import colors from "chalk"; import log from "../../log"; import Helper from "../../helper"; import type {AuthHandler} from "../auth"; const localAuth: AuthHandler = (manager, client, user, password, callback) => { // If no user is found, or if the client has not provided a password, // fail the authentication straight away if (!client || !password) { return callback(false); } // If this user has no password set, fail the authentication if (!client.config.password) { log.error( `User ${colors.bold( user )} with no local password set tried to sign in. (Probably a LDAP user)` ); return callback(false); } Helper.password .compare(password, client.config.password) .then((matching) => { if (matching && Helper.password.requiresUpdate(client.config.password)) { const hash = Helper.password.hash(password); client.setPassword(hash, (success) => { if (success) { `User ${colors.bold( )} logged in and their hashed password has been updated to match new security requirements` ); } }); } callback(matching); }) .catch((error) => { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/restrict-template-expressions log.error(`Error while checking users password. Error: ${error}`); }); }; export default { moduleName: "local", auth: localAuth, isEnabled: () => true, };