"use strict"; // vendor libraries require("jquery-ui/ui/widgets/sortable"); const $ = require("jquery"); const io = require("socket.io-client"); const Mousetrap = require("mousetrap"); const URI = require("urijs"); // our libraries require("./libs/jquery/inputhistory"); require("./libs/jquery/stickyscroll"); require("./libs/jquery/tabcomplete"); const helpers_parse = require("./libs/handlebars/parse"); const helpers_roundBadgeNumber = require("./libs/handlebars/roundBadgeNumber"); const slideoutMenu = require("./libs/slideout"); const templates = require("../views"); $(function() { var path = window.location.pathname + "socket.io/"; var socket = io({ path: path, autoConnect: false, reconnection: false }); var commands = [ "/away", "/back", "/close", "/connect", "/deop", "/devoice", "/disconnect", "/invite", "/join", "/kick", "/leave", "/me", "/mode", "/msg", "/nick", "/notice", "/op", "/part", "/query", "/quit", "/raw", "/say", "/send", "/server", "/slap", "/topic", "/voice", "/whois" ]; var sidebar = $("#sidebar, #footer"); var chat = $("#chat"); var ignoreSortSync = false; var pop; try { pop = new Audio(); pop.src = "audio/pop.ogg"; } catch (e) { pop = { play: $.noop }; } $("#play").on("click", function() { pop.play(); }); var favicon = $("#favicon"); function setLocalStorageItem(key, value) { try { window.localStorage.setItem(key, value); } catch (e) { // Do nothing. If we end up here, web storage quota exceeded, or user is // in Safari's private browsing where localStorage's setItem is not // available. See http://stackoverflow.com/q/14555347/1935861. } } [ "connect_error", "connect_failed", "disconnect", "error", ].forEach(function(e) { socket.on(e, function(data) { $("#loading-page-message").text("Connection failed: " + data); $("#connection-error").addClass("shown").one("click", function() { window.onbeforeunload = null; window.location.reload(); }); // Disables sending a message by pressing Enter. `off` is necessary to // cancel `inputhistory`, which overrides hitting Enter. `on` is then // necessary to avoid creating new lines when hitting Enter without Shift. // This is fairly hacky but this solution is not permanent. $("#input").off("keydown").on("keydown", function(event) { if (event.which === 13 && !event.shiftKey) { event.preventDefault(); } }); // Hides the "Send Message" button $("#submit").remove(); console.error(data); }); }); socket.on("connecting", function() { $("#loading-page-message").text("Connecting…"); }); socket.on("connect", function() { $("#loading-page-message").text("Finalizing connection…"); }); socket.on("authorized", function() { $("#loading-page-message").text("Authorized, loading messages…"); }); socket.on("auth", function(data) { var login = $("#sign-in"); var token; login.find(".btn").prop("disabled", false); if (!data.success) { window.localStorage.removeItem("token"); var error = login.find(".error"); error.show().closest("form").one("submit", function() { error.hide(); }); } else { token = window.localStorage.getItem("token"); if (token) { $("#loading-page-message").text("Authorizing…"); socket.emit("auth", {token: token}); } } var input = login.find("input[name='user']"); if (input.val() === "") { input.val(window.localStorage.getItem("user") || ""); } if (token) { return; } sidebar.find(".sign-in") .click() .end() .find(".networks") .html("") .next() .show(); }); socket.on("change-password", function(data) { var passwordForm = $("#change-password"); if (data.error || data.success) { var message = data.success ? data.success : data.error; var feedback = passwordForm.find(".feedback"); if (data.success) { feedback.addClass("success").removeClass("error"); } else { feedback.addClass("error").removeClass("success"); } feedback.text(message).show(); feedback.closest("form").one("submit", function() { feedback.hide(); }); } if (data.token && window.localStorage.getItem("token") !