import _ from "lodash"; import {Server as wsServer} from "ws"; import express, {NextFunction, Request, Response} from "express"; import fs from "fs"; import path from "path"; import {Server, Socket} from ""; import dns from "dns"; import colors from "chalk"; import net from "net"; import log from "./log"; import Client from "./client"; import ClientManager from "./clientManager"; import Uploader from "./plugins/uploader"; import Helper from "./helper"; import Config, {ConfigType, Defaults} from "./config"; import Identification from "./identification"; import changelog from "./plugins/changelog"; import inputs from "./plugins/inputs"; import Auth from "./plugins/auth"; import themes, {ThemeForClient} from "./plugins/packages/themes"; themes.loadLocalThemes(); import packages from "./plugins/packages/index"; import {NetworkWithIrcFramework} from "./models/network"; import {ChanType} from "./models/chan"; import Utils from "./command-line/utils"; import type { ClientToServerEvents, ServerToClientEvents, InterServerEvents, SocketData, } from "./types/socket-events"; type ServerOptions = { dev: boolean; }; type ServerConfiguration = ConfigType & { stylesheets: string[]; }; type IndexTemplateConfiguration = ServerConfiguration & { cacheBust: string; }; export type ClientConfiguration = Pick< ConfigType, "public" | "lockNetwork" | "useHexIp" | "prefetch" | "defaults" > & { fileUpload: boolean; ldapEnabled: boolean; isUpdateAvailable: boolean; applicationServerKey: string; version: string; gitCommit: string | null; defaultTheme: string; themes: ThemeForClient[]; defaults: Defaults; fileUploadMaxFileSize?: number; }; // A random number that will force clients to reload the page if it differs const serverHash = Math.floor( * Math.random()); let manager: ClientManager | null = null; export default async function ( options: ServerOptions = { dev: false, } ) {`Hard Lounge ${} \ (Node.js ${} on ${} ${ process.arch })`);`Configuration file: ${}`); const staticOptions = { redirect: false, maxAge: 86400 * 1000, }; const app = express(); if ( { (await import("./plugins/dev-server")).default(app); } app.set("env", "production") .disable("x-powered-by") .use(allRequests) .use(addSecurityHeaders) .get("/", indexRequest) .get("/service-worker.js", forceNoCacheRequest) .get("/js/", forceNoCacheRequest) .get("/css/", forceNoCacheRequest) .use(express.static(Utils.getFileFromRelativeToRoot("public"), staticOptions)) .use("/storage/", express.static(Config.getStoragePath(), staticOptions)); if (Config.values.fileUpload.enable) { Uploader.router(app); } // This route serves *installed themes only*. Local themes are served directly // from the `public/themes/` folder as static assets, without entering this // handler. Remember this if you make changes to this function, serving of // local themes will not get those changes. app.get("/themes/:theme.css", (req, res) => { const themeName = req.params.theme; const theme = themes.getByName(themeName); if (theme === undefined || theme.filename === undefined) { return res.status(404).send("Not found"); } return res.sendFile(theme.filename); }); app.get("/packages/:package/:filename", (req, res) => { const packageName = req.params.package; const fileName = req.params.filename; const packageFile = packages.getPackage(packageName); if (!packageFile || !packages.getFiles().includes(`${packageName}/${fileName}`)) { return res.status(404).send("Not found"); } const packagePath = Config.getPackageModulePath(packageName); return res.sendFile(path.join(packagePath, fileName)); }); if (Config.values.public && (Config.values.ldap || {}).enable) { log.warn( "Server is public and set to use LDAP. Set to private mode if trying to use LDAP authentication." ); } let server: import("http").Server | import("https").Server; if (!Config.values.https.enable) { const createServer = (await import("http")).createServer; server = createServer(app); } else { const keyPath = Helper.expandHome(Config.values.https.key); const certPath = Helper.expandHome(Config.values.https.certificate); const caPath = Helper.expandHome(; if (!keyPath.length || !fs.existsSync(keyPath)) { log.error("Path to SSL key is invalid. Stopping server..."); process.exit(1); } if (!certPath.length || !fs.existsSync(certPath)) { log.error("Path to SSL certificate is invalid. Stopping server..."); process.exit(1); } if (caPath.length && !fs.existsSync(caPath)) { log.error("Path to SSL ca bundle is invalid. Stopping server..."); process.exit(1); } const createServer = (await import("https")).createServer; server = createServer( { key: fs.readFileSync(keyPath), cert: fs.readFileSync(certPath), ca: caPath ? fs.readFileSync(caPath) : undefined, }, app ); } let listenParams: | string | { port: number; host: string | undefined; }; if (typeof === "string" &&"unix:")) { listenParams =^unix:/, ""); } else { listenParams = { port: Config.values.port, host:, }; } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/restrict-template-expressions server.on("error", (err) => log.error(`${err}`)); server.listen(listenParams, () => { if (typeof listenParams === "string") {"Available on socket " +; } else { const protocol = Config.values.https.enable ? "https" : "http"; const address = server?.address(); if (address && typeof address !