import socket from "../socket"; import {store} from "../store"; socket.on("search:results", (response) => { const pendingQuery = store.state.messageSearchPendingQuery; if ( !pendingQuery || pendingQuery.channelName !== response.channelName || pendingQuery.networkUuid !== response.networkUuid || pendingQuery.offset !== response.offset || pendingQuery.searchTerm !== response.searchTerm ) { // This is a response from a search that we are not interested in. // The user may have entered a different search while one was still in flight. // We can simply drop it on the floor. return; } store.commit("messageSearchPendingQuery", null); if (store.state.messageSearchResults) { store.commit("addMessageSearchResults", response); return; } store.commit("messageSearchResults", {results: response.results}); });