"use strict"; const $ = require("jquery"); const templates = require("../views"); const options = require("./options"); const renderPreview = require("./renderPreview"); const utils = require("./utils"); const sorting = require("./sorting"); const constants = require("./constants"); const condensed = require("./condensed"); const chat = $("#chat"); const sidebar = $("#sidebar"); module.exports = { appendMessage, buildChannelMessages, buildChatMessage, renderChannel, renderChannelMessages, renderChannelUsers, renderNetworks, }; function buildChannelMessages(data) { return data.messages.reduce(function(docFragment, message) { appendMessage(docFragment, data.id, data.type, message.type, buildChatMessage({ chan: data.id, msg: message })); return docFragment; }, $(document.createDocumentFragment())); } function appendMessage(container, chan, chanType, messageType, msg) { // TODO: To fix #1432, statusMessage option should entirely be implemented in CSS if (constants.condensedTypes.indexOf(messageType) === -1 || chanType !== "channel" || options.statusMessages !== "condensed") { container.append(msg); return; } const lastChild = container.children("div.msg").last(); if (lastChild && $(lastChild).hasClass("condensed")) { lastChild.append(msg); condensed.updateText(lastChild, [messageType]); } else if (lastChild && $(lastChild).is(constants.condensedTypesQuery)) { const newCondensed = buildChatMessage({ chan: chan, msg: { type: "condensed", time: msg.attr("data-time"), previews: [] } }); condensed.updateText(newCondensed, [messageType, lastChild.attr("data-type")]); container.append(newCondensed); newCondensed.append(lastChild); newCondensed.append(msg); } else { container.append(msg); } } function buildChatMessage(data) { const type = data.msg.type; let target = "#chan-" + data.chan; if (type === "error") { target = "#chan-" + chat.find(".active").data("id"); } const chan = chat.find(target); let template = "msg"; // See if any of the custom highlight regexes match if (!data.msg.highlight && !data.msg.self && options.highlightsRE && (type === "message" || type === "notice") && options.highlightsRE.exec(data.msg.text)) { data.msg.highlight = true; } if (constants.actionTypes.indexOf(type) !== -1) { data.msg.template = "actions/" + type; template = "msg_action"; } else if (type === "unhandled") { template = "msg_unhandled"; } else if (type === "condensed") { template = "msg_condensed"; } const msg = $(templates[template](data.msg)); const content = msg.find(".content"); if (template === "msg_action") { content.html(templates.actions[type](data.msg)); } data.msg.previews.forEach((preview) => { renderPreview(preview, msg); }); if ((type === "message" || type === "action" || type === "notice") && chan.hasClass("channel")) { const nicks = chan.find(".users").data("nicks"); if (nicks) { const find = nicks.indexOf(data.msg.from); if (find !== -1) { nicks.splice(find, 1); nicks.unshift(data.msg.from); } } } return msg; } function renderChannel(data) { renderChannelMessages(data); if (data.type === "channel") { renderChannelUsers(data); } } function renderChannelMessages(data) { const documentFragment = buildChannelMessages(data); const channel = chat.find("#chan-" + data.id + " .messages").append(documentFragment); if (data.firstUnread > 0) { const first = channel.find("#msg-" + data.firstUnread); // TODO: If the message is far off in the history, we still need to append the marker into DOM if (!first.length) { channel.prepend(templates.unread_marker()); } else if (first.parent().hasClass("condensed")) { first.parent().before(templates.unread_marker()); } else { first.before(templates.unread_marker()); } } else { channel.append(templates.unread_marker()); } if (data.type !== "lobby") { let lastDate; $(chat.find("#chan-" + data.id + " .messages .msg[data-time]")).each(function() { const msg = $(this); const msgDate = new Date(msg.attr("data-time")); // Top-most message in a channel if (!lastDate) { lastDate = msgDate; msg.before(templates.date_marker({msgDate: msgDate})); } if (lastDate.toDateString() !== msgDate.toDateString()) { var parent = msg.parent(); if (parent.hasClass("condensed")) { msg.insertAfter(parent); } msg.before(templates.date_marker({msgDate: msgDate})); } lastDate = msgDate; }); } } function renderChannelUsers(data) { const users = chat.find("#chan-" + data.id).find(".users"); const nicks = data.users .concat() // Make a copy of the user list, sort is applied in-place .sort((a, b) => b.lastMessage - a.lastMessage) .map((a) => a.nick); const search = users .find(".search") .attr("placeholder", nicks.length + " " + (nicks.length === 1 ? "user" : "users")); users .data("nicks", nicks) .find(".names-original") .html(templates.user(data)); // Refresh user search if (search.val().length) { search.trigger("input"); } } function renderNetworks(data) { sidebar.find(".empty").hide(); sidebar.find(".networks").append( templates.network({ networks: data.networks }) ); const channels = $.map(data.networks, function(n) { return n.channels; }); chat.append( templates.chat({ channels: channels }) ); channels.forEach((channel) => { renderChannel(channel); if (channel.type === "channel") { chat.find("#chan-" + channel.id).data("needsNamesRefresh", true); } }); utils.confirmExit(); sorting(); if (sidebar.find(".highlight").length) { utils.toggleNotificationMarkers(true); } }