== "string") { // TODO: Node may revert the Node 18 family string --> number change // @ts-expect-error This condition will always return 'false' since the types 'string' and 'number' have no overlap. if ( === "IPv6" || === 6) { address.address = "[" + address.address + "]"; } "Available at " +`${protocol}://${address.address}:${address.port}/`) + ` in ${colors.bold(Config.values.public ? "public" : "private")} mode` ); } } // This should never happen if (!server) { return; } const sockets = new Server< ClientToServerEvents, ServerToClientEvents, InterServerEvents, SocketData >(server, { wsEngine: wsServer, cookie: false, serveClient: false, // TODO: type as Server.Transport[] transports: Config.values.transports as any, pingTimeout: 60000, }); sockets.on("connect", (socket) => { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/restrict-template-expressions socket.on("error", (err) => log.error(`io socket error: ${err}`)); if (Config.values.public) {, {}); } else { socket.on("auth:perform", performAuthentication); socket.emit("auth:start", serverHash); } }); manager = new ClientManager(); packages.loadPackages(); const defaultTheme = themes.getByName(Config.values.theme); if (defaultTheme === undefined) { log.warn( `The specified default theme "${ Config.values.theme )}" does not exist, verify your config.` ); Config.values.theme = "default"; } else if (defaultTheme.themeColor) { Config.values.themeColor = defaultTheme.themeColor; } new Identification((identHandler, err) => { if (err) { log.error(`Could not start identd server, ${err.message}`); process.exit(1); } else if (!manager) { log.error("Could not start identd server, ClientManager is undefined"); process.exit(1); } manager.init(identHandler, sockets); }); // Handle ctrl+c and kill gracefully let suicideTimeout: NodeJS.Timeout | null = null; const exitGracefully = async function () { if (suicideTimeout !== null) { return; }"Exiting..."); // Close all client and IRC connections if (manager) { manager.clients.forEach((client) => client.quit()); } if (Config.values.prefetchStorage) {"Clearing prefetch storage folder, this might take a while..."); (await import("./plugins/storage")).default.emptyDir(); } // Forcefully exit after 3 seconds suicideTimeout = setTimeout(() => process.exit(1), 3000); // Close http server server?.close(() => { if (suicideTimeout !== null) { clearTimeout(suicideTimeout); } process.exit(0); }); }; /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-misused-promises */ process.on("SIGINT", exitGracefully); process.on("SIGTERM", exitGracefully); /* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/no-misused-promises */ // Clear storage folder after server starts successfully if (Config.values.prefetchStorage) { import("./plugins/storage") .then(({default: storage}) => { storage.emptyDir(); }) .catch((err: Error) => { log.error(`Could not clear storage folder, ${err.message}`); }); } changelog.checkForUpdates(manager); }); return server; } function getClientLanguage(socket: Socket): string | null { const acceptLanguage = socket.handshake.headers["accept-language"]; if (typeof acceptLanguage === "string" && /^[\x00-\x7F]{1,50}$/.test(acceptLanguage)) { // only allow ASCII strings between 1-50 characters in length return acceptLanguage; } return null; } function getClientIp(socket: Socket) { let ip = socket.handshake.address || ""; if (Config.values.reverseProxy) { const forwarded = String(socket.handshake.headers["x-forwarded-for"]) .split(/\s*,\s*/) .filter(Boolean); if (forwarded.length && net.isIP(forwarded[0])) { ip = forwarded[0]; } } return ip.replace(/^::ffff:/, ""); } function getClientSecure(socket: Socket) { let secure =; if (Config.values.reverseProxy && socket.handshake.headers["x-forwarded-proto"] === "https") { secure = true; } return secure; } function allRequests(req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction) { res.setHeader("X-Content-Type-Options", "nosniff"); return next(); } function addSecurityHeaders(req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction) { const policies = [ "default-src 'none'", // default to nothing "base-uri 'none'", // disallow , has no fallback to default-src "form-action 