== null) { setLocalStorageItem("token", data.token); } passwordForm .find("input") .val("") .end() .find(".btn") .prop("disabled", false); }); socket.on("init", function(data) { $("#loading-page-message").text("Rendering…"); if (data.networks.length === 0) { $("#footer").find(".connect").trigger("click"); } else { renderNetworks(data); } if (data.token && $("#sign-in-remember").is(":checked")) { setLocalStorageItem("token", data.token); } else { window.localStorage.removeItem("token"); } $("body").removeClass("signed-out"); $("#loading").remove(); $("#sign-in").remove(); var id = data.active; var target = sidebar.find("[data-id='" + id + "']").trigger("click"); if (target.length === 0) { var first = sidebar.find(".chan") .eq(0) .trigger("click"); if (first.length === 0) { $("#footer").find(".connect").trigger("click"); } } }); socket.on("open", function(id) { // Another client opened the channel, clear the unread counter sidebar.find(".chan[data-id='" + id + "'] .badge") .removeClass("highlight") .empty(); }); socket.on("join", function(data) { var id = data.network; var network = sidebar.find("#network-" + id); network.append( templates.chan({ channels: [data.chan] }) ); chat.append( templates.chat({ channels: [data.chan] }) ); renderChannel(data.chan); // Queries do not automatically focus, unless the user did a whois if (data.chan.type === "query" && !data.shouldOpen) { return; } sidebar.find(".chan") .sort(function(a, b) { return $(a).data("id") - $(b).data("id"); }) .last() .click(); }); function buildChatMessage(data) { var type = data.msg.type; var target = "#chan-" + data.chan; if (type === "error") { target = "#chan-" + chat.find(".active").data("id"); } var chan = chat.find(target); var template = "msg"; if (!data.msg.highlight && !data.msg.self && (type === "message" || type === "notice") && highlights.some(function(h) { return data.msg.text.toLocaleLowerCase().indexOf(h.toLocaleLowerCase()) > -1; })) { data.msg.highlight = true; } if ([ "invite", "join", "mode", "kick", "nick", "part", "quit", "topic", "topic_set_by", "action", "whois", "ctcp", "channel_list", ].indexOf(type) !== -1) { template = "msg_action"; } else if (type === "unhandled") { template = "msg_unhandled"; } var msg = $(templates[template](data.msg)); var text = msg.find(".text"); if (template === "msg_action") { text.html(templates.actions[type](data.msg)); } if ((type === "message" || type === "action") && chan.hasClass("channel")) { var nicks = chan.find(".users").data("nicks"); if (nicks) { var find = nicks.indexOf(data.msg.from); if (find !== -1 && typeof move === "function") { move(nicks, find, 0); } } } return msg; } function buildChannelMessages(channel, messages) { return messages.reduce(function(docFragment, message) { docFragment.append(buildChatMessage({ chan: channel, msg: message })); return docFragment; }, $(document.createDocumentFragment())); } function renderChannel(data) { renderChannelMessages(data); renderChannelUsers(data); } function renderChannelMessages(data) { var documentFragment = buildChannelMessages(data.id, data.messages); var channel = chat.find("#chan-" + data.id + " .messages").append(documentFragment); if (data.firstUnread > 0) { var first = channel.find("#msg-" + data.firstUnread); // TODO: If the message is far off in the history, we still need to append the marker into DOM if (!first.length) { channel.prepend(templates.unread_marker()); } else { first.before(templates.unread_marker()); } } else { channel.append(templates.unread_marker()); } if (data.type !== "lobby") { var lastDate; $(chat.find("#chan-" + data.id + " .messages .msg[data-time]")).each(function() { var msg = $(this); var msgDate = new Date(msg.attr("data-time")); // Top-most message in a channel if (!lastDate) { lastDate = msgDate; msg.before(templates.date_marker({msgDate: msgDate})); } if (lastDate.toDateString() !== msgDate.toDateString()) { msg.before(templates.date_marker({msgDate: msgDate})); } lastDate = msgDate; }); } } function renderChannelUsers(data) { var users = chat.find("#chan-" + data.id).find(".users"); var nicks = users.data("nicks") || []; var i, oldSortOrder = {}; for (i in nicks) { oldSortOrder[nicks[i]] = i; } nicks = []; for (i in data.users) { nicks.push(data.users[i].name); } nicks = nicks.sort(function(a, b) { return (oldSortOrder[a] || Number.MAX_VALUE) - (oldSortOrder[b] || Number.MAX_VALUE); }); users.html(templates.user(data)).data("nicks", nicks); } function renderNetworks(data) { sidebar.find(".empty").hide(); sidebar.find(".networks").append( templates.network({ networks: data.networks }) ); var channels = $.map(data.networks, function(n) { return n.channels; }); chat.append( templates.chat({ channels: channels }) ); channels.forEach(renderChannel); confirmExit(); sortable(); if (sidebar.find(".highlight").length) { toggleNotificationMarkers(true); } } socket.on("msg", function(data) { var msg = buildChatMessage(data); var target = "#chan-" + data.chan; var container = chat.find(target + " .messages"); // Check if date changed var prevMsg = $(container.find(".msg")).last(); var prevMsgTime = new Date(prevMsg.attr("data-time")); var msgTime = new Date(msg.attr("data-time")); // It's the first message in a channel/query if (prevMsg.length === 0) { container.append(templates.date_marker({msgDate: msgTime})); } if (prevMsgTime.toDateString() !