import log from "../../../server/log"; import ldapAuth from "../../../server/plugins/auth/ldap"; import Config from "../../../server/config"; import ldap from "ldapjs"; import {expect} from "chai"; import TestUtil from "../../util"; import ClientManager from "../../../server/clientManager"; import sinon from "ts-sinon"; const user = "johndoe"; const wrongUser = "eve"; const correctPassword = "loremipsum"; const wrongPassword = "dolorsitamet"; const baseDN = "ou=accounts,dc=example,dc=com"; const primaryKey = "uid"; const serverPort = 1389; function normalizeDN(dn: string) { return String(ldap.parseDN(dn).toString()); } function startLdapServer(callback) { const server = ldap.createServer(); const searchConf = Config.values.ldap.searchDN; const userDN = primaryKey + "=" + user + "," + baseDN; // Two users are authorized: john doe and the root user in case of // advanced auth (the user that does the search for john's actual // bindDN) const authorizedUsers = {}; authorizedUsers[normalizeDN(searchConf.rootDN)] = searchConf.rootPassword; authorizedUsers[normalizeDN(userDN)] = correctPassword; function authorize(req: any, res: any, next: (error?: any) => void) { const bindDN = req.connection.ldap.bindDN; if (bindDN in authorizedUsers) { return next(); } return next(new ldap.InsufficientAccessRightsError()); } Object.keys(authorizedUsers).forEach(function (dn) { server.bind(dn, function (req, res, next: (error?: any) => void) { const bindDN = req.dn.toString(); const password = req.credentials; if (bindDN in authorizedUsers && authorizedUsers[bindDN] === password) { req.connection.ldap.bindDN = req.dn; res.end(); return next(); } return next(new ldap.InsufficientAccessRightsError()); }); });, authorize, function (req, res) { const obj = { dn: userDN, attributes: { objectclass: ["person", "top"], cn: ["john doe"], sn: ["johnny"], uid: ["johndoe"], memberof: [baseDN], }, }; if (req.filter.matches(obj.attributes)) { // TODO: check req.scope if ldapjs does not res.send(obj); } res.end(); }); server.listen(serverPort, callback); return server; } function testLdapAuth() { // Create mock manager and client. When client is true, manager should not // be used. But ideally the auth plugin should not use any of those. const manager = {} as ClientManager; const client = true; it("should successfully authenticate with correct password", function (done) { // TODO: why is client = true? ldapAuth.auth(manager, client as any, user, correctPassword, function (valid) { expect(valid).to.equal(true); done(); }); }); it("should fail to authenticate with incorrect password", function (done) { let error = ""; const errorLogStub = sinon .stub(log, "error") .callsFake(TestUtil.sanitizeLog((str) => (error += str))); ldapAuth.auth(manager, client as any, user, wrongPassword, function (valid) { expect(valid).to.equal(false); expect(error).to.equal( "LDAP bind failed: InsufficientAccessRightsError: InsufficientAccessRightsError\n" ); errorLogStub.restore(); done(); }); }); it("should fail to authenticate with incorrect username", function (done) { let warning = ""; const warnLogStub = sinon .stub(log, "warn") .callsFake(TestUtil.sanitizeLog((str) => (warning += str))); ldapAuth.auth(manager, client as any, wrongUser, correctPassword, function (valid) { expect(valid).to.equal(false); expect(warning).to.equal("LDAP Search did not find anything for: eve (0)\n"); warnLogStub.restore(); done(); }); }); } describe("LDAP authentication plugin", function () { // Increase timeout due to unpredictable I/O on CI services this.timeout(TestUtil.isRunningOnCI() ? 25000 : 5000); this.slow(300); let server: ldap.Server; let logInfoStub: sinon.SinonStub; before(function (done) { logInfoStub = sinon.stub(log, "info"); server = startLdapServer(done); }); after(function () { server.close(() => { // no-op }); logInfoStub.restore(); }); beforeEach(function () { Config.values.public = false; Config.values.ldap.enable = true; Config.values.ldap.url = "ldap://" + String(serverPort); Config.values.ldap.primaryKey = primaryKey; }); afterEach(function () { Config.values.public = true; Config.values.ldap.enable = false; }); describe("LDAP authentication availability", function () { it("checks that the configuration is correctly tied to isEnabled()", function () { Config.values.ldap.enable = true; expect(ldapAuth.isEnabled()).to.equal(true); Config.values.ldap.enable = false; expect(ldapAuth.isEnabled()).to.equal(false); }); }); describe("Simple LDAP authentication (predefined DN pattern)", function () { Config.values.ldap.baseDN = baseDN; testLdapAuth(); }); describe("Advanced LDAP authentication (DN found by a prior search query)", function () { delete Config.values.ldap.baseDN; testLdapAuth(); }); });