/* * * (C) 2003-2022 Anope Team * Contact us at team@anope.org * * Please read COPYING and README for further details. * * Based on the original code of Epona by Lara. * Based on the original code of Services by Andy Church. */ #include "module.h" #include "modules/dns.h" using namespace DNS; namespace { Anope::string admin, nameservers; int refresh; time_t timeout; } /** A full packet sent or received to/from the nameserver */ class Packet : public Query { static bool IsValidName(const Anope::string &name) { return name.find_first_not_of("0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ.-") == Anope::string::npos; } void PackName(unsigned char *output, unsigned short output_size, unsigned short &pos, const Anope::string &name) { if (pos + name.length() + 2 > output_size) throw SocketException("Unable to pack name"); Log(LOG_DEBUG_2) << "Resolver: PackName packing " << name; sepstream sep(name, '.'); Anope::string token; while (sep.GetToken(token)) { output[pos++] = token.length(); memcpy(&output[pos], token.c_str(), token.length()); pos += token.length(); } output[pos++] = 0; } Anope::string UnpackName(const unsigned char *input, unsigned short input_size, unsigned short &pos) { Anope::string name; unsigned short pos_ptr = pos, lowest_ptr = input_size; bool compressed = false; if (pos_ptr >= input_size) throw SocketException("Unable to unpack name - no input"); while (input[pos_ptr] > 0) { unsigned short offset = input[pos_ptr]; if (offset & POINTER) { if ((offset & POINTER) != POINTER) throw SocketException("Unable to unpack name - bogus compression header"); if (pos_ptr + 1 >= input_size) throw SocketException("Unable to unpack name - bogus compression header"); /* Place pos at the second byte of the first (farthest) compression pointer */ if (compressed == false) { ++pos; compressed = true; } pos_ptr = (offset & LABEL) << 8 | input[pos_ptr + 1]; /* Pointers can only go back */ if (pos_ptr >= lowest_ptr) throw SocketException("Unable to unpack name - bogus compression pointer"); lowest_ptr = pos_ptr; } else { if (pos_ptr + offset + 1 >= input_size) throw SocketException("Unable to unpack name - offset too large"); if (!name.empty()) name += "."; for (unsigned i = 1; i <= offset; ++i) name += input[pos_ptr + i]; pos_ptr += offset + 1; if (compressed == false) /* Move up pos */ pos = pos_ptr; } } /* +1 pos either to one byte after the compression pointer or one byte after the ending \0 */ ++pos; /* Empty names are valid (root domain) */ Log(LOG_DEBUG_2) << "Resolver: UnpackName successfully unpacked " << name; return name; } Question UnpackQuestion(const unsigned char *input, unsigned short input_size, unsigned short &pos) { Question question; question.name = this->UnpackName(input, input_size, pos); if (pos + 4 > input_size) throw SocketException("Unable to unpack question"); if (!IsValidName(question.name)) throw SocketException("Invalid question name"); question.type = static_cast(input[pos] << 8 | input[pos + 1]); pos += 2; question.qclass = input[pos] << 8 | input[pos + 1]; pos += 2; return question; } ResourceRecord UnpackResourceRecord(const unsigned char *input, unsigned short input_size, unsigned short &pos) { ResourceRecord record = static_cast(this->UnpackQuestion(input, input_size, pos)); if (pos + 6 > input_size) throw SocketException("Unable to unpack resource record"); record.ttl = (input[pos] << 24) | (input[pos + 1] << 16) | (input[pos + 2] << 8) | input[pos + 