== msgTime.toDateString()) { prevMsg.after(templates.date_marker({msgDate: msgTime})); } // Add message to the container container .append(msg) .trigger("msg", [ target, data ]); if (data.msg.self) { container .find(".unread-marker") .appendTo(container); } }); socket.on("more", function(data) { var documentFragment = buildChannelMessages(data.chan, data.messages); var chan = chat .find("#chan-" + data.chan) .find(".messages"); // Remove the date-change marker we put at the top, because it may // not actually be a date change now var children = $(chan).children(); if (children.eq(0).hasClass("date-marker")) { // Check top most child children.eq(0).remove(); } else if (children.eq(0).hasClass("unread-marker") && children.eq(1).hasClass("date-marker")) { // Otherwise the date-marker would get 'stuck' because of the new-message marker children.eq(1).remove(); } // get the scrollable wrapper around messages var scrollable = chan.closest(".chat"); var heightOld = chan.height(); chan.prepend(documentFragment).end(); // restore scroll position var position = chan.height() - heightOld; scrollable.scrollTop(position); if (data.messages.length !== 100) { scrollable.find(".show-more").removeClass("show"); } // Date change detect // Have to use data instaid of the documentFragment because it's being weird var lastDate; $(data.messages).each(function() { var msgData = this; var msgDate = new Date(msgData.time); var msg = $(chat.find("#chan-" + data.chan + " .messages #msg-" + msgData.id)); // Top-most message in a channel if (!lastDate) { lastDate = msgDate; msg.before(templates.date_marker({msgDate: msgDate})); } if (lastDate.toDateString() !== msgDate.toDateString()) { msg.before(templates.date_marker({msgDate: msgDate})); } lastDate = msgDate; }); }); socket.on("network", function(data) { renderNetworks(data); sidebar.find(".chan") .last() .trigger("click"); $("#connect") .find(".btn") .prop("disabled", false) .end(); }); socket.on("network_changed", function(data) { sidebar.find("#network-" + data.network).data("options", data.serverOptions); }); socket.on("nick", function(data) { var id = data.network; var nick = data.nick; var network = sidebar.find("#network-" + id).data("nick", nick); if (network.find(".active").length) { setNick(nick); } }); socket.on("part", function(data) { var chanMenuItem = sidebar.find(".chan[data-id='" + data.chan + "']"); // When parting from the active channel/query, jump to the network's lobby if (chanMenuItem.hasClass("active")) { chanMenuItem.parent(".network").find(".lobby").click(); } chanMenuItem.remove(); $("#chan-" + data.chan).remove(); }); socket.on("quit", function(data) { var id = data.network; sidebar.find("#network-" + id) .remove() .end(); var chan = sidebar.find(".chan") .eq(0) .trigger("click"); if (chan.length === 0) { sidebar.find(".empty").show(); } }); socket.on("toggle", function(data) { var toggle = $("#toggle-" + data.id); toggle.parent().after(templates.toggle({toggle: data})); switch (data.type) { case "link": if (options.links) { toggle.click(); } break; case "image": if (options.thumbnails) { toggle.click(); } break; } }); socket.on("topic", function(data) { var topic = $("#chan-" + data.chan).find(".header .topic"); topic.html(helpers_parse(data.topic)); // .attr() is safe escape-wise but consider the capabilities of the attribute topic.attr("title", data.topic); }); socket.on("users", function(data) { var chan = chat.find("#chan-" + data.chan); if (chan.hasClass("active")) { socket.emit("names", { target: data.chan }); } else { chan.data("needsNamesRefresh", true); } }); socket.on("names", renderChannelUsers); var userStyles = $("#user-specified-css"); var highlights = []; var options = $.extend({ coloredNicks: true, desktopNotifications: false, join: true, links: true, mode: true, motd: false, nick: true, notification: true, notifyAllMessages: false, part: true, quit: true, theme: $("#theme").attr("href").replace(/^themes\/(.*).css$/, "$1"), // Extracts default theme name, set on the server configuration thumbnails: true, userStyles: userStyles.text(), }, JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem("settings"))); var windows = $("#windows"); (function SettingsScope() { var settings = $("#settings"); for (var i in options) { if (i === "userStyles") { if (!/[?