Anope for Windows ----------------- 1) Building the Source 2) Installation 3) Compiling Modules 4) Other compile options 5) Credits 1) Building the Source NOTE: If you have downloaded one of the pre-compiled installers, you do NOT need to complete this step, and you can proceed to step 2. If you want to build Anope from source on a Win32 system, you will need to follow this instructions: 1) Download the required files: * Current Anope source: * CMake: (NOTE: When installing, tell CMake to add itself to the PATH.) If you have Visual C++ 10 or 11 (2010/2012) skip ahead to step 2, else you need to download and install the following free component from Microsoft. * Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express Edition: 2) Unpack the Anope tarball with your favorite uncompression program (WinZip or WinRAR, etc). 3) Bring up the Visual C++ Command Prompt; This will launch a DOS Command Prompt like window, which will set the environment properties needed to make Anope. Create a new directory, which will be used to hold the build files. You can make it be a directory under the source directory unpacked in step 2, or somewhere else entirely. Change directories to this new folder, by typing: cd e.g. cd c:\anope-build 4) You now need to configure Anope to your requirements. At the prompt type: \Config.exe NOTE: If you run an Anti-Virus program such as McAfee or Norton, you may be unable to run this command due to the protection in place. Some Anti- Virus programs may detect the Anope Configuration Tool as a worm, however this is not the case. If you are prompted to allow or deny execution of the script, you should choose allow. If the script fails to run, and no notice is displayed, please check your Anti-Virus settings before seeking assistance. An interactive configuration program should guide you through the install options. You will be given a choice to use NMake or not. NMake will compile inside the command prompt window you are in. If you want to build within the Visual C++ IDE, say no to that option, and it'll create a Solution for you to open up. If you cannot find whats causing the error, please visit our forums or our IRC Support channel for assistance. Some Anope modules require third party libraries, such as m_mysql and the SSL modules. If these libraries are installed in nonstandard locations, cmake will probably not find them and should be told where they are by passing their location to Config. The libraries used to build the 'extra' modules are available at 5) You are now ready to compile. If you said you wanted to use NMake in step 4, at the prompt type: nmake Once you are back at the command prompt again, if there have been no errors, you are ready to go. If instead you decided to use the Visual C++ IDE, open up the Anope.sln file. After the IDE has fully loaded, hit F7 to build everything. Should you encounter errors with the installation process, check the messages displayed for advice on resolving them. If you are unable to resolve the issues yourself, seek assistance on our forums or in our IRC Support channel. 6) Finally you will need to install Anope. If you said you wanted to use NMake in step 4, at the prompt type: nmake install Otherwise, if you decided to use the Visual C++ IDE, find the project called INSTALL within the Solution Explorer. Right-click on INSTALL and choose Build. When you have done this, all the files will be installed to where they belong. The only thing you need to do is rename "data/example.conf" to be "data/services.conf", and then follow the steps to set up Anope. You have now completed the building phase of Anope for Windows. You can now move on to the next section, which is related to setting up Anope. 2) Installation Since Anope for Windows does not use a visual interface, you must do the configuration with a text editor before proceeding with running Anope itself. NOTE: You may need to open the configuration file with Wordpad, or a text editor which supports UNIX line endings. Opening the configuration file in Notepad will cause strange characters to appear, and you may not be able to edit the file correctly. Open services.conf, and read through it carefully and adjust the settings you think you need to adjust. If you are unsure of the settings, you can go to the dos command prompt and run "anope.exe --nofork --debug" and watch the information as it attempts to connect. You can launch services in two ways. If you are sure that the entered configuration information is correct, simply double clicking the Anope executable will cause it to start; no window will pop up. If you'd rather have a more textual output, you can start at the dos prompt and type in "anope.exe". If services are successfully started up the dos prompt will seem to hang; at this point you can safely close the dos window. 3) Compiling Modules If you want to build other modules than the ones shipped by default, you will need to rerun Config.exe 4) Other compile options A) If you have trouble recompiling Anope, you should delete all files and folders within the build folder you created in step 3 of section 1. Afterwards, follow the directions from step 4 of section 1 down. 5) Credits Anope is based on Epona and IRCServices. See CREDITS for more credits and a complete list of all developers. Anope's Windows-specific code is provided by: * Dominick Meglio * Trystan Scott Lee * Chris Hogben Anope's Windows Installer was made using: * NSIS 2.20