"use strict"; const expect = require("chai").expect; const inputs = require("../../../src/plugins/inputs"); describe("inputs", function () { const client = { messageProvider: undefined, }; const clientWithProvider = { ...client, messageProvider: true, }; describe(".getCommands", function () { it("should return a non-empty array", function () { expect(inputs.getCommands(client)).to.be.an("array").that.is.not.empty; }); it("should only return strings with no whitespaces and starting with /", function () { inputs.getCommands(client).forEach((command) => { expect(command).to.be.a("string").that.does.not.match(/\s/); expect(command[0]).to.equal("/"); }); }); it("should not include /search without a message provider", function () { expect(inputs.getCommands(client)).to.be.an("array").that.does.not.contains("/search"); }); it("should include /search with a message provider", function () { expect(inputs.getCommands(clientWithProvider)) .to.be.an("array") .that.contains("/search"); }); }); });