"use strict"; const $ = require("jquery"); const escape = require("css.escape"); const viewport = $("#viewport"); const {vueApp} = require("./vue"); var serverHash = -1; // eslint-disable-line no-var var lastMessageId = -1; // eslint-disable-line no-var module.exports = { // Same value as media query in CSS that forces sidebars to become overlays mobileViewportPixels: 768, findCurrentNetworkChan, serverHash, lastMessageId, confirmExit, scrollIntoViewNicely, hasRoleInChannel, move, closeChan, resetHeight, toggleNotificationMarkers, updateTitle, togglePasswordField, requestIdleCallback, togglePreviewMoreButtonsIfNeeded, }; function findCurrentNetworkChan(name) { name = name.toLowerCase(); return vueApp.activeChannel.network.channels.find((c) => c.name.toLowerCase() === name); } function resetHeight(element) { element.style.height = element.style.minHeight; } // Given a channel element will determine if the lounge user or a given nick is one of the supplied roles. function hasRoleInChannel(channel, roles, nick) { if (!channel || !roles) { return false; } const channelID = channel.data("id"); const network = $("#sidebar .network").has(`.chan[data-id="${channelID}"]`); const target = nick || network.attr("data-nick"); const user = channel.find(`.names-original .user[data-name="${escape(target)}"]`).first(); return user.parent().is("." + roles.join(", .")); } // Reusable scrollIntoView parameters for channel list / user list function scrollIntoViewNicely(el) { // Ideally this would use behavior: "smooth", but that does not consistently work in e.g. Chrome // https://github.com/iamdustan/smoothscroll/issues/28#issuecomment-364061459 el.scrollIntoView({block: "center", inline: "nearest"}); } const favicon = $("#favicon"); function toggleNotificationMarkers(newState) { // Toggles the favicon to red when there are unread notifications if (favicon.data("toggled") !== newState) { const old = favicon.prop("href"); favicon.prop("href", favicon.data("other")); favicon.data("other", old); favicon.data("toggled", newState); } // Toggles a dot on the menu icon when there are unread notifications viewport.toggleClass("notified", newState); } function updateTitle() { let title = vueApp.appName; if (vueApp.activeChannel) { title = `${vueApp.activeChannel.channel.name} — ${vueApp.activeChannel.network.name} — ${title}`; } // add highlight count to title let alertEventCount = 0; for (const network of vueApp.networks) { for (const channel of network.channels) { alertEventCount += channel.highlight; } } if (alertEventCount > 0) { title = `(${alertEventCount}) ${title}`; } document.title = title; } function togglePasswordField(elem) { $(elem).on("click", function() { const $this = $(this); const input = $this.closest("div").find("input"); input.attr("type", input.attr("type") === "password" ? "text" : "password"); swapLabel($this); swapLabel($this.find("span")); $this.toggleClass("visible"); }); } // Given a element, swap its aria-label with the content of `data-alt-label` function swapLabel(element) { const altText = element.data("alt-label"); element.data("alt-label", element.attr("aria-label")).attr("aria-label", altText); } function confirmExit() { if ($(document.body).hasClass("public")) { window.onbeforeunload = function() { return "Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page?"; }; } } function move(array, old_index, new_index) { if (new_index >= array.length) { let k = new_index - array.length; while ((k--) + 1) { this.push(undefined); } } array.splice(new_index, 0, array.splice(old_index, 1)[0]); return array; } function closeChan(chan) { const socket = require("./socket"); let cmd = "/close"; if (chan.hasClass("lobby")) { cmd = "/quit"; const server = chan.find(".name").html(); if (!confirm(`Are you sure you want to remove ${server}?`)) { // eslint-disable-line no-alert return false; } } socket.emit("input", { target: chan.data("id"), text: cmd, }); chan.css({ transition: "none", opacity: 0.4, }); return false; } function requestIdleCallback(callback, timeout) { if (window.requestIdleCallback) { // During an idle period the user agent will run idle callbacks in FIFO order // until either the idle period ends or there are no more idle callbacks eligible to be run. window.requestIdleCallback(callback, {timeout}); } else { callback(); } } // Force handling preview display function togglePreviewMoreButtonsIfNeeded() { $("#chat .chan.active .toggle-content.toggle-type-link.show") .trigger("showMoreIfNeeded"); }