost:" + port + "/real-test-image.png'>" ); }); this.irc.once("msg:preview", function(data) { expect(data.preview.head).to.equal("Google"); expect(data.preview.thumb).to.equal( "http://localhost:" + port + "/real-test-image.png" ); done(); }); }); it("should find image_src", function(done) { const port = this.port; const message = this.irc.createMessage({ text: "http://localhost:" + this.port + "/thumb-image-src", }); link(this.irc, this.network.channels[0], message); app.get("/thumb-image-src", function(req, res) { res.send( "<link rel='image_src' href='http://localhost:" + port + "/real-test-image.png'>" ); }); this.irc.once("msg:preview", function(data) { expect(data.preview.thumb).to.equal( "http://localhost:" + port + "/real-test-image.png" ); done(); }); }); it("should correctly resolve relative protocol", function(done) { const port = this.port; const message = this.irc.createMessage({ text: "http://localhost:" + this.port + "/thumb-image-src", }); link(this.irc, this.network.channels[0], message); app.get("/thumb-image-src", function(req, res) { res.send("<link rel='image_src' href='//localhost:" + port + "/real-test-image.png'>"); }); this.irc.once("msg:preview", function(data) { expect(data.preview.thumb).to.equal( "http://localhost:" + port + "/real-test-image.png" ); done(); }); }); it("should resolve url correctly for relative url", function(done) { const port = this.port; const message = this.irc.createMessage({ text: "http://localhost:" + this.port + "/relative-thumb", }); link(this.irc, this.network.channels[0], message); app.get("/relative-thumb", function(req, res) { res.send( "<title>test relative image</title><meta property='og:image' content='/real-test-image.png'>" ); }); this.irc.once("msg:preview", function(data) { expect(data.preview.thumb).to.equal( "http://localhost:" + port + "/real-test-image.png" ); expect(data.preview.head).to.equal("test relative image"); expect(data.preview.link).to.equal("http://localhost:" + port + "/relative-thumb"); done(); }); }); it("should send untitled page if there is a thumbnail", function(done) { const port = this.port; const message = this.irc.createMessage({ text: "http://localhost:" + this.port + "/thumb-no-title", }); link(this.irc, this.network.channels[0], message); app.get("/thumb-no-title", function(req, res) { res.send( "<meta property='og:image' content='http://localhost:" + port + "/real-test-image.png'>" ); }); this.irc.once("msg:preview", function(data) { expect(data.preview.head).to.equal("Untitled page"); expect(data.preview.thumb).to.equal( "http://localhost:" + port + "/real-test-image.png" ); expect(data.preview.link).to.equal("http://localhost:" + port + "/thumb-no-title"); done(); }); }); it("should not send thumbnail if image is 404", function(done) { const port = this.port; const message = this.irc.createMessage({ text: "http://localhost:" + this.port + "/thumb-404", }); link(this.irc, this.network.channels[0], message); app.get("/thumb-404", function(req, res) { res.send( "<title>404 image</title><meta property='og:image' content='http://localhost:" + port + "/this-image-does-not-exist.png'>" ); }); this.irc.once("msg:preview", function(data) { expect(data.preview.head).to.equal("404 image"); expect(data.preview.link).to.equal("http://localhost:" + port + "/thumb-404"); expect(data.preview.thumb).to.be.empty; done(); }); }); it("should send image preview", function(done) { const port = this.port; const message = this.irc.createMessage({ text: "http://localhost:" + port + "/real-test-image.png", }); link(this.irc, this.network.channels[0], message); this.irc.once("msg:preview", function(data) { expect(data.preview.type).to.equal("image"); expect(data.preview.link).to.equal("http://localhost:" + port + "/real-test-image.png"); expect(data.preview.thumb).to.equal( "http://localhost:" + port + "/real-test-image.png" ); expect(data.preview.size).to.equal(960); done(); }); }); it("should load multiple URLs found in messages", function(done) { const port = this.port; const message = this.irc.createMessage({ text: "http://localhost:" + port + "/one http://localhost:" + this.port + "/two", }); link(this.irc, this.network.channels[0], message); expect(message.previews).to.eql([ { body: "", head: "", link: "http://localhost:" + port + "/one", thumb: "", size: -1, type: "loading", shown: true, }, { body: "", head: "", link: "http://localhost:" + port + "/two", thumb: "", size: -1, type: "loading", shown: true, }, ]); app.get("/one", function(req, res) { res.send("<title>first title</title>"); }); app.get("/two", function(req, res) { res.send("<title>second title</title>"); }); const previews = []; this.irc.on("msg:preview", function(data) { if (data.preview.link === "http://localhost:" + port + "/one") { expect(data.preview.head).to.equal("first title"); previews[0] = data.preview; } else if (data.preview.link === "http://localhost:" + port + "/two") { expect(data.preview.head).to.equal("second title"); previews[1] = data.preview; } if (previews[0] && previews[1]) { expect(message.previews).to.eql(previews); done(); } }); }); it("should use client's preferred language as Accept-Language header", function(done) { const language = "sv,en-GB;q=0.9,en;q=0.8"; this.irc.config.browser.language = language; app.get("/language-check", function(req, res) { expect(req.headers["accept-language"]).to.equal(language); res.send(); done(); }); const message = this.irc.createMessage({ text: "http://localhost:" + this.port + "/language-check", }); link(this.irc, this.network.channels[0], message); }); it("should send accept text/html for initial request", function(done) { app.get("/accept-header-html", function(req, res) { expect(req.headers.accept).to.equal( "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8" ); res.send(); done(); }); const