"use strict"; var _ = require("lodash"); var Msg = require("../../models/msg"); var Chan = require("../../models/chan"); var Helper = require("../../helper"); module.exports = function(irc, network) { var client = this; network.channels[0].pushMessage(client, new Msg({ text: "Network created, connecting to " + network.host + ":" + network.port + "..." }), true); irc.on("registered", function() { if (network.irc.network.cap.enabled.length > 0) { network.channels[0].pushMessage(client, new Msg({ text: "Enabled capabilities: " + network.irc.network.cap.enabled.join(", ") }), true); } // Always restore away message for this network if (network.awayMessage) { irc.raw("AWAY", network.awayMessage); // Only set generic away message if there are no clients attached } else if (client.awayMessage && _.size(client.attachedClients) === 0) { irc.raw("AWAY", client.awayMessage); } var delay = 1000; var commands = network.commands; if (Array.isArray(commands)) { commands.forEach((cmd) => { setTimeout(function() { client.input({ target: network.channels[0].id, text: cmd }); }, delay); delay += 1000; }); } network.channels.forEach((chan) => { if (chan.type !== Chan.Type.CHANNEL) { return; } setTimeout(function() { network.irc.join(chan.name, chan.key); }, delay); delay += 1000; }); }); irc.on("socket connected", function() { network.prefixLookup = {}; irc.network.options.PREFIX.forEach(function(mode) { network.prefixLookup[mode.mode] = mode.symbol; }); network.channels[0].pushMessage(client, new Msg({ text: "Connected to the network." }), true); }); irc.on("close", function() { network.channels[0].pushMessage(client, new Msg({ text: "Disconnected from the network, and will not reconnect. Use /connect to reconnect again." }), true); }); let identSocketId; irc.on("raw socket connected", function(socket) { identSocketId = client.manager.identHandler.addSocket(socket, client.name || network.username); }); irc.on("socket close", function() { if (identSocketId > 0) { client.manager.identHandler.removeSocket(identSocketId); identSocketId = 0; } }); if (Helper.config.debug.ircFramework) { irc.on("debug", function(message) { log.debug("[" + client.name + " (#" + client.id + ") on " + network.name + " (#" + network.id + ")]", message); }); } if (Helper.config.debug.raw) { irc.on("raw", function(message) { network.channels[0].pushMessage(client, new Msg({ from: message.from_server ? "«" : "»", self: !message.from_server, type: "raw", text: message.line }), true); }); } irc.on("socket error", function(err) { network.channels[0].pushMessage(client, new Msg({ type: Msg.Type.ERROR, text: "Socket error: " + err }), true); }); irc.on("reconnecting", function(data) { network.channels[0].pushMessage(client, new Msg({ text: "Disconnected from the network. Reconnecting in " + Math.round(data.wait / 1000) + " seconds… (Attempt " + data.attempt + " of " + data.max_retries + ")" }), true); }); irc.on("ping timeout", function() { network.channels[0].pushMessage(client, new Msg({ text: "Ping timeout, disconnecting…" }), true); }); irc.on("server options", function(data) { if (network.serverOptions.PREFIX === data.options.PREFIX && network.serverOptions.NETWORK === data.options.NETWORK) { return; } network.prefixLookup = {}; data.options.PREFIX.forEach((mode) => { network.prefixLookup[mode.mode] = mode.symbol; }); network.serverOptions.PREFIX = data.options.PREFIX; network.serverOptions.NETWORK = data.options.NETWORK; client.emit("network_changed", { network: network.id, serverOptions: network.serverOptions }); }); };