/** * TrackpadScrollEmulator * Version: 1.0.6 * Author: Jonathan Nicol @f6design * https://github.com/jnicol/trackpad-scroll-emulator * * The MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Jonathan Nicol * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ ;(function($) { var pluginName = 'TrackpadScrollEmulator'; function Plugin(element, options) { var el = element; var $el = $(element); var $scrollContentEl; var $contentEl = $el.find('.tse-content'); var $scrollbarEl; var $dragHandleEl; var dragOffset; var flashTimeout; var pageJumpMultp = 7/8; var scrollDirection = 'vert'; var scrollOffsetAttr = 'scrollTop'; var sizeAttr = 'height'; var offsetAttr = 'top'; options = $.extend({}, $.fn[pluginName].defaults, options); /** * Initialize plugin */ function init() { if ($el.hasClass('horizontal')){ scrollDirection = 'horiz'; scrollOffsetAttr = 'scrollLeft'; sizeAttr = 'width'; offsetAttr = 'left'; } $el.prepend('<div class="tse-scrollbar"><div class="drag-handle"></div></div>'); $scrollbarEl = $el.find('.tse-scrollbar'); $dragHandleEl = $el.find('.drag-handle'); if (options.wrapContent) { $contentEl.wrap('<div class="tse-scroll-content" />'); } $scrollContentEl = $el.find('.tse-scroll-content'); resizeScrollContent(); if (options.autoHide) { $el.on('mouseenter', flashScrollbar); } $dragHandleEl.on('mousedown', startDrag); $scrollbarEl.on('mousedown', jumpScroll); $scrollContentEl.on('scroll', onScrolled); resizeScrollbar(); $(window).on('resize', function() { recalculate(); }); if (!options.autoHide) { showScrollbar(); } } /** * Start scrollbar handle drag */ function startDrag(e) { // Preventing the event's default action stops text being // selectable during the drag. e.preventDefault(); var self = $(this); self.trigger('startDrag'); // Measure how far the user's mouse is from the top of the scrollbar drag handle. var eventOffset = e.pageY; if (scrollDirection === 'horiz') { eventOffset = e.pageX; } dragOffset = eventOffset - $dragHandleEl.offset()[offsetAttr]; $(document).on('mousemove', drag); $(document).on('mouseup', function() { endDrag.call(self); }); } /** * Drag scrollbar handle */ function drag(e) { e.preventDefault(); // Calculate how far the user's mouse is from the top/left of the scrollbar (minus the dragOffset). var eventOffset = e.pageY; if (scrollDirection === 'horiz') { eventOffset = e.pageX; } var dragPos = eventOffset - $scrollbarEl.offset()[offsetAttr] - dragOffset; // Convert the mouse position into a percentage of the scrollbar height/width. var dragPerc = dragPos / $scrollbarEl[sizeAttr](); // Scroll the content by the same percentage. var scrollPos = dragPerc * $contentEl[sizeAttr](); $scrollContentEl[scrollOffsetAttr](scrollPos); } /** * End scroll handle drag */ function endDrag() { $(this).trigger('endDrag'); $(document).off('mousemove', drag); $(document).off('mouseup', endDrag); } /** * Scroll in the same manner as the PAGE UP/DOWN keys */ function jumpScroll(e) { // If the drag handle element was pressed, don't do anything here. if (e.target === $dragHandleEl[0]) { return; } // The content will scroll by 7/8 of a page. var jumpAmt = pageJumpMultp * $scrollContentEl[sizeAttr](); // Calculate where along the scrollbar the user clicked. var eventOffset = (scrollDirection === 'vert') ? e.originalEvent.layerY : e.originalEvent.layerX; // Get the position of the top (or left) of the drag handle. var dragHandleOffset = $dragHandleEl.position()[offsetAttr]; // Determine which direction to scroll. var scrollPos = (eventOffset < dragHandleOffset) ? $scrollContentEl[scrollOffsetAttr]() - jumpAmt : $scrollContentEl[scrollOffsetAttr]() + jumpAmt; $scrollContentEl[scrollOffsetAttr](scrollPos); } /** * Scroll callback */ function onScrolled(e) { flashScrollbar(); } /** * Resize scrollbar */ function resizeScrollbar() { var contentSize = $contentEl[sizeAttr](); var scrollOffset = $scrollContentEl[scrollOffsetAttr](); // Either scrollTop() or scrollLeft(). var scrollbarSize = $scrollbarEl[sizeAttr](); var scrollbarRatio = scrollbarSize / contentSize; // Calculate new height/position of drag