'self'", // 'self' to fix saving passwords in Firefox, even though login is handled in javascript "connect-src 'self' ws: wss:", // allow self for polling; websockets "style-src 'self' https: 'unsafe-inline'", // allow inline due to use in irc hex colors "script-src 'self'", // javascript "worker-src 'self'", // service worker "manifest-src 'self'", // manifest.json "font-src 'self' https:", // allow loading fonts from secure sites (e.g. google fonts) "media-src 'self' https:", // self for notification sound; allow https media (audio previews) ]; // If prefetch is enabled, but storage is not, we have to allow mixed content // - is where we currently push our changelog screenshots // - data: is required for the HTML5 video player if (Config.values.prefetchStorage || !Config.values.prefetch) { policies.push("img-src 'self' data:"); policies.unshift("block-all-mixed-content"); } else { policies.push("img-src http: https: data:"); } res.setHeader("Content-Security-Policy", policies.join("; ")); res.setHeader("Referrer-Policy", "no-referrer"); return next(); } function forceNoCacheRequest(req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction) { // Intermittent proxies must not cache the following requests, // browsers must fetch the latest version of these files (service worker, source maps) res.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-transform"); return next(); } function indexRequest(req: Request, res: Response) { res.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html"); return fs.readFile( Utils.getFileFromRelativeToRoot("client/index.html.tpl"), "utf-8", (err, file) => { if (err) { throw err; } const config: IndexTemplateConfiguration = { ...getServerConfiguration(), ...{cacheBust: Helper.getVersionCacheBust()}, }; res.send(_.template(file)(config)); } ); } function initializeClient( socket: Socket, client: Client, token: string, lastMessage: number, openChannel: number ) {"auth:perform", performAuthentication); socket.emit("auth:success"); client.clientAttach(, token); // Client sends currently active channel on reconnect, // pass it into `open` directly so it is verified and updated if necessary if (openChannel) {, openChannel); // If client provided channel passes checks, use it. if client has invalid // channel open (or windows like settings) then use last known server active channel openChannel = client.attachedClients[].openChannel || client.lastActiveChannel; } else { openChannel = client.lastActiveChannel; } if (Config.values.fileUpload.enable) { new Uploader(socket); } socket.on("disconnect", function () { process.nextTick(() => client.clientDetach(; }); socket.on("input", (data) => { if (_.isPlainObject(data)) { client.input(data); } }); socket.on("more", (data) => { if (_.isPlainObject(data)) { const history = client.more(data); if (history !== null) { socket.emit("more", history); } } }); socket.on("network:new", (data) => { if (_.isPlainObject(data)) { // prevent people from overriding webirc settings data.uuid = null; data.commands = null; data.ignoreList = null; client.connectToNetwork(data); } }); socket.on("network:get", (data) => { if (typeof data !== "string") { return; } const network = _.find(client.networks, {uuid: data}); if (!network) { return; } socket.emit("network:info", network.exportForEdit()); }); socket.on("network:edit", (data) => { if (!_.isPlainObject(data)) { return; } const network = _.find(client.networks, {uuid: data.uuid}); if (!network) { return; } (network as NetworkWithIrcFramework).edit(client, data); }); socket.on("history:clear", (data) => { if (_.isPlainObject(data)) { client.clearHistory(data); } }); if (!Config.values.public && !Config.values.ldap.enable) { socket.on("change-password", (data) => { if (_.isPlainObject(data)) { const old = data.old_password; const p1 = data.new_password; const p2 = data.verify_password; if (typeof p1 === "undefined" || p1 === "" || p1 !== p2) { socket.emit("change-password", { error: "", success: false, }); return; } Helper.password .compare(old || "", client.config.password) .then((matching) => { if (!matching) { socket.emit("change-password", { error: "password_incorrect", success: false, }); return; } const hash = Helper.password.hash(p1); client.setPassword(hash, (success: boolean) => { const obj = {success: false, error: undefined} as { success: boolean; error: string | undefined; }; if (success) { obj.success = true; } else { obj.error = "update_failed"; } socket.emit("change-password", obj); }); }) .catch((error: Error) => { log.error(`Error while checking users password. Error: ${error.message}`); }); } }); } socket.on("open", (data) => {, data); }); socket.on("sort", (data) => { if (_.isPlainObject(data)) { client.sort(data); } }); socket.on("names", (data) => { if (_.isPlainObject(data)) { client.names(data); } }); socket.on("changelog", () => { Promise.all([changelog.fetch(), packages.outdated()]) .then(([changelogData, packageUpdate]) => { changelogData.packages = packageUpdate; socket.emit("changelog", changelogData); }) .catch((error: Error) => { log.error(`Error while fetching changelog. Error: ${error.message}`); }); }); // In public mode only one client can be connected, // so there's no need to handle msg:preview:toggle if (!Config.values.public) { socket.on("msg:preview:toggle", (data) => { if (_.isPlainObject(data)) { return; } const networkAndChan = client.find(; const newState = Boolean(data.shown); if (!networkAndChan) { return; } // Process multiple message at once for /collapse and /expand commands if (Array.isArray(data.messageIds)) { for (const msgId of data.messageIds) { const message = networkAndChan.chan.findMessage(msgId); if (message) { for (const preview of message.previews) { preview.shown = newState; } } } return; } const message = networkAndChan.chan.findMessage(data.msgId); if (!message) { return; } const preview = message.findPreview(; if (preview) { preview.shown = newState; } }); } socket.on("mentions:get", () => { socket.emit("mentions:list", client.mentions); }); socket.on("mentions:dismiss", (msgId) => { if (typeof msgId !== "number") { return; } client.mentions.splice( client.mentions.findIndex((m) => m.msgId === msgId), 1 ); }); socket.on("mentions:dismiss_all", () => { client.mentions = []; }); if (!Config.values.public) { socket.on("push:register", (subscription) => { if (!, token)) { return; } const registration = client.registerPushSubscription( client.config.sessions[token], subscription ); if (registration) { client.manager.webPush.pushSingle(client, registration, { type: "notification", timestamp:, title: "Hard Lounge", body: "🚀 Push notifications have been enabled", }); } }); socket.on("push:unregister", () => client.unregisterPushSubscription(token)); } const sendSessionList = () => { // TODO: this should use the ClientSession type currently in client const sessions =, (session, sessionToken) => { return { current: sessionToken === token, active: _.reduce( client.attachedClients, (count, attachedClient) => count + (attachedClient.token === sessionToken ? 1 : 0), 0 ), lastUse: session.lastUse, ip: session.ip, agent: session.agent, token: sessionToken, // TODO: Ideally don't expose actual tokens to the client }; }); socket.emit("sessions:list", sessions); }; socket.on("sessions:get", sendSessionList); if (!Config.values.public) { socket.on("setting:set", (newSetting) => { if (!_.isPlainObject(newSetting)) { return; } if ( typeof newSetting.value === "object" || typeof !== "string" ||[0] === "_" ) { return; } // We do not need to do write operations and emit events if nothing changed. if (client.config.clientSettings[] !== newSetting.value) { client.config.clientSettings[] = newSetting.value; // Pass the setting to all clients. client.emit("setting:new", { name:, value: newSetting.value, });; if ( === "highlights" || === "highlightExceptions") { client.compileCustomHighlights(); } else if ( === "awayMessage") { if (typeof newSetting.value !== "string") { newSetting.value = ""; } client.awayMessage = newSetting.value; } } }); socket.on("setting:get", () => { if (!, "clientSettings")) { socket.emit("setting:all", {}); return; } const clientSettings = client.config.clientSettings; socket.emit("setting:all", clientSettings); }); socket.on("search", async (query) => { const results = await; socket.emit("search:results", results); }); socket.on("mute:change", ({target, setMutedTo}) => { const networkAndChan = client.find(target); if (!networkAndChan) { return; } const {chan, network} = networkAndChan; // If the user mutes the lobby, we mute the entire network. if (chan.type === ChanType.LOBBY) { for (const channel of network.channels) { if (channel.type !== ChanType.SPECIAL) { channel.setMuteStatus(setMutedTo); } } } else { if (chan.type !== ChanType.SPECIAL) { chan.setMuteStatus(setMutedTo); } } for (const attachedClient of Object.keys(client.attachedClients)) { manager!"mute:changed", { target, status: setMutedTo, }); }; }); } socket.on("sign-out", (tokenToSignOut) => { // If no token provided, sign same client out if (!tokenToSignOut || typeof tokenToSignOut !== "string") { tokenToSignOut = token; } if (!, tokenToSignOut)) { return; } delete client.config.sessions[tokenToSignOut];;, (attachedClient, socketId) => { if (attachedClient.token !== tokenToSignOut) { return; } const socketToRemove = manager!.sockets.of("/").sockets.get(socketId); socketToRemove!.emit("sign-out"); socketToRemove!.disconnect(); }); // Do not send updated session list if user simply logs out if (tokenToSignOut !