"use strict"; const $ = require("jquery"); const Mousetrap = require("mousetrap"); const input = $("#input"); const sidebar = $("#sidebar"); const windows = $("#windows"); const contextMenuContainer = $("#context-menu-container"); Mousetrap.bind([ "pageup", "pagedown" ], function(e, key) { let container = windows.find(".window.active"); // Chat windows scroll message container if (container.attr("id") === "chat-container") { container = container.find(".chan.active .chat"); } container.finish(); const offset = container.get(0).clientHeight * 0.9; let scrollTop = container.scrollTop(); if (key === "pageup") { scrollTop = Math.floor(scrollTop - offset); } else { scrollTop = Math.ceil(scrollTop + offset); } container.animate({ scrollTop: scrollTop }, 200); return false; }); Mousetrap.bind([ "command+up", "command+down", "ctrl+up", "ctrl+down" ], function(e, keys) { const channels = sidebar.find(".chan"); const index = channels.index(channels.filter(".active")); const direction = keys.split("+").pop(); let target; switch (direction) { case "up": target = (channels.length + (index - 1 + channels.length)) % channels.length; break; case "down": target = (channels.length + (index + 1 + channels.length)) % channels.length; break; } channels.eq(target).click(); }); Mousetrap.bind([ "escape" ], function() { contextMenuContainer.hide(); }); const colorsHotkeys = { k: "\x03", b: "\x02", u: "\x1F", i: "\x1D", o: "\x0F", }; for (const hotkey in colorsHotkeys) { Mousetrap.bind([ "command+" + hotkey, "ctrl+" + hotkey ], function(e) { e.preventDefault(); const cursorPosStart = input.prop("selectionStart"); const cursorPosEnd = input.prop("selectionEnd"); const value = input.val(); let newValue = value.substring(0, cursorPosStart) + colorsHotkeys[e.key]; if (cursorPosStart === cursorPosEnd) { // If no text is selected, insert at cursor newValue += value.substring(cursorPosEnd, value.length); } else { // If text is selected, insert formatting character at start and the end newValue += value.substring(cursorPosStart, cursorPosEnd) + colorsHotkeys[e.key] + value.substring(cursorPosEnd, value.length); } input .val(newValue) .get(0).setSelectionRange(cursorPosStart + 1, cursorPosEnd + 1); }); }