"use strict"; var Chan = require("../../models/chan"); var Msg = require("../../models/msg"); module.exports = function(irc, network) { var client = this; irc.on("notice", function(data) { // Some servers send notices without any nickname if (!data.nick) { data.from_server = true; data.nick = network.host; } data.type = Msg.Type.NOTICE; handleMessage(data); }); irc.on("action", function(data) { data.type = Msg.Type.ACTION; handleMessage(data); }); irc.on("privmsg", function(data) { data.type = Msg.Type.MESSAGE; handleMessage(data); }); irc.on("wallops", function(data) { data.from_server = true; data.type = Msg.Type.NOTICE; handleMessage(data); }); function handleMessage(data) { var highlight = false; var self = data.nick === irc.user.nick; // Server messages go to server window, no questions asked if (data.from_server) { chan = network.channels[0]; } else { var target = data.target; // If the message is targeted at us, use sender as target instead if (target.toLowerCase() === irc.user.nick.toLowerCase()) { target = data.nick; } var chan = network.getChannel(target); if (typeof chan === "undefined") { // Send notices that are not targeted at us into the server window if (data.type === Msg.Type.NOTICE) { chan = network.channels[0]; } else { chan = new Chan({ type: Chan.Type.QUERY, name: target }); network.channels.push(chan); client.emit("join", { network: network.id, chan: chan }); } } // Query messages (unless self) always highlight if (chan.type === Chan.Type.QUERY) { highlight = !self; } } // Self messages in channels are never highlighted // Non-self messages are highlighted as soon as the nick is detected if (!highlight && !self) { highlight = network.highlightRegex.test(data.message); } if (!self && chan.id !== client.activeChannel) { chan.unread++; } var msg = new Msg({ type: data.type, time: data.time, mode: chan.getMode(data.nick), from: data.nick, text: data.message, self: self, highlight: highlight }); chan.pushMessage(client, msg); } };