== token) { sendSessionList(); } }); // socket.join is a promise depending on the adapter. void socket.join(; const sendInitEvent = (tokenToSend: string | null) => { socket.emit("init", { active: openChannel, networks: => network.getFilteredClone(openChannel, lastMessage) ), token: tokenToSend, }); socket.emit("commands", inputs.getCommands()); }; if (Config.values.public) { sendInitEvent(null); } else if (!token) { client.generateToken((newToken) => { token = client.calculateTokenHash(newToken); client.attachedClients[].token = token; client.updateSession(token, getClientIp(socket), socket.request); sendInitEvent(newToken); }); } else { client.updateSession(token, getClientIp(socket), socket.request); sendInitEvent(null); } } function getClientConfiguration(): ClientConfiguration { const config = _.pick(Config.values, [ "public", "lockNetwork", "useHexIp", "prefetch", ]) as ClientConfiguration; config.fileUpload = Config.values.fileUpload.enable; config.ldapEnabled = Config.values.ldap.enable; if (!config.lockNetwork) { config.defaults = _.clone(Config.values.defaults); } else { // Only send defaults that are visible on the client config.defaults = _.pick(Config.values.defaults, [ "name", "nick", "username", "password", "realname", "join", ]) as Defaults; } config.isUpdateAvailable = changelog.isUpdateAvailable; config.applicationServerKey = manager!.webPush.vapidKeys!.publicKey; config.version = Helper.getVersionNumber(); config.gitCommit = Helper.getGitCommit(); config.themes = themes.getAll(); config.defaultTheme = Config.values.theme; config.defaults.nick = Config.getDefaultNick(); config.defaults.sasl = ""; config.defaults.saslAccount = ""; config.defaults.saslPassword = ""; if (Uploader) { config.fileUploadMaxFileSize = Uploader.getMaxFileSize(); } return config; } function getServerConfiguration(): ServerConfiguration { return {...Config.values, ...{stylesheets: packages.getStylesheets()}}; } function performAuthentication(this: Socket, data) { if (!_.isPlainObject(data)) { return; } const socket = this; let client; let token: string; const finalInit = () => initializeClient(socket, client, token, data.lastMessage || -1, data.openChannel); const initClient = () => { // Configuration does not change during runtime of TL, // and the client listens to this event only once if (!data.hasConfig) { socket.emit("configuration", getClientConfiguration()); socket.emit( "push:issubscribed", token && client.config.sessions[token].pushSubscription ? true : false ); } client.config.browser = { ip: getClientIp(socket), isSecure: getClientSecure(socket), language: getClientLanguage(socket), }; // If webirc is enabled perform reverse dns lookup if (Config.values.webirc === null) { return finalInit(); } reverseDnsLookup(client.config.browser?.ip, (hostname) => { client.config.browser!.hostname = hostname; finalInit(); }); }; if (Config.values.public) { client = new Client(manager!); client.connect(); manager!.clients.push(client); socket.on("disconnect", function () { manager!.clients = _.without(manager!.clients, client); client.quit(); }); initClient(); return; } if (typeof data.user !== "string") { return; } const authCallback = (success) => { // Authorization failed if (!success) { if (!client) { log.warn( `Authentication for non existing user attempted from ${colors.bold( getClientIp(socket) )}` ); } else { log.warn( `Authentication failed for user ${colors.bold(data.user)} from ${colors.bold( getClientIp(socket) )}` ); } socket.emit("auth:failed"); return; } // If authorization succeeded but there is no loaded user, // load it and find the user again (this happens with LDAP) if (!client) { client = manager!.loadUser(data.user); } initClient(); }; client = manager!.findClient(data.user); // We have found an existing user and client has provided a token if (client && data.token) { const providedToken = client.calculateTokenHash(data.token); if (, providedToken)) { token = providedToken; return authCallback(true); } } Auth.initialize().then(() => { // Perform password checking Auth.auth(manager, client, data.user, data.password, authCallback); }); } function reverseDnsLookup(ip: string, callback: (hostname: string) => void) { dns.reverse(ip, (reverseErr, hostnames) => { if (reverseErr || hostnames.length < 1) { return callback(ip); } dns.resolve(hostnames[0], net.isIP(ip) === 6 ? "AAAA" : "A", (resolveErr, resolvedIps) => { // TODO: investigate SoaRecord class if (!Array.isArray(resolvedIps)) { return callback(ip); } if (resolveErr || resolvedIps.length < 1) { return callback(ip); } for (const resolvedIp of resolvedIps) { if (ip === resolvedIp) { return callback(hostnames[0]); } } return callback(ip); }); }); }