&]nocss/.test(window.location.search)) { $(document.head).find("#user-specified-css").html(options[i]); } settings.find("#user-specified-css-input").val(options[i]); } else if (i === "highlights") { settings.find("input[name=" + i + "]").val(options[i]); } else if (i === "theme") { $("#theme").attr("href", "themes/" + options[i] + ".css"); settings.find("select[name=" + i + "]").val(options[i]); } else if (options[i]) { settings.find("input[name=" + i + "]").prop("checked", true); } } settings.on("change", "input, select, textarea", function() { var self = $(this); var name = self.attr("name"); if (self.attr("type") === "checkbox") { options[name] = self.prop("checked"); } else { options[name] = self.val(); } setLocalStorageItem("settings", JSON.stringify(options)); if ([ "join", "mode", "motd", "nick", "part", "quit", "notifyAllMessages", ].indexOf(name) !== -1) { chat.toggleClass("hide-" + name, !self.prop("checked")); } else if (name === "coloredNicks") { chat.toggleClass("colored-nicks", self.prop("checked")); } else if (name === "theme") { $("#theme").attr("href", "themes/" + options[name] + ".css"); } else if (name === "userStyles") { userStyles.html(options[name]); } else if (name === "highlights") { var highlightString = options[name]; highlights = highlightString.split(",").map(function(h) { return h.trim(); }).filter(function(h) { // Ensure we don't have empty string in the list of highlights // otherwise, users get notifications for everything return h !== ""; }); } }).find("input") .trigger("change"); $("#desktopNotifications").on("change", function() { if ($(this).prop("checked") && Notification.permission !== "granted") { Notification.requestPermission(updateDesktopNotificationStatus); } }); // Updates the checkbox and warning in settings when the Settings page is // opened or when the checkbox state is changed. // When notifications are not supported, this is never called (because // checkbox state can not be changed). var updateDesktopNotificationStatus = function() { if (Notification.permission === "denied") { desktopNotificationsCheckbox.attr("disabled", true); desktopNotificationsCheckbox.attr("checked", false); warningBlocked.show(); } else { if (Notification.permission === "default" && desktopNotificationsCheckbox.prop("checked")) { desktopNotificationsCheckbox.attr("checked", false); } desktopNotificationsCheckbox.attr("disabled", false); warningBlocked.hide(); } }; // If browser does not support notifications, override existing settings and // display proper message in settings. var desktopNotificationsCheckbox = $("#desktopNotifications"); var warningUnsupported = $("#warnUnsupportedDesktopNotifications"); var warningBlocked = $("#warnBlockedDesktopNotifications"); warningBlocked.hide(); if (("Notification" in window)) { warningUnsupported.hide(); windows.on("show", "#settings", updateDesktopNotificationStatus); } else { options.desktopNotifications = false; desktopNotificationsCheckbox.attr("disabled", true); desktopNotificationsCheckbox.attr("checked", false); } }()); var viewport = $("#viewport"); var sidebarSlide = slideoutMenu(viewport[0], sidebar[0]); var contextMenuContainer = $("#context-menu-container"); var contextMenu = $("#context-menu"); $("#main").on("click", function(e) { if ($(e.target).is(".lt")) { sidebarSlide.toggle(!sidebarSlide.isOpen()); } else if (sidebarSlide.isOpen()) { sidebarSlide.toggle(false); } }); viewport.on("click", ".rt", function(e) { var self = $(this); viewport.toggleClass(self.attr("class")); e.stopPropagation(); }); function positionContextMenu(that, e) { var offset; var menuWidth = contextMenu.outerWidth(); var menuHeight = contextMenu.outerHeight(); if (that.hasClass("menu")) { offset = that.offset(); offset.left -= menuWidth - that.outerWidth(); offset.top += that.outerHeight(); return offset; } offset = {left: e.pageX, top: e.pageY}; if ((window.innerWidth - offset.left) < menuWidth) { offset.left = window.innerWidth - menuWidth; } if ((window.innerHeight - offset.top) < menuHeight) { offset.top = window.innerHeight - menuHeight; } return offset; } function showContextMenu(that, e) { var target = $(e.currentTarget); var output = ""; if (target.hasClass("user")) { output = templates.contextmenu_item({ class: "user", text: target.text(), data: target.data("name") }); } else if (target.hasClass("chan")) { output = templates.contextmenu_item({ class: "chan", text: target.data("title"), data: target.data("target") }); output += templates.contextmenu_divider(); output += templates.contextmenu_item({ class: "close", text: target.hasClass("lobby") ? "Disconnect" : target.hasClass("channel") ? "Leave" : "Close", data: target.data("target") }); } contextMenuContainer.show(); contextMenu .html(output) .css(positionContextMenu($(that), e)); return false; } viewport.on("contextmenu", ".user, .network .chan", function(e) { return showContextMenu(this, e); }); viewport.on("click", "#chat .menu", function(e) { e.currentTarget = $(e.currentTarget).closest(".chan")[0]; return showContextMenu(this, e); }); contextMenuContainer.on("click contextmenu", function() { contextMenuContainer.hide(); return false; }); function resetInputHeight(input) { input.style.height = input.style.minHeight; } var input = $("#input") .history() .on("input", function() { var style = window.getComputedStyle(this); // Start by resetting height before computing as scrollHeight does not // decrease when deleting characters resetInputHeight(this); this.style.height = Math.min( Math.round(window.innerHeight - 100), // prevent overflow this.scrollHeight + Math.round(parseFloat(style.borderTopWidth) || 0) + Math.round(parseFloat(style.borderBottomWidth) || 0) ) + "px"; $("#chat .chan.active .chat").trigger("msg.sticky"); // fix growing }) .tab(complete, {hint: false}); var focus = $.noop; if (!("ontouchstart" in window || navigator.maxTouchPoints > 0)) { focus = function() { if (chat.find(".active").hasClass("chan")) { input.focus(); } }; $(window).on("focus", focus); chat.on("click", ".chat", function() { setTimeout(function() { var text = ""; if (window.getSelection) { text = window.getSelection().toString(); } else if (document.selection && document.selection.type !== "Control") { text = document.selection.createRange().text; } if (!text) { focus(); } }, 2); }); } // Triggering click event opens the virtual keyboard on mobile // This can only be called from another interactive event (e.g. button click) var forceFocus = function() { input.trigger("click").focus(); }; // Cycle through nicks for the current word, just like hitting "Tab" $("#cycle-nicks").on("click", function() { input.triggerHandler($.Event("keydown.tabcomplete", {which: 9})); forceFocus(); }); $("#form").on("submit", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); forceFocus(); var text = input.val(); if (text.length === 0) { return; } input.val(""); resetInputHeight(input.get(0)); if (text.indexOf("/clear") === 0) { clear(); return; } socket.emit("input", { target: chat.data("id"), text: text }); }); function findCurrentNetworkChan(name) { name = name.toLowerCase(); return $(".network .chan.active") .parent(".network") .find(".chan") .filter(function() { return $(this).data("title").toLowerCase() === name; }) .first(); } $("button#set-nick").on("click", function() { toggleNickEditor(true); // Selects existing nick in the editable text field var element = document.querySelector("#nick-value"); element.focus(); var range = document.createRange(); range.selectNodeContents(element); var selection = window.getSelection(); selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(range); }); $("button#cancel-nick").on("click", cancelNick); $("button#submit-nick").on("click", submitNick); function toggleNickEditor(toggle) { $("#nick").toggleClass("editable", toggle); $("#nick-value").attr("contenteditable", toggle); } function submitNick() { var newNick = $("#nick-value").text().trim(); if (newNick.length === 0) { cancelNick(); return; } toggleNickEditor(false); socket.emit("input", { target: chat.data("id"), text: "/nick " + newNick }); } function cancelNick() { setNick(sidebar.find(".chan.active").closest(".network").data("nick")); } $("#nick-value").keypress(function(e) { switch (e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which) { case 13: // Enter // Ensures a new line is not added when pressing Enter e.preventDefault(); break; } }).keyup(function(e) { switch (e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which) { case 13: // Enter submitNick(); break; case 27: // Escape cancelNick(); break; } }); chat.on("click", ".inline-channel", function() { var name = $(this).data("chan"); var chan = findCurrentNetworkChan(name); if (chan.length) { chan.click(); } else { socket.emit("input", { target: chat.data("id"), text: "/join " + name }); } }); chat.on("click", ".user", function() { var name = $(this).data("name"); var chan = findCurrentNetworkChan(name); if (chan.length) { chan.click(); } socket.emit("input", { target: chat.data("id"), text: "/whois " + name }); }); sidebar.on("click", ".chan, button", function() { var self = $(this); var target = self.data("target"); if (!target) { return; } chat.data( "id", self.data("id") ); socket.emit( "open", self.data("id") ); sidebar.find(".active").removeClass("active"); self.addClass("active") .find(".badge") .removeClass("highlight") .empty(); if (sidebar.find(".highlight").length === 0) { toggleNotificationMarkers(false); } sidebarSlide.toggle(false); var lastActive = $("#windows > .active"); lastActive .removeClass("active") .find(".chat") .unsticky(); var lastActiveChan = lastActive .find(".chan.active") .removeClass("active"); lastActiveChan .find(".unread-marker") .appendTo(lastActiveChan.find(".messages")); var chan = $(target) .addClass("active") .trigger("show"); var title = "The Lounge"; if (chan.data("title")) { title = chan.data("title") + " — " + title; } document.title = title; var placeholder = ""; if (chan.data("type") === "channel" || chan.data("type") === "query") { placeholder = `Write to ${chan.data("title")}`; } input.attr("placeholder", placeholder); if (self.hasClass("chan")) { $("#chat-container").addClass("active"); setNick(self.closest(".network").data("nick")); } var chanChat = chan.find(".chat"); if (chanChat.length > 0) { chanChat.sticky(); } if (chan.data("needsNamesRefresh") === true) { chan.data("needsNamesRefresh", false); socket.emit("names", {target: self.data("id")}); } focus(); }); sidebar.on("click", "#sign-out", function() { window.localStorage.removeItem("token"); location.reload(); }); sidebar.on("click", ".close", function() { var cmd = "/close"; var chan = $(this).closest(".chan"); if (chan.hasClass("lobby")) { cmd = "/quit"; var server = chan.find(".name").html(); if (!confirm("Disconnect from " + server + "?")) { return false; } } socket.emit("input", { target: chan.data("id"), text: cmd }); chan.css({ transition: "none", opacity: 0.4 }); return false; }); contextMenu.on("click", ".context-menu-item", function() { switch ($(this).data("action")) { case "close": $(".networks .chan[data-target='" + $(this).data("data") + "'] .close").click(); break; case "chan": $(".networks .chan[data-target='" + $(this).data("data") + "']").click(); break; case "user": $(".channel.active .users .user[data-name='" + $(this).data("data") + "']").click(); break; } }); chat.on("input", ".search", function() { var value = $(this).val().toLowerCase(); var names = $(this).closest(".users").find(".names"); names.find(".user").each(function() { var btn = $(this); var name = btn.text().toLowerCase().replace(/[+%@~]/, ""); if (name.indexOf(value) > -1) { btn.show(); } else { btn.hide(); } }); }); chat.on("msg", ".messages", function(e, target, msg) { var unread = msg.unread; msg = msg.msg; if (msg.self) { return; } var button = sidebar.find(".chan[data-target='" + target + "']"); if (msg.highlight || (options.notifyAllMessages && msg.type === "message")) { if (!document.hasFocus() || !$(target).hasClass("active")) { if (options.notification) { try { pop.play(); } catch (exception) { // On mobile, sounds can not be played without user interaction. } } toggleNotificationMarkers(true); if (options.desktopNotifications && Notification.permission === "granted") { var title; var body; if (msg.type === "invite") { title = "New channel invite:"; body = msg.from + " invited you to " + msg.channel; } else { title = msg.from; if (!button.hasClass("query")) { title += " (" + button.data("title").trim() + ")"; } if (msg.type === "message") { title += " says:"; } body = msg.text.replace(/\x03(?:[0-9]{1,2}(?:,[0-9]{1,2})?)?|[\x00-\x1F]|\x7F/g, "").trim(); } try { var notify = new Notification(title, { body: body, icon: "img/logo-64.png", tag: target }); notify.addEventListener("click", function() { window.focus(); button.click(); this.close(); }); } catch (exception) { // `new Notification(...)` is not supported and should be silenced. } } } } if (button.hasClass("active")) { return; } if (!unread) { return; } var badge = button.find(".badge").html(helpers_roundBadgeNumber(unread)); if (msg.highlight) { badge.addClass("highlight"); } }); chat.on("click", ".show-more-button", function() { var self = $(this); var count = self.parent().next(".messages").children().length; socket.emit("more", { target: self.data("id"), count: count }); }); chat.on("click", ".toggle-button", function() { var self = $(this); var localChat = self.closest(".chat"); var bottom = localChat.isScrollBottom(); var content = self.parent().next(".toggle-content"); if (bottom && !content.hasClass("show")) { var img = content.find("img"); if (img.length !