import {PluginInputHandler} from "./index"; import Msg, {MessageType} from "../../models/msg"; import {ChanType} from "../../models/chan"; const commands = ["slap", "me"]; const input: PluginInputHandler = function ({irc}, chan, cmd, args) { if (chan.type !== ChanType.CHANNEL && chan.type !== ChanType.QUERY) { chan.pushMessage( this, new Msg({ type: MessageType.ERROR, text: `${cmd} command can only be used in channels and queries.`, }) ); return; } let text; switch (cmd) { case "slap": text = "slaps " + args[0] + " around a bit with a large trout"; /* fall through */ case "me": if (args.length === 0) { break; } text = text || args.join(" "); irc.action(, text); if (!"echo-message")) { irc.emit("action", { nick: irc.user.nick, target:, message: text, }); } break; } return true; }; export default { commands, input, };