3]; pos += 4; //record.rdlength = input[pos] << 8 | input[pos + 1]; pos += 2; switch (record.type) { case QUERY_A: { if (pos + 4 > input_size) throw SocketException("Unable to unpack resource record"); in_addr a; a.s_addr = input[pos] | (input[pos + 1] << 8) | (input[pos + 2] << 16) | (input[pos + 3] << 24); pos += 4; sockaddrs addrs; addrs.ntop(AF_INET, &a); if (!addrs.valid()) throw SocketException("Invalid IP"); record.rdata = addrs.addr(); break; } case QUERY_AAAA: { if (pos + 16 > input_size) throw SocketException("Unable to unpack resource record"); in6_addr a; for (int j = 0; j < 16; ++j) a.s6_addr[j] = input[pos + j]; pos += 16; sockaddrs addrs; addrs.ntop(AF_INET6, &a); if (!addrs.valid()) throw SocketException("Invalid IP"); record.rdata = addrs.addr(); break; } case QUERY_CNAME: case QUERY_PTR: { record.rdata = this->UnpackName(input, input_size, pos); if (!IsValidName(record.rdata)) throw SocketException("Invalid cname/ptr record data"); break; } default: break; } Log(LOG_DEBUG_2) << "Resolver: " << record.name << " -> " << record.rdata; return record; } public: static const int POINTER = 0xC0; static const int LABEL = 0x3F; static const int HEADER_LENGTH = 12; Manager *manager; /* Source or destination of the packet */ sockaddrs addr; /* ID for this packet */ unsigned short id; /* Flags on the packet */ unsigned short flags; Packet(Manager *m, sockaddrs *a) : manager(m), id(0), flags(0) { if (a) addr = *a; } void Fill(const unsigned char *input, const unsigned short len) { if (len < HEADER_LENGTH) throw SocketException("Unable to fill packet"); unsigned short packet_pos = 0; this->id = (input[packet_pos] << 8) | input[packet_pos + 1]; packet_pos += 2; this->flags = (input[packet_pos] << 8) | input[packet_pos + 1]; packet_pos += 2; unsigned short qdcount = (input[packet_pos] << 8) | input[packet_pos + 1]; packet_pos += 2; unsigned short ancount = (input[packet_pos] << 8) | input[packet_pos + 1]; packet_pos += 2; unsigned short nscount = (input[packet_pos] << 8) | input[packet_pos + 1]; packet_pos += 2; unsigned short arcount = (input[packet_pos] << 8) | input[packet_pos + 1]; packet_pos += 2; Log(LOG_DEBUG_2) << "Resolver: qdcount: " << qdcount << " ancount: " << ancount << " nscount: " << nscount << " arcount: " << arcount; for (unsigned i = 0; i < qdcount; ++i) this->questions.push_back(this->UnpackQuestion(input, len, packet_pos)); for (unsigned i = 0; i < ancount; ++i) this->answers.push_back(this->UnpackResourceRecord(input, len, packet_pos)); try { for (unsigned i = 0; i < nscount; ++i) this->authorities.push_back(this->UnpackResourceRecord(input, len, packet_pos)); for (unsigned i = 0; i < arcount; ++i) this->additional.push_back(this->UnpackResourceRecord(input, len, packet_pos)); } catch (const SocketException &ex) { Log(LOG_DEBUG_2) << "Unable to parse ns/ar records: " << ex.GetReason(); } } unsigned short Pack(unsigned char *output, unsigned short output_size) { if (output_size < HEADER_LENGTH) throw SocketException("Unable to pack packet"); unsigned short pos = 0; output[pos++] = this->id >> 8; output[pos++] = this->id & 0xFF; output[pos++] = this->flags >> 8; output[pos++] = this->flags & 0xFF; output[pos++] = this->questions.size() >> 8; output[pos++] = this->questions.size() & 0xFF; output[pos++] = this->answers.size() >> 8; output[pos++] = this->answers.size() & 0xFF; output[pos++] = this->authorities.size() >> 8; output[pos++] = this->authorities.size() & 