{{> ../user_name nick=whois.nick}}
{{#if whois.actuallhost}}
Actual host
{{> ../user_name nick=whois.nick}}
{{#if whois.real_name}}
{{> ../user_name nick=whois.nick}}'s real name is:
{{parse whois.real_name}}
{{#if whois.account}}
{{> ../user_name nick=whois.nick}}
is logged in as {{whois.account}}
{{#if whois.registered_nick}}
{{> ../user_name nick=whois.nick}}
{{#if whois.modes}}
{{> ../user_name nick=whois.nick}}
{{#if whois.special}}
{{> ../user_name nick=whois.nick}}
{{#if whois.operator}}
{{> ../user_name nick=whois.nick}}
{{#if whois.helpop}}
{{> ../user_name nick=whois.nick}}
is available for help
{{#if whois.bot}}
{{> ../user_name nick=whois.nick}}
is a bot
{{#if whois.channels}}
{{> ../user_name nick=whois.nick}}
is on the following channels: {{{parse whois.channels}}}
{{#if whois.server}}
{{> ../user_name nick=whois.nick}}
is connected to {{whois.server}} ({{whois.server_info}})
{{#if whois.secure}}
{{> ../user_name nick=whois.nick}}
is using a secure connection
{{#if whois.away}}
{{> ../user_name nick=whois.nick}}
is away ({{whois.away}})
{{#if whois.logonTime}}
{{> ../user_name nick=whois.nick}}
connected at {{localetime whois.logonTime}}
{{#if whois.idle}}
{{> ../user_name nick=whois.nick}}
has been idle since {{localetime whois.idleTime}}