"use strict"; // Escapes the RegExp special characters "^", "$", "", ".", "*", "+", "?", "(", // ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", and "|" in string. // See https://lodash.com/docs/#escapeRegExp const escapeRegExp = require("lodash/escapeRegExp"); // Given an array of channel prefixes (such as "#" and "&") and an array of user // modes (such as "@" and "+"), this function extracts channels and nicks from a // text. // It returns an array of objects for each channel found with their start index, // end index and channel name. function findChannels(text, channelPrefixes, userModes) { // `userModePattern` is necessary to ignore user modes in /whois responses. // For example, a voiced user in #thelounge will have a /whois response of: // > foo is on the following channels: +#thelounge // We need to explicitly ignore user modes to parse such channels correctly. const userModePattern = userModes.map(escapeRegExp).join(""); const channelPrefixPattern = channelPrefixes.map(escapeRegExp).join(""); const channelPattern = `(?:^|\\s)[${userModePattern}]*([${channelPrefixPattern}][^ \u0007]+)`; const channelRegExp = new RegExp(channelPattern, "g"); const result = []; let match; do { // With global ("g") regexes, calling `exec` multiple times will find // successive matches in the same string. match = channelRegExp.exec(text); if (match) { result.push({ start: match.index + match[0].length - match[1].length, end: match.index + match[0].length, channel: match[1] }); } } while (match); return result; } module.exports = findChannels;