0xFF; output[pos++] = this->additional.size() >> 8; output[pos++] = this->additional.size() & 0xFF; for (unsigned i = 0; i < this->questions.size(); ++i) { Question &q = this->questions[i]; if (q.type == QUERY_PTR) { sockaddrs ip(q.name); if (!ip.valid()) throw SocketException("Invalid IP"); switch (ip.family()) { case AF_INET6: q.name = ip.reverse() + ".ip6.arpa"; break; case AF_INET: q.name = ip.reverse() + ".in-addr.arpa"; break; default: throw SocketException("Unsupported IP Family"); } } this->PackName(output, output_size, pos, q.name); if (pos + 4 >= output_size) throw SocketException("Unable to pack packet"); short s = htons(q.type); memcpy(&output[pos], &s, 2); pos += 2; s = htons(q.qclass); memcpy(&output[pos], &s, 2); pos += 2; } std::vector types[] = { this->answers, this->authorities, this->additional }; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) for (unsigned j = 0; j < types[i].size(); ++j) { ResourceRecord &rr = types[i][j]; this->PackName(output, output_size, pos, rr.name); if (pos + 8 >= output_size) throw SocketException("Unable to pack packet"); short s = htons(rr.type); memcpy(&output[pos], &s, 2); pos += 2; s = htons(rr.qclass); memcpy(&output[pos], &s, 2); pos += 2; long l = htonl(rr.ttl); memcpy(&output[pos], &l, 4); pos += 4; switch (rr.type) { case QUERY_A: { if (pos + 6 > output_size) throw SocketException("Unable to pack packet"); sockaddrs a(rr.rdata); if (!a.valid()) throw SocketException("Invalid IP"); s = htons(4); memcpy(&output[pos], &s, 2); pos += 2; memcpy(&output[pos], &a.sa4.sin_addr, 4); pos += 4; break; } case QUERY_AAAA: { if (pos + 18 > output_size) throw SocketException("Unable to pack packet"); sockaddrs a(rr.rdata); if (!a.valid()) throw SocketException("Invalid IP"); s = htons(16); memcpy(&output[pos], &s, 2); pos += 2; memcpy(&output[pos], &a.sa6.sin6_addr, 16); pos += 16; break; } case QUERY_NS: case QUERY_CNAME: case QUERY_PTR: { if (pos + 2 >= output_size) throw SocketException("Unable to pack packet"); unsigned short packet_pos_save = pos; pos += 2; this->PackName(output, output_size, pos, rr.rdata); s = htons(pos - packet_pos_save - 2); memcpy(&output[packet_pos_save], &s, 2); break; } case QUERY_SOA: { if (pos + 2 >= output_size) throw SocketException("Unable to pack packet"); unsigned short packet_pos_save = pos; pos += 2; std::vector ns; spacesepstream(nameservers).GetTokens(ns); this->PackName(output, output_size, pos, !ns.empty() ? ns[0] : ""); this->PackName(output, output_size, pos, admin.replace_all_cs('@', '.')); if (pos + 20 >= output_size) throw SocketException("Unable to pack SOA"); l = htonl(manager->GetSerial()); memcpy(&output[pos], &l, 4); pos += 4; l = htonl(refresh); // Refresh memcpy(&output[pos], &l, 4); pos += 4; l = htonl(refresh); // Retry memcpy(&output[pos], &l, 4); pos += 4; l = htonl(604800); // Expire memcpy(&output[pos], &l, 4); pos += 4; l = htonl(0); // Minimum memcpy(&output[pos], &l, 4); pos += 4; s = htons(pos - packet_pos_save - 2); memcpy(&output[packet_pos_save], &s, 2); break; } default: break; } } return pos; } }; namespace DNS { class ReplySocket : public virtual Socket { public: virtual ~ReplySocket() { } virtual void Reply(Packet *p) = 0; }; } /* Listens for TCP requests */ class TCPSocket : public ListenSocket { Manager *manager; public: /* A TCP client */ class Client : public ClientSocket, public Timer, public ReplySocket { Manager *manager; Packet *packet; unsigned char packet_buffer[524]; int