message = this.irc.createMessage({ text: "http://localhost:" + this.port + "/accept-header-html", }); link(this.irc, this.network.channels[0], message); }); it("should send accept */* for meta image", function(done) { const port = this.port; app.get("/accept-header-thumb", function(req, res) { res.send( "<title>404 image</title><meta property='og:image' content='http://localhost:" + port + "/accept-header-thumb.png'>" ); }); app.get("/accept-header-thumb.png", function(req, res) { expect(req.headers.accept).to.equal("*/*"); res.send(); done(); }); const message = this.irc.createMessage({ text: "http://localhost:" + port + "/accept-header-thumb", }); link(this.irc, this.network.channels[0], message); }); it("should not add slash to url", function(done) { const port = this.port; const message = this.irc.createMessage({ text: "http://localhost:" + port + "", }); link(this.irc, this.network.channels[0], message); this.irc.once("msg:preview", function(data) { expect(data.preview.link).to.equal("http://localhost:" + port + ""); done(); }); }); it("should work on non-ASCII urls", function(done) { const message = this.irc.createMessage({ text: "http://localhost:" + this.port + "/unicode/ıoı-test " + "http://localhost:" + this.port + "/unicode/русский-текст-test " + "http://localhost:" + this.port + "/unicode/🙈-emoji-test " + "http://localhost:" + this.port + "/unicodeq/?q=ıoı-test " + "http://localhost:" + this.port + "/unicodeq/?q=русский-текст-test " + "http://localhost:" + this.port + "/unicodeq/?q=🙈-emoji-test", }); link(this.irc, this.network.channels[0], message); app.get("/unicode/:q", function(req, res) { res.send(`<title>${req.params.q}</title>`); }); app.get("/unicodeq/", function(req, res) { res.send(`<title>${req.query.q}</title>`); }); const previews = []; this.irc.on("msg:preview", function(data) { previews.push(data.preview.link); if (data.preview.link.includes("ıoı-test")) { expect(data.preview.head).to.equal("ıoı-test"); } else if (data.preview.link.includes("русский-текст-test")) { expect(data.preview.head).to.equal("русский-текст-test"); } else if (data.preview.link.includes("🙈-emoji-test")) { expect(data.preview.head).to.equal("🙈-emoji-test"); } else { expect("This should never happen").to.equal(data.preview.link); } if (previews.length === 5) { expect(message.previews.map((preview) => preview.link)).to.have.members(previews); done(); } }); }); it("should fetch protocol-aware links", function(done) { const port = this.port; const message = this.irc.createMessage({ text: "//localhost:" + port + "", }); link(this.irc, this.network.channels[0], message); this.irc.once("msg:preview", function(data) { expect(data.preview.link).to.equal("http://localhost:" + port + ""); done(); }); }); it("should de-duplicate links", function(done) { const port = this.port; const message = this.irc.createMessage({ text: "//localhost:" + port + " http://localhost:" + port + " http://localhost:" + port + "", }); link(this.irc, this.network.channels[0], message); expect(message.previews).to.deep.equal([ { type: "loading", head: "", body: "", thumb: "", size: -1, link: "http://localhost:" + port + "", shown: true, }, ]); this.irc.once("msg:preview", function(data) { expect(data.preview.link).to.equal("http://localhost:" + port + ""); done(); }); }); it("should not try to fetch links with wrong protocol", function() { const message = this.irc.createMessage({ text: "ssh://example.com ftp://example.com irc://example.com http:////////example.com", }); expect(message.previews).to.be.empty; }); it("should not try to fetch links with username or password", function() { const message = this.irc.createMessage({ text: "http://root:'some%pass'@hostname/database http://a:%p@c http://a:%p@example.com http://test@example.com", }); expect(message.previews).to.be.empty; }); it("should fetch same link only once at the same time", function(done) { const message = this.irc.createMessage({ text: "http://localhost:" + this.port + "/basic-og-once", }); let requests = 0; let responses = 0; this.irc.config.browser.language = "very nice language"; link(this.irc, this.network.channels[0], message); link(this.irc, this.network.channels[0], message); process.nextTick(() => link(this.irc, this.network.channels[0], message)); app.get("/basic-og-once", function(req, res) { requests++; expect(req.header("accept-language")).to.equal("very nice language"); // delay the request so it doesn't resolve immediately setTimeout(() => { res.send("<title>test prefetch</title>"); }, 100); }); const cb = (data) => { responses++; expect(data.preview.head, "test prefetch"); if (responses === 3) { this.irc.removeListener("msg:preview", cb); expect(requests).to.equal(1); done(); } }; this.irc.on("msg:preview", cb); }); it("should fetch same link with different languages multiple times", function(done) { const message = this.irc.createMessage({ text: "http://localhost:" + this.port + "/basic-og-once-lang", }); const requests = []; let responses = 0; this.irc.config.browser.language = "first language"; link(this.irc, this.network.channels[0], message); setTimeout(() => { this.irc.config.browser.language = "second language"; link(this.irc, this.network.channels[0], message); }, 100); app.get("/basic-og-once-lang", function(req, res) { requests.push(req.header("accept-language")); // delay the request so it doesn't resolve immediately setTimeout(() => { res.send("<title>test prefetch</title>"); }, 100); }); const cb = (data) => { responses++; expect(data.preview.head, "test prefetch"); if (responses === 2) { this.irc.removeListener("msg:preview", cb); expect(requests).to.deep.equal(["first language", "second language"]); done(); } }; this.irc.on("msg:preview", cb); }); });