import type {Database} from "sqlite3"; import log from "../../log"; import path from "path"; import fs from "fs"; import Config from "../../config"; import Msg, {Message} from "../../models/msg"; import Client from "../../client"; import Chan, {Channel} from "../../models/chan"; import type { SearchResponse, SearchQuery, SqliteMessageStorage as ISqliteMessageStorage, } from "./types"; import Network from "../../models/network"; // TODO; type let sqlite3: any; try { sqlite3 = require("sqlite3"); } catch (e: any) { Config.values.messageStorage = Config.values.messageStorage.filter((item) => item !== "sqlite"); log.error( "Unable to load sqlite3 module. See" ); } const currentSchemaVersion = 1520239200; const schema = [ // Schema version #1 "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS options (name TEXT, value TEXT, CONSTRAINT name_unique UNIQUE (name))", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS messages (network TEXT, channel TEXT, time INTEGER, type TEXT, msg TEXT)", "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS network_channel ON messages (network, channel)", "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS time ON messages (time)", ]; class SqliteMessageStorage implements ISqliteMessageStorage { client: Client; isEnabled: boolean; database!: Database; constructor(client: Client) { this.client = client; this.isEnabled = false; } enable() { const logsPath = Config.getUserLogsPath(); const sqlitePath = path.join(logsPath, `${}.sqlite3`); try { fs.mkdirSync(logsPath, {recursive: true}); } catch (e: any) { log.error("Unable to create logs directory", String(e)); return; } this.isEnabled = true; this.database = new sqlite3.Database(sqlitePath); this.database.serialize(() => { schema.forEach((line) =>; this.database.get( "SELECT value FROM options WHERE name = 'schema_version'", (err, row) => { if (err) { return log.error(`Failed to retrieve schema version: ${err.toString()}`); } // New table if (row === undefined) { this.database.serialize(() => "INSERT INTO options (name, value) VALUES ('schema_version', ?)", currentSchemaVersion ) ); return; } const storedSchemaVersion = parseInt(row.value, 10); if (storedSchemaVersion === currentSchemaVersion) { return; } if (storedSchemaVersion > currentSchemaVersion) { return log.error( `sqlite messages schema version is higher than expected (${storedSchemaVersion} > ${currentSchemaVersion}). Is The Lounge out of date?` ); } `sqlite messages schema version is out of date (${storedSchemaVersion} < ${currentSchemaVersion}). Running migrations if any.` ); this.database.serialize(() => "UPDATE options SET value = ? WHERE name = 'schema_version'", currentSchemaVersion ) ); } ); }); } close(callback?: (error?: Error | null) => void) { if (!this.isEnabled) { return; } this.isEnabled = false; this.database.close((err) => { if (err) { log.error(`Failed to close sqlite database: ${err.message}`); } if (callback) { callback(err); } }); } index(network: Network, channel: Chan, msg: Msg) { if (!this.isEnabled) { return; } const clonedMsg = Object.keys(msg).reduce((newMsg, prop) => { // id is regenerated when messages are retrieved // previews are not stored because storage is cleared on lounge restart // type and time are stored in a separate column if (prop !== "id" && prop !== "previews" && prop !== "type" && prop !== "time") { newMsg[prop] = msg[prop]; } return newMsg; }, {}); this.database.serialize(() => "INSERT INTO messages(network, channel, time, type, msg) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", network.uuid,, msg.time.getTime(), msg.type, JSON.stringify(clonedMsg) ) ); } deleteChannel(network: Network, channel: Channel) { if (!this.isEnabled) { return; } this.database.serialize(() => "DELETE FROM messages WHERE network = ? AND channel = ?", network.uuid, ) ); } /** * Load messages for given channel on a given network and resolve a promise with loaded messages. * * @param Network network - Network object where the channel is * @param Chan channel - Channel object for which to load messages for */ getMessages(network: Network, channel: Channel) { if (!this.isEnabled || Config.values.maxHistory === 0) { return Promise.resolve([]); } // If unlimited history is specified, load 100k messages const limit = Config.values.maxHistory < 0 ? 100000 : Config.values.maxHistory; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.database.serialize(() => this.database.all( "SELECT msg, type, time FROM messages WHERE network = ? AND channel = ? ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT ?", [network.uuid,, limit], (err, rows) => { if (err) { return reject(err); } resolve( rows.reverse().map((row) => { const msg = JSON.parse(row.msg); msg.time = row.time; msg.type = row.type; const newMsg = new Msg(msg); = this.client.idMsg++; return newMsg; }) ); } ) ); }) as Promise; } search(query: SearchQuery): Promise { if (!this.isEnabled) { // this should never be hit as messageProvider is checked in return Promise.resolve([]); } // Using the '@' character to escape '%' and '_' in patterns. const escapedSearchTerm = query.searchTerm.replace(/([%_@])/g, "@$1"); let select = 'SELECT msg, type, time, network, channel FROM messages WHERE type = "message" AND json_extract(msg, "$.text") LIKE ? ESCAPE \'@\''; const params = [`%${escapedSearchTerm}%`]; if (query.networkUuid) { select += " AND network = ? "; params.push(query.networkUuid); } if (query.channelName) { select += " AND channel = ? "; params.push(query.channelName.toLowerCase()); } const maxResults = 100; select += " ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ? "; params.push(maxResults.toString()); query.offset = parseInt(query.offset as string, 10) || 0; params.push(String(query.offset)); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.database.all(select, params, (err, rows) => { if (err) { reject(err); } else { const response: SearchResponse = { searchTerm: query.searchTerm, target: query.channelName, networkUuid: query.networkUuid, offset: query.offset as number, results: parseSearchRowsToMessages(query.offset as number, rows).reverse(), }; resolve(response); } }); }); } canProvideMessages() { return this.isEnabled; } } export default SqliteMessageStorage; // TODO: type any function parseSearchRowsToMessages(id: number, rows: any[]) { const messages: Msg[] = []; for (const row of rows) { const msg = JSON.parse(row.msg); msg.time = row.time; msg.type = row.type; msg.networkUuid =; msg.channelName =; = id; messages.push(new Msg(msg)); id += 1; } return messages; }