length; public: Client(Manager *m, TCPSocket *l, int fd, const sockaddrs &addr) : Socket(fd, l->IsIPv6()), ClientSocket(l, addr), Timer(5), manager(m), packet(NULL), length(0) { Log(LOG_DEBUG_2) << "Resolver: New client from " << addr.addr(); } ~Client() { Log(LOG_DEBUG_2) << "Resolver: Exiting client from " << clientaddr.addr(); delete packet; } /* Times out after a few seconds */ void Tick(time_t) anope_override { } void Reply(Packet *p) anope_override { delete packet; packet = p; SocketEngine::Change(this, true, SF_WRITABLE); } bool ProcessRead() anope_override { Log(LOG_DEBUG_2) << "Resolver: Reading from DNS TCP socket"; int i = recv(this->GetFD(), reinterpret_cast(packet_buffer) + length, sizeof(packet_buffer) - length, 0); if (i <= 0) return false; length += i; unsigned short want_len = packet_buffer[0] << 8 | packet_buffer[1]; if (length >= want_len + 2) { int len = length - 2; length -= want_len + 2; return this->manager->HandlePacket(this, packet_buffer + 2, len, NULL); } return true; } bool ProcessWrite() anope_override { Log(LOG_DEBUG_2) << "Resolver: Writing to DNS TCP socket"; if (packet != NULL) { try { unsigned char buffer[65535]; unsigned short len = packet->Pack(buffer + 2, sizeof(buffer) - 2); short s = htons(len); memcpy(buffer, &s, 2); len += 2; send(this->GetFD(), reinterpret_cast(buffer), len, 0); } catch (const SocketException &) { } delete packet; packet = NULL; } SocketEngine::Change(this, false, SF_WRITABLE); return true; /* Do not return false here, bind is unhappy we close the connection so soon after sending */ } }; TCPSocket(Manager *m, const Anope::string &ip, int port) : Socket(-1, ip.find(':') != Anope::string::npos), ListenSocket(ip, port, ip.find(':') != Anope::string::npos), manager(m) { } ClientSocket *OnAccept(int fd, const sockaddrs &addr) anope_override { return new Client(this->manager, this, fd, addr); } }; /* Listens for UDP requests */ class UDPSocket : public ReplySocket { Manager *manager; std::deque packets; public: UDPSocket(Manager *m, const Anope::string &ip, int port) : Socket(-1, ip.find(':') != Anope::string::npos, SOCK_DGRAM), manager(m) { } ~UDPSocket() { for (unsigned i = 0; i < packets.size(); ++i) delete packets[i]; } void Reply(Packet *p) anope_override { packets.push_back(p); SocketEngine::Change(this, true, SF_WRITABLE); } std::deque& GetPackets() { return packets; } bool ProcessRead() anope_override { Log(LOG_DEBUG_2) << "Resolver: Reading from DNS UDP socket"; unsigned char packet_buffer[524]; sockaddrs from_server; socklen_t x = sizeof(from_server); int length = recvfrom(this->GetFD(), reinterpret_cast(&packet_buffer), sizeof(packet_buffer), 0, &from_server.sa, &x); return this->manager->HandlePacket(this, packet_buffer, length, &from_server); } bool ProcessWrite() anope_override { Log(LOG_DEBUG_2) << "Resolver: Writing to DNS UDP socket"; Packet *r = !packets.empty() ? packets.front() : NULL; if (r != NULL) { try { unsigned char buffer[524]; unsigned short len = r->Pack(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); sendto(this->GetFD(), reinterpret_cast(buffer), len, 0, &r->addr.sa, r->addr.size()); } catch (const SocketException &) { } delete r; packets.pop_front(); } if (packets.empty()) SocketEngine::Change(this, false, SF_WRITABLE); return true; } }; class NotifySocket : public Socket { Packet *packet; public: NotifySocket(bool v6, Packet *p) : Socket(-1, v6, SOCK_DGRAM), packet(p) { SocketEngine::Change(this, false, SF_READABLE); SocketEngine::Change(this, true, SF_WRITABLE); } bool ProcessWrite() anope_override { if (!packet) return false; Log(LOG_DEBUG_2) << "Resolver: Notifying slave " << packet->addr.addr(); try { unsigned char buffer[524]; unsigned short len = packet->Pack(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); sendto(this->GetFD(), reinterpret_cast(buffer), len, 0, &packet->addr.sa, packet->addr.size()); } catch (const SocketException &) { } delete packet; packet = NULL; return false; } }; class MyManager : public Manager, public Timer { uint32_t serial; typedef TR1NS::unordered_map cache_map; cache_map cache; TCPSocket *tcpsock; UDPSocket *udpsock; bool listen; sockaddrs addrs; std::vector > notify; public: std::map requests; MyManager(Module *creator) : Manager(creator), Timer(300, Anope::CurTime, true), serial(Anope::CurTime), tcpsock(NULL), udpsock(NULL), listen(false), cur_id(rand()) { } ~MyManager() { delete udpsock; delete tcpsock; for (std::map::iterator it = this->requests.begin(), it_end = this->requests.end(); it != it_end;) { Request *request = it->second; ++it; Query rr(*request); rr.error = ERROR_UNKNOWN; request->OnError(&rr); delete request; } this->requests.clear(); this->cache.clear(); } void SetIPPort(const Anope::string &nameserver, const Anope::string &ip, unsigned short port, std::vector > n) { delete udpsock; delete tcpsock; udpsock = NULL; tcpsock = NULL; try { this->addrs.pton(nameserver.find(':') != Anope::string::npos ? AF_INET6 : AF_INET, nameserver, 53); udpsock = new UDPSocket(this, ip, port); if (!ip.empty()) { udpsock->Bind(ip, port); tcpsock = new TCPSocket(this, ip, port); listen = true; } } catch (const SocketException &ex) { Log() << "Unable to bind dns to " << ip << ":" << port << ": " << ex.GetReason(); } notify = n; } private: unsigned short cur_id; unsigned short GetID() { if (this->udpsock->GetPackets().size() == 65535) throw SocketException("DNS queue full"); do cur_id = (cur_id + 1) & 0xFFFF; while (!cur_id || this->requests.count(cur_id)); return cur_id; } public: void Process(Request *req) anope_override { Log(LOG_DEBUG_2) << "Resolver: Processing request to lookup " << req->name << ", of type " << req->type; if (req->use_cache && this->CheckCache(req)) { Log(LOG_DEBUG_2) << "Resolver: Using cached result"; delete req; return; } if (!this->udpsock) throw SocketException("No dns socket"); req->id = GetID(); this->requests[req->id] = req; req->SetSecs(timeout); Packet *p = new Packet(this, &this->addrs); p->flags = QUERYFLAGS_RD; p->id = req->id; p->questions.push_back(*req); this->udpsock->Reply(p); } void RemoveRequest(Request *req) anope_override { this->requests.erase(req->id); } bool HandlePacket(ReplySocket *s, const unsigned char *const packet_buffer, int length, sockaddrs *from) anope_override { if (length < Packet::HEADER_LENGTH) return true; Packet recv_packet(this, from); try { recv_packet.Fill(packet_buffer, length); } catch (const SocketException &ex) { Log(LOG_DEBUG_2) << ex.GetReason(); return true; } if (!