import {IrcEventHandler} from "../../client"; import Msg from "../../models/msg"; import STSPolicies from "../sts"; export default function (irc, network) { const client = this; irc.on("cap ls", (data) => { handleSTS(data, true); }); irc.on("cap new", (data) => { handleSTS(data, false); }); function handleSTS(data, shouldReconnect) { if (!, "sts")) { return; } const isSecure = irc.connection.transport.socket.encrypted; const values = {} as any; data.capabilities.sts.split(",").map((value) => { value = value.split("=", 2); values[value[0]] = value[1]; }); if (isSecure) { const duration = parseInt(values.duration, 10); if (isNaN(duration)) { return; } STSPolicies.update(, network.port, duration); } else { const port = parseInt(values.port, 10); if (isNaN(port)) { return; } network.getLobby().pushMessage( client, new Msg({ text: `Server sent a strict transport security policy, reconnecting to ${}:${port}…`, }), true ); // Forcefully end the connection if STS is seen in CAP LS // We will update the port and tls setting if we see CAP NEW, // but will not force a reconnection if (shouldReconnect) { irc.connection.end(); } // Update the port network.port = port; irc.options.port = port; // Enable TLS network.tls = true; network.rejectUnauthorized = true; irc.options.tls = true; irc.options.rejectUnauthorized = true; if (shouldReconnect) { // Start a new connection irc.connect(); }; } } };