handle. // Offset of 2px allows for a small top/bottom or left/right margin around handle. var handleOffset = Math.round(scrollbarRatio * scrollOffset) + 2; var handleSize = Math.floor(scrollbarRatio * (scrollbarSize - 2)) - 2; if (scrollbarSize < contentSize) { if (scrollDirection === 'vert'){ $dragHandleEl.css({'top': handleOffset, 'height': handleSize}); } else { $dragHandleEl.css({'left': handleOffset, 'width': handleSize}); } $scrollbarEl.show(); } else { $scrollbarEl.hide(); } } /** * Flash scrollbar visibility */ function flashScrollbar() { resizeScrollbar(); showScrollbar(); } /** * Show scrollbar */ function showScrollbar() { $dragHandleEl.addClass('visible'); if (!options.autoHide) { return; } if(typeof flashTimeout === 'number') { window.clearTimeout(flashTimeout); } flashTimeout = window.setTimeout(function() { hideScrollbar(); }, 1000); } /** * Hide Scrollbar */ function hideScrollbar() { $dragHandleEl.removeClass('visible'); if(typeof flashTimeout === 'number') { window.clearTimeout(flashTimeout); } } /** * Resize content element */ function resizeScrollContent() { if (scrollDirection === 'vert'){ $scrollContentEl.width($el.width()+scrollbarWidth()); $scrollContentEl.height($el.height()); } else { $scrollContentEl.width($el.width()); $scrollContentEl.height($el.height()+scrollbarWidth()); $contentEl.height($el.height()); } } /** * Calculate scrollbar width * * Original function by Jonathan Sharp: * http://jdsharp.us/jQuery/minute/calculate-scrollbar-width.php * Updated to work in Chrome v25. */ function scrollbarWidth() { // Append a temporary scrolling element to the DOM, then measure // the difference between between its outer and inner elements. var tempEl = $('<div class="scrollbar-width-tester" style="width:50px;height:50px;overflow-y:scroll;position:absolute;top:-200px;left:-200px;"><div style="height:100px;"></div>'); $('body').append(tempEl); var width = $(tempEl).innerWidth(); var widthMinusScrollbars = $('div', tempEl).innerWidth(); tempEl.remove(); // On OS X if the scrollbar is set to auto hide it will have zero width. On webkit we can still // hide it using ::-webkit-scrollbar { width:0; height:0; } but there is no moz equivalent. So we're // forced to sniff Firefox and return a hard-coded scrollbar width. I know, I know... if (width === widthMinusScrollbars && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') > -1) { return 17; } return (width - widthMinusScrollbars); } /** * Recalculate scrollbar */ function recalculate() { resizeScrollContent(); resizeScrollbar(); } /** * Get/Set plugin option. */ function option (key, val) { if (val) { options[key] = val; } else { return options[key]; } } /** * Destroy plugin. */ function destroy() { // Restore the element to its original state. $contentEl.insertBefore($scrollbarEl); $scrollbarEl.remove(); $scrollContentEl.remove(); $contentEl.css({'height': $el.height()+'px', 'overflow-y': 'scroll'}); hook('onDestroy'); $el.removeData('plugin_' + pluginName); } /** * Plugin callback hook. */ function hook(hookName) { if (options[hookName] !== undefined) { options[hookName].call(el); } } init(); return { option: option, destroy: destroy, recalculate: recalculate }; } $.fn[pluginName] = function(options) { if (typeof arguments[0] === 'string') { var methodName = arguments[0]; var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); var returnVal; this.each(function() { if ($.data(this, 'plugin_' + pluginName) && typeof $.data(this, 'plugin_' + pluginName)[methodName] === 'function') { returnVal = $.data(this, 'plugin_' + pluginName)[methodName].apply(this, args); } else { throw new Error('Method ' + methodName + ' does not exist on jQuery.' + pluginName); } }); if (returnVal !== undefined){ return returnVal; } else { return this; } } else if (typeof options === "object" || !options) { return this.each(function() { if (!$.data(this, 'plugin_' + pluginName)) { $.data(this, 'plugin_' + pluginName, new Plugin(this, options)); } }); } }; $.fn[pluginName].defaults = { onInit: function() {}, onDestroy: function() {}, wrapContent: true, autoHide: true }; })(jQuery);