(recv_packet.flags & QUERYFLAGS_QR)) { if (!listen) return true; else if (recv_packet.questions.empty()) { Log(LOG_DEBUG_2) << "Resolver: Received a question with no questions?"; return true; } Packet *packet = new Packet(recv_packet); packet->flags |= QUERYFLAGS_QR; /* This is a response */ packet->flags |= QUERYFLAGS_AA; /* And we are authoritative */ packet->answers.clear(); packet->authorities.clear(); packet->additional.clear(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < recv_packet.questions.size(); ++i) { const Question& q = recv_packet.questions[i]; if (q.type == QUERY_AXFR || q.type == QUERY_SOA) { ResourceRecord rr(q.name, QUERY_SOA); packet->answers.push_back(rr); if (q.type == QUERY_AXFR) { Anope::string token; spacesepstream sep(nameservers); while (sep.GetToken(token)) { ResourceRecord rr2(q.name, QUERY_NS); rr2.rdata = token; packet->answers.push_back(rr2); } } break; } } FOREACH_MOD(OnDnsRequest, (recv_packet, packet)); for (unsigned i = 0; i < recv_packet.questions.size(); ++i) { const Question& q = recv_packet.questions[i]; if (q.type == QUERY_AXFR) { ResourceRecord rr(q.name, QUERY_SOA); packet->answers.push_back(rr); break; } } if (packet->answers.empty() && packet->authorities.empty() && packet->additional.empty() && packet->error == ERROR_NONE) packet->error = ERROR_REFUSED; // usually safe, won't cause an NXDOMAIN to get cached s->Reply(packet); return true; } if (from == NULL) { Log(LOG_DEBUG_2) << "Resolver: Received an answer over TCP. This is not supported."; return true; } else if (this->addrs != *from) { Log(LOG_DEBUG_2) << "Resolver: Received an answer from the wrong nameserver, Bad NAT or DNS forging attempt? '" << this->addrs.addr() << "' != '" << from->addr() << "'"; return true; } std::map::iterator it = this->requests.find(recv_packet.id); if (it == this->requests.end()) { Log(LOG_DEBUG_2) << "Resolver: Received an answer for something we didn't request"; return true; } Request *request = it->second; if (recv_packet.flags & QUERYFLAGS_OPCODE) { Log(LOG_DEBUG_2) << "Resolver: Received a nonstandard query"; recv_packet.error = ERROR_NONSTANDARD_QUERY; request->OnError(&recv_packet); } else if (recv_packet.flags & QUERYFLAGS_RCODE) { Error error = ERROR_UNKNOWN; switch (recv_packet.flags & QUERYFLAGS_RCODE) { case 1: Log(LOG_DEBUG_2) << "Resolver: format error"; error = ERROR_FORMAT_ERROR; break; case 2: Log(LOG_DEBUG_2) << "Resolver: server error"; error = ERROR_SERVER_FAILURE; break; case 3: Log(LOG_DEBUG_2) << "Resolver: domain not found"; error = ERROR_DOMAIN_NOT_FOUND; break; case 4: Log(LOG_DEBUG_2) << "Resolver: not implemented"; error = ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; break; case 5: Log(LOG_DEBUG_2) << "Resolver: refused"; error = ERROR_REFUSED; break; default: break; } recv_packet.error = error; request->OnError(&recv_packet); } else if (recv_packet.questions.empty() || recv_packet.answers.empty()) { Log(LOG_DEBUG_2) << "Resolver: No resource records returned"; recv_packet.error = ERROR_NO_RECORDS; request->OnError(&recv_packet); } else { Log(LOG_DEBUG_2) << "Resolver: Lookup complete for " << request->name; request->OnLookupComplete(&recv_packet); this->AddCache(recv_packet); } delete request; return true; } void UpdateSerial() anope_override { serial = Anope::CurTime; } void Notify(const Anope::string &zone) anope_override { /* notify slaves of the update */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < notify.size(); ++i) { const Anope::string &ip = notify[i].first; short port = notify[i].second; sockaddrs addr; addr.pton(ip.find(':') != Anope::string::npos ? AF_INET6 : AF_INET, ip, port); if (!addr.valid()) return; Packet *packet = new Packet(this, &addr); packet->flags = QUERYFLAGS_AA | QUERYFLAGS_OPCODE_NOTIFY; try { packet->id = GetID(); } catch (const SocketException &) { delete