== 0 && !img.width()) { img.on("load", function() { localChat.scrollBottom(); }); } } content.toggleClass("show"); if (bottom) { localChat.scrollBottom(); } }); var forms = $("#sign-in, #connect, #change-password"); windows.on("show", "#sign-in", function() { $(this).find("input").each(function() { var self = $(this); if (self.val() === "") { self.focus(); return false; } }); }); if ($("body").hasClass("public")) { $("#connect").one("show", function() { var params = URI(document.location.search); params = params.search(true); // Possible parameters: name, host, port, password, tls, nick, username, realname, join // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/for...in#Iterating_over_own_properties_only for (var key in params) { if (params.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var value = params[key]; // \W searches for non-word characters key = key.replace(/\W/g, ""); var element = $("#connect input[name='" + key + "']"); // if the element exists, it isn't disabled, and it isn't hidden if (element.length > 0 && !element.is(":disabled") && !element.is(":hidden")) { if (element.is(":checkbox")) { element.prop("checked", (value === "1" || value === "true") ? true : false); } else { element.val(value); } } } } }); } forms.on("submit", "form", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var event = "auth"; var form = $(this); form.find(".btn") .attr("disabled", true) .end(); if (form.closest(".window").attr("id") === "connect") { event = "conn"; } else if (form.closest("div").attr("id") === "change-password") { event = "change-password"; } var values = {}; $.each(form.serializeArray(), function(i, obj) { if (obj.value !== "") { values[obj.name] = obj.value; } }); if (values.user) { setLocalStorageItem("user", values.user); } socket.emit( event, values ); }); forms.on("focusin", ".nick", function() { // Need to set the first "lastvalue", so it can be used in the below function var nick = $(this); nick.data("lastvalue", nick.val()); }); forms.on("input", ".nick", function() { var nick = $(this).val(); var usernameInput = forms.find(".username"); // Because this gets called /after/ it has already changed, we need use the previous value var lastValue = $(this).data("lastvalue"); // They were the same before the change, so update the username field if (usernameInput.val() === lastValue) { usernameInput.val(nick); } // Store the "previous" value, for next time $(this).data("lastvalue", nick); }); (function HotkeysScope() { Mousetrap.bind([ "pageup", "pagedown" ], function(e, key) { let container = windows.find(".window.active"); // Chat windows scroll message container if (container.attr("id") === "chat-container") { container = container.find(".chan.active .chat"); } const offset = container.get(0).clientHeight * 0.9; let scrollTop = container.scrollTop(); if (key === "pageup") { scrollTop = Math.floor(scrollTop - offset); } else { scrollTop = Math.ceil(scrollTop + offset); } container.stop().animate({ scrollTop: scrollTop }, 200); return false; }); Mousetrap.bind([ "command+up", "command+down", "ctrl+up", "ctrl+down" ], function(e, keys) { var channels = sidebar.find(".chan"); var index = channels.index(channels.filter(".active")); var direction = keys.split("+").pop(); switch (direction) { case "up": // Loop var upTarget = (channels.length + (index - 1 + channels.length)) % channels.length; channels.eq(upTarget).click(); break; case "down": // Loop var downTarget = (channels.length + (index + 1 + channels.length)) % channels.length; channels.eq(downTarget).click(); break; } }); Mousetrap.bind([ "command+shift+l", "ctrl+shift+l" ], function(e) { if (e.target === input[0]) { clear(); e.preventDefault(); } }); Mousetrap.bind([ "escape" ], function() { contextMenuContainer.hide(); }); var colorsHotkeys = { k: "\x03", b: "\x02", u: "\x1F", i: "\x1D", o: "\x0F", }; for (var hotkey in colorsHotkeys) { Mousetrap.bind([ "command+" + hotkey, "ctrl+" + hotkey ], function(e) { e.preventDefault(); const cursorPosStart = input.prop("selectionStart"); const cursorPosEnd = input.prop("selectionEnd"); const value = input.val(); let newValue = value.substring(0, cursorPosStart) + colorsHotkeys[e.key]; if (cursorPosStart === cursorPosEnd) { // If no text is selected, insert at cursor newValue += value.substring(cursorPosEnd, value.length); } else { // If text is selected, insert formatting character at start and the end newValue += value.substring(cursorPosStart, cursorPosEnd) + colorsHotkeys[e.key] + value.substring(cursorPosEnd, value.length); } input .val(newValue) .get(0).setSelectionRange(cursorPosStart + 1, cursorPosEnd + 1); }); } }()); setInterval(function() { chat.find(".chan:not(.active)").each(function() { var chan = $(this); if (chan.find(".messages .msg").slice(0, -100).remove().length) { chan.find(".show-more").addClass("show"); // Remove date-seperators that would otherwise be "stuck" at the top // of the channel chan.find(".date-marker").each(function() { if ($(this).next().hasClass("date-marker")) { $(this).remove(); } }); } }); }, 1000 * 10); function clear() { chat.find(".active") .find(".show-more").addClass("show").end() .find(".messages .msg, .date-marker").remove(); } function complete(word) { var words = commands.slice(); var users = chat.find(".active").find(".users"); var nicks = users.data("nicks"); for (var i in nicks) { words.push(nicks[i]); } sidebar.find(".chan") .each(function() { var self = $(this); if (!self.hasClass("lobby")) { words.push(self.data("title")); } }); return $.grep( words, function(w) { return !w.toLowerCase().indexOf(word.toLowerCase()); } ); } function confirmExit() { if ($("body").hasClass("public")) { window.onbeforeunload = function() { return "Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page?"; }; } } function sortable() { sidebar.find(".networks").sortable({ axis: "y", containment: "parent", cursor: "move", distance: 12, items: ".network", handle: ".lobby", placeholder: "network-placeholder", forcePlaceholderSize: true, tolerance: "pointer", // Use the pointer to figure out where the network is in the list update: function() { var order = []; sidebar.find(".network").each(function() { var id = $(this).data("id"); order.push(id); }); socket.emit( "sort", { type: "networks", order: order } ); ignoreSortSync = true; } }); sidebar.find(".network").sortable({ axis: "y", containment: "parent", cursor: "move", distance: 12, items: ".chan:not(.lobby)", placeholder: "chan-placeholder", forcePlaceholderSize: true, tolerance: "pointer", // Use the pointer to figure out where the channel is in the list update: function(e, ui) { var order = []; var network = ui.item.parent(); network.find(".chan").each(function() { var id = $(this).data("id"); order.push(id); }); socket.emit( "sort", { type: "channels", target: network.data("id"), order: order } ); ignoreSortSync = true; } }); } socket.on("sync_sort", function(data) { // Syncs the order of channels or networks when they are reordered if (ignoreSortSync) { ignoreSortSync = false; return; // Ignore syncing because we 'caused' it } var type = data.type; var order = data.order; if (type === "networks") { var container = $(".networks"); $.each(order, function(index, value) { var position = $(container.children()[index]); if (position.data("id") === value) { // Network in correct place return true; // No point in continuing } var network = container.find("#network-" + value); $(network).insertBefore(position); }); } else if (type === "channels") { var network = $("#network-" + data.target); $.each(order, function(index, value) { if (index === 0) { // Shouldn't attempt to move lobby return true; // same as `continue` -> skip to next item } var position = $(network.children()[index]); // Target channel at position if (position.data("id") === value) { // Channel in correct place return true; // No point in continuing } var channel = network.find(".chan[data-id=" + value + "]"); // Channel at position $(channel).insertBefore(position); }); } }); function setNick(nick) { // Closes the nick editor when canceling, changing channel, or when a nick // is set in a different tab / browser / device. toggleNickEditor(false); $("#nick-value").text(nick); } function move(array, old_index, new_index) { if (new_index >= array.length) { var k = new_index - array.length; while ((k--) + 1) { this.push(undefined); } } array.splice(new_index, 0, array.splice(old_index, 1)[0]); return array; } function toggleNotificationMarkers(newState) { // Toggles the favicon to red when there are unread notifications if (favicon.data("toggled") !== newState) { var old = favicon.attr("href"); favicon.attr("href", favicon.data("other")); favicon.data("other", old); favicon.data("toggled", newState); } // Toggles a dot on the menu icon when there are unread notifications $("#viewport .lt").toggleClass("notified", newState); } document.addEventListener( "visibilitychange", function() { if (sidebar.find(".highlight").length === 0) { toggleNotificationMarkers(false); } } ); // Only start opening socket.io connection after all events have been registered socket.open(); });