
253 lines
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* (C) 2008-2022 Anope Team
* Contact us at
* Please read COPYING and README for further details.
#include "memo.h"
#include "modes.h"
#include "extensible.h"
#include "logger.h"
#include "modules.h"
#include "serialize.h"
#include "bots.h"
typedef Anope::hash_map<ChannelInfo *> registered_channel_map;
extern CoreExport Serialize::Checker<registered_channel_map> RegisteredChannelList;
/* AutoKick data. */
class CoreExport AutoKick : public Serializable
/* Channel this autokick is on */
Serialize::Reference<ChannelInfo> ci;
Anope::string mask;
Serialize::Reference<NickCore> nc;
Anope::string reason;
Anope::string creator;
time_t addtime;
time_t last_used;
void Serialize(Serialize::Data &data) const anope_override;
static Serializable* Unserialize(Serializable *obj, Serialize::Data &);
/* It matters that Base is here before Extensible (it is inherited by Serializable)
class CoreExport ChannelInfo : public Serializable, public Extensible
/* channels who reference this one */
Anope::map<int> references;
Serialize::Reference<NickCore> founder; /* Channel founder */
Serialize::Reference<NickCore> successor; /* Who gets the channel if the founder nick is dropped or expires */
Serialize::Checker<std::vector<ChanAccess *> > access; /* List of authorized users */
Serialize::Checker<std::vector<AutoKick *> > akick; /* List of users to kickban */
Anope::map<int16_t> levels;
friend class ChanAccess;
friend class AutoKick;
Anope::string name; /* Channel name */
Anope::string desc;
time_t time_registered;
time_t last_used;
Anope::string last_topic; /* The last topic that was set on this channel */
Anope::string last_topic_setter; /* Setter */
time_t last_topic_time; /* Time */
Channel::ModeList last_modes; /* The last modes set on this channel */
int16_t bantype;
MemoInfo memos;
Channel *c; /* Pointer to channel, if the channel exists */
/* For BotServ */
Serialize::Reference<BotInfo> bi; /* Bot used on this channel */
time_t banexpire; /* Time bans expire in */
/** Constructor
* @param chname The channel name
ChannelInfo(const Anope::string &chname);
/** Copy constructor
* @param ci The ChannelInfo to copy settings from
ChannelInfo(const ChannelInfo &ci);
void Serialize(Serialize::Data &data) const anope_override;
static Serializable* Unserialize(Serializable *obj, Serialize::Data &);
/** Change the founder of the channel
* @params nc The new founder
void SetFounder(NickCore *nc);
/** Get the founder of the channel
* @return The founder
NickCore *GetFounder() const;
void SetSuccessor(NickCore *nc);
NickCore *GetSuccessor() const;
/** Find which bot should send mode/topic/etc changes for this channel
* @return The bot
BotInfo *WhoSends() const;
/** Add an entry to the channel access list
* @param access The entry
void AddAccess(ChanAccess *access);
/** Get an entry from the channel access list by index
* @param index The index in the access list vector
* @return A ChanAccess struct corresponding to the index given, or NULL if outside the bounds
* Retrieves an entry from the access list that matches the given index.
ChanAccess *GetAccess(unsigned index) const;
/** Retrieve the access for a user or group in the form of a vector of access entries
* (as multiple entries can affect a single user).
AccessGroup AccessFor(const User *u, bool updateLastUsed = true);
AccessGroup AccessFor(const NickCore *nc, bool updateLastUsed = true);
/** Get the size of the access vector for this channel
* @return The access vector size
unsigned GetAccessCount() const;
/** Get the number of access entries for this channel,
* including those that are on other channels.
unsigned GetDeepAccessCount() const;
/** Erase an entry from the channel access list
* @param index The index in the access list vector
* @return The erased entry
ChanAccess *EraseAccess(unsigned index);
/** Clear the entire channel access list
* Clears the entire access list by deleting every item and then clearing the vector.
void ClearAccess();
/** Add an akick entry to the channel by NickCore
* @param user The user who added the akick
* @param akicknc The nickcore being akicked
* @param reason The reason for the akick
* @param t The time the akick was added, defaults to now
* @param lu The time the akick was last used, defaults to never
AutoKick* AddAkick(const Anope::string &user, NickCore *akicknc, const Anope::string &reason, time_t t = Anope::CurTime, time_t lu = 0);
/** Add an akick entry to the channel by reason
* @param user The user who added the akick
* @param mask The mask of the akick
* @param reason The reason for the akick
* @param t The time the akick was added, defaults to now
* @param lu The time the akick was last used, defaults to never
AutoKick* AddAkick(const Anope::string &user, const Anope::string &mask, const Anope::string &reason, time_t t = Anope::CurTime, time_t lu = 0);
/** Get an entry from the channel akick list
* @param index The index in the akick vector
* @return The akick structure, or NULL if not found
AutoKick* GetAkick(unsigned index) const;
/** Get the size of the akick vector for this channel
* @return The akick vector size
unsigned GetAkickCount() const;
/** Erase an entry from the channel akick list
* @param index The index of the akick
void EraseAkick(unsigned index);
/** Clear the whole akick list
void ClearAkick();
/** Get the level entries for the channel.
* @return The levels for the channel.
const Anope::map<int16_t> &GetLevelEntries();
/** Get the level for a privilege
* @param priv The privilege name
* @return the level
* @throws CoreException if priv is not a valid privilege
int16_t GetLevel(const Anope::string &priv) const;
/** Set the level for a privilege
* @param priv The privilege priv
* @param level The new level
void SetLevel(const Anope::string &priv, int16_t level);
/** Remove a privilege from the channel
* @param priv The privilege
void RemoveLevel(const Anope::string &priv);
/** Clear all privileges from the channel
void ClearLevels();
/** Gets a ban mask for the given user based on the bantype
* of the channel.
* @param u The user
* @return A ban mask that affects the user
Anope::string GetIdealBan(User *u) const;
/** Finds a ChannelInfo
* @param name channel name to lookup
* @return the ChannelInfo associated with the channel
static ChannelInfo* Find(const Anope::string &name);
void AddChannelReference(const Anope::string &what);
void RemoveChannelReference(const Anope::string &what);
void GetChannelReferences(std::deque<Anope::string> &chans);
/** Is the user the real founder?
* @param user The user
* @param ci The channel
* @return true or false
extern CoreExport bool IsFounder(const User *user, const ChannelInfo *ci);
#endif // REGCHANNEL_H