packet; continue; } packet->questions.push_back(Question(zone, QUERY_SOA)); new NotifySocket(ip.find(':') != Anope::string::npos, packet); } } uint32_t GetSerial() const anope_override { return serial; } void Tick(time_t now) anope_override { Log(LOG_DEBUG_2) << "Resolver: Purging DNS cache"; for (cache_map::iterator it = this->cache.begin(), it_next; it != this->cache.end(); it = it_next) { const Query &q = it->second; const ResourceRecord &req = q.answers[0]; it_next = it; ++it_next; if (req.created + static_cast(req.ttl) < now) this->cache.erase(it); } } private: /** Add a record to the dns cache * @param r The record */ void AddCache(Query &r) { const ResourceRecord &rr = r.answers[0]; Log(LOG_DEBUG_3) << "Resolver cache: added cache for " << rr.name << " -> " << rr.rdata << ", ttl: " << rr.ttl; this->cache[r.questions[0]] = r; } /** Check the DNS cache to see if request can be handled by a cached result * @return true if a cached result was found. */ bool CheckCache(Request *request) { cache_map::iterator it = this->cache.find(*request); if (it != this->cache.end()) { Query &record = it->second; Log(LOG_DEBUG_3) << "Resolver: Using cached result for " << request->name; request->OnLookupComplete(&record); return true; } return false; } }; class ModuleDNS : public Module { MyManager manager; Anope::string nameserver; Anope::string ip; int port; std::vector > notify; public: ModuleDNS(const Anope::string &modname, const Anope::string &creator) : Module(modname, creator, EXTRA | VENDOR), manager(this) { } ~ModuleDNS() { for (std::map::const_iterator it = SocketEngine::Sockets.begin(), it_end = SocketEngine::Sockets.end(); it != it_end;) { Socket *s = it->second; ++it; if (dynamic_cast(s) || dynamic_cast(s)) delete s; } } void OnReload(Configuration::Conf *conf) anope_override { Configuration::Block *block = conf->GetModule(this); nameserver = block->Get("nameserver", ""); timeout = block->Get("timeout", "5"); ip = block->Get("ip", ""); port = block->Get("port", "53"); admin = block->Get("admin", "admin@example.com"); nameservers = block->Get("nameservers", "ns1.example.com"); refresh = block->Get("refresh", "3600"); for (int i = 0; i < block->CountBlock("notify"); ++i) { Configuration::Block *n = block->GetBlock("notify", i); Anope::string nip = n->Get("ip"); short nport = n->Get("port"); notify.push_back(std::make_pair(nip, nport)); } if (Anope::IsFile(nameserver)) { std::ifstream f(nameserver.c_str()); bool success = false; if (f.is_open()) { for (Anope::string server; std::getline(f, server.str());) { if (server.find("nameserver") == 0) { size_t i = server.find_first_of("123456789"); if (i != Anope::string::npos) { if (server.substr(i).is_pos_number_only()) { nameserver = server.substr(i); Log(LOG_DEBUG) << "Nameserver set to " << nameserver; success = true; break; } } } } f.close(); } if (!success) { Log() << "Unable to find nameserver, defaulting to"; nameserver = ""; } } try { this->manager.SetIPPort(nameserver, ip, port, notify); } catch (const SocketException &ex) { throw ModuleException(ex.GetReason()); } } void OnModuleUnload(User *u, Module *m) anope_override { for (std::map::iterator it = this->manager.requests.begin(), it_end = this->manager.requests.end(); it != it_end;) { unsigned short id = it->first; Request *req = it->second; ++it; if (req->creator == m) { Query rr(*req); rr.error = ERROR_UNLOADED; req->OnError(&rr); delete req; this->manager.requests.erase(id); } } } }; MODULE_INIT(ModuleDNS)