Anope Modules ------------- 1) Introduction 2) Installation 3) Usage 4) Usage Example 5) More Modules 6) Support 7) Information for Developers 8) Modules Repository 1) Introduction Anope 1.6 onwards supports external modules. External modules are pieces of code that can be attached to a running Anope process dynamically. These modules can serve several purposes, and perform all kind of operations to enhance your network. 2) Installation 1. If modules are supported by your system, they will be configured automatically when you run ./Config. The modules will be installed to the modules directory in your data path (by default this will be ~/services/data/modules). 2. Compile Anope as usual using ./Config. The "make" process will now compile module support into Anope, and compile the default sample modules, and any other module located in the modules folder or any of its sub-directories, eg. modules/extra. 3. Install Anope as usual. The "make install" process will place the compiled modules in their runtime location, making them available for loading. 4. Start or restart services to make use of the new Anope executable. Note that you do not need to restart to load new or changed modules, only to make use of a new Anope executable. 3) Usage All module manipulation commands are done through OperServ. These are: MODLOAD Load a module MODRELOAD Reload a module MODUNLOAD Un-Load a module MODLIST List loaded modules MODINFO Info about a loaded module Access to the above commands require the operserv/modload and modlist permissions. Refer to operserv.example.conf. You can also load (and pre-load) Modules automatically by loading them on startup. To do so, edit any one of the configuration files (you may want to use modules.conf for third-party/extra modules, or a config file relevant to the *Serv your module operates on, eg. hostserv.conf), and use the following method to load a module on startup or reload: module { name="hs_modname" } 4) Usage Example /msg OperServ modload ns_identify -OperServ- Module ns_identify loaded /msg OperServ modinfo ns_identify -OperServ- Module: ns_identify Version: 1.9.7 Author: Anope loaded: Jun 17 18:43:08 2012 BST (2 minutes ago) -OperServ- Providing service: nickserv/identify -OperServ- Command ID on NickServ is linked to nickserv/identify -OperServ- Command IDENTIFY on NickServ is linked to nickserv/identify /msg OperServ modreload ns_identify -OperServ- Module ns_identify reloaded /msg OperServ modunload ns_identify -OperServ- Module ns_identify unloaded /msg NickServ IDENTIFY -NickServ- Unknown command identify. "/msg NickServ HELP" for help. NOTE: Doing the above, with the command still existing in a config file, will result in a log message, similar to the following: <@NickServ> Command IDENTIFY exists on me, but its service nickserv/identify was not found! * Note that the name of the module source file is "ns_identify.cpp", yet we load and reference the module as "ns_identify" only. By naming convention modules have an abbreviated service name they attach to (hs_ for HostServ, cs_ for ChanServ, etc) followed by a descriptive keyword. 5) More Modules You can download more useful modules from Just grab the module file (usually with a .cpp extension). Place the module file in your modules (anope-1.9.x/modules/third) folder; although any of the other folders within the modules directory will work. The new modules need to be compiled and installed before you can make use of them: 1. Make sure you're in the main source directory. (usually anope-1.X.XX/) 2. Run ./Config to find and configure modules, then `cd build`. 3. Run `make` to compile Anope, and any modules. 4. Run `make install` to copy the compiled binaries to the ~/services/ directory. You can now use /msg OperServ MODLOAD to load the new modules. 6) Support The Anope team is not responsible or liable for any unofficial module (i.e. anything other than what was released with the Anope package). Use modules at your own risk, and make sure you get them from a reputable source. You might get module support by contacting the module author, posting on our online forum, or maybe on our #anope channel at /server 7) Information for Developers There are a number of useful documents on the Anope Wiki. The Anope Wiki can be reached at: * 8) Modules Repository You can find modules at These modules are 3rd party and as such are not supported by the Anope Team. Contact the Module Author directly with problems, not the Anope Team.