"use strict"; const Handlebars = require("handlebars/runtime"); const parseStyle = require("./ircmessageparser/parseStyle"); const anyIntersection = require("./ircmessageparser/anyIntersection"); const findChannels = require("./ircmessageparser/findChannels"); const findLinks = require("./ircmessageparser/findLinks"); const findEmoji = require("./ircmessageparser/findEmoji"); const findNames = require("./ircmessageparser/findNames"); const merge = require("./ircmessageparser/merge"); const colorClass = require("./colorClass"); // Create an HTML `span` with styling information for a given fragment function createFragment(fragment) { const classes = []; if (fragment.bold) { classes.push("irc-bold"); } if (fragment.textColor !== undefined) { classes.push("irc-fg" + fragment.textColor); } if (fragment.bgColor !== undefined) { classes.push("irc-bg" + fragment.bgColor); } if (fragment.italic) { classes.push("irc-italic"); } if (fragment.underline) { classes.push("irc-underline"); } let attributes = classes.length ? ` class="${classes.join(" ")}"` : ""; const escapedText = Handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(fragment.text); if (fragment.hexColor) { attributes += ` style="color:#${fragment.hexColor}`; if (fragment.hexBgColor) { attributes += `;background-color:#${fragment.hexBgColor}`; } attributes += "\""; } if (attributes.length) { return `${escapedText}`; } return escapedText; } // Transform an IRC message potentially filled with styling control codes, URLs, // nicknames, and channels into a string of HTML elements to display on the client. module.exports = function parse(text, users) { // if it's not the users we're expecting, but rather is passed from Handlebars (occurs when users passed to template is null or undefined) if (users && users.hash) { users = []; } // Extract the styling information and get the plain text version from it const styleFragments = parseStyle(text); const cleanText = styleFragments.map((fragment) => fragment.text).join(""); // On the plain text, find channels and URLs, returned as "parts". Parts are // arrays of objects containing start and end markers, as well as metadata // depending on what was found (channel or link). const channelPrefixes = ["#", "&"]; // TODO Channel prefixes should be RPL_ISUPPORT.CHANTYPES const userModes = ["!", "@", "%", "+"]; // TODO User modes should be RPL_ISUPPORT.PREFIX const channelParts = findChannels(cleanText, channelPrefixes, userModes); const linkParts = findLinks(cleanText); const emojiParts = findEmoji(cleanText); const nameParts = findNames(cleanText, (users || [])); // Sort all parts identified based on their position in the original text const parts = channelParts .concat(linkParts) .concat(emojiParts) .concat(nameParts) .sort((a, b) => a.start - b.start || b.end - a.end) .reduce((prev, curr) => { const intersection = prev.some((p) => anyIntersection(p, curr)); if (intersection) { return prev; } return prev.concat([curr]); }, []); // Merge the styling information with the channels / URLs / nicks / text objects and // generate HTML strings with the resulting fragments return merge(parts, styleFragments).map((textPart) => { // Create HTML strings with styling information const fragments = textPart.fragments.map(createFragment).join(""); // Wrap these potentially styled fragments with links and channel buttons if (textPart.link) { const escapedLink = Handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(textPart.link); return `${fragments}`; } else if (textPart.channel) { const escapedChannel = Handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(textPart.channel); return `${fragments}`; } else if (textPart.emoji) { return `${fragments}`; } else if (textPart.nick) { const nick = Handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(textPart.nick); return `${fragments}`; } return fragments; }).join(""); };