/* NickServ core functions * * (C) 2003-2022 Anope Team * Contact us at team@anope.org * * Please read COPYING and README for further details. * * Based on the original code of Epona by Lara. * Based on the original code of Services by Andy Church. */ #include "module.h" class NickServCollide; static std::set collides; /** Timer for colliding nicks to force people off of nicknames */ class NickServCollide : public Timer { NickServService *service; Reference u; time_t ts; Reference na; public: NickServCollide(Module *me, NickServService *nss, User *user, NickAlias *nick, time_t delay) : Timer(me, delay), service(nss), u(user), ts(user->timestamp), na(nick) { collides.insert(this); } ~NickServCollide() { collides.erase(this); } User *GetUser() { return u; } NickAlias *GetNick() { return na; } void Tick(time_t t) anope_override { if (!u || !na) return; /* If they identified or don't exist anymore, don't kill them. */ if (u->Account() == na->nc || u->timestamp > ts) return; service->Collide(u, na); } }; /** Timer for removing HELD status from nicks. */ class NickServHeld : public Timer { Reference na; Anope::string nick; public: NickServHeld(Module *me, NickAlias *n, long l) : Timer(me, l), na(n), nick(na->nick) { n->Extend("HELD"); } void Tick(time_t) { if (na) na->Shrink("HELD"); } }; class NickServRelease; static Anope::map NickServReleases; /** Timer for releasing nicks to be available for use */ class NickServRelease : public User, public Timer { Anope::string nick; public: NickServRelease(Module *me, NickAlias *na, time_t delay) : User(na->nick, Config->GetModule("nickserv")->Get("enforceruser", "user"), Config->GetModule("nickserv")->Get("enforcerhost", Me->GetName()), "", "", Me, "Services Enforcer", Anope::CurTime, "", IRCD->UID_Retrieve(), NULL), Timer(me, delay), nick(na->nick) { /* Erase the current release timer and use the new one */ Anope::map::iterator nit = NickServReleases.find(this->nick); if (nit != NickServReleases.end()) { IRCD->SendQuit(nit->second, ""); delete nit->second; } NickServReleases.insert(std::make_pair(this->nick, this)); IRCD->SendClientIntroduction(this); } ~NickServRelease() { IRCD->SendQuit(this, ""); NickServReleases.erase(this->nick); } void Tick(time_t t) anope_override { } }; class NickServCore : public Module, public NickServService { Reference NickServ; std::vector defaults; ExtensibleItem held, collided; void OnCancel(User *u, NickAlias *na) { if (collided.HasExt(na)) { collided.Unset(na); new NickServHeld(this, na, Config->GetModule("nickserv")->Get("releasetimeout", "1m")); if (IRCD->CanSVSHold) IRCD->SendSVSHold(na->nick, Config->GetModule("nickserv")->Get("releasetimeout", "1m")); else new NickServRelease(this, na, Config->GetModule("nickserv")->Get("releasetimeout", "1m")); } } public: NickServCore(const Anope::string &modname, const Anope::string &creator) : Module(modname, creator, PSEUDOCLIENT | VENDOR), NickServService(this), held(this, "HELD"), collided(this, "COLLIDED") { } ~NickServCore() { OnShutdown(); } void OnShutdown() anope_override { /* On shutdown, restart, or mod unload, remove all of our holds for nicks (svshold or qlines) * because some IRCds do not allow us to have these automatically expire */ for (nickalias_map::const_iterator it = NickAliasList->begin(); it != NickAliasList->end(); ++it) this->Release(it->second); } void OnRestart() anope_override { OnShutdown(); } void Validate(User *u) anope_override { NickAlias *na = NickAlias::Find(u->nick); if (!na) return; EventReturn MOD_RESULT; FOREACH_RESULT(OnNickValidate, MOD_RESULT, (u, na)); if (MOD_RESULT == EVENT_STOP) { this->Collide(u, na); return; } else if (MOD_RESULT == EVENT_ALLOW) return; if (!na->nc->HasExt("NS_SECURE") && u->IsRecognized()) { na->last_seen = Anope::CurTime; na->last_usermask = u->GetIdent() + "@" + u->GetDisplayedHost(); na->last_realname = u->realname; return; } if (Config->GetModule("nickserv")->Get("nonicknameownership")) return; bool on_access = u->IsRecognized(false); if (on_access || !na->nc->HasExt("KILL_IMMED")) { if (na->nc->HasExt("NS_SECURE")) u->SendMessage(NickServ, NICK_IS_SECURE, Config->StrictPrivmsg.c_str(), NickServ->nick.c_str()); else u->SendMessage(NickServ, NICK_IS_REGISTERED, Config->StrictPrivmsg.c_str(), NickServ->nick.c_str()); } if (na->nc->HasExt("KILLPROTECT") && !on_access) { if (na->nc->HasExt("KILL_IMMED")) { u->SendMessage(NickServ, FORCENICKCHANGE_NOW); this->Collide(u, na); } else if (na->nc->HasExt("KILL_QUICK")) { time_t killquick = Config->GetModule("nickserv")->Get("killquick", "20s"); u->SendMessage(NickServ, _("If you do not change within %s, I will change your nick."), Anope::Duration(killquick, u->Account()).c_str()); new NickServCollide(this, this, u, na, killquick); } else { time_t kill = Config->GetModule("nickserv")->Get("kill", "60s"); u->SendMessage(NickServ, _("If you do not change within %s, I will change your nick."), Anope::Duration(kill, u->Account()).c_str()); new NickServCollide(this, this, u, na, kill); } } } void OnUserLogin(User *u) anope_override { NickAlias *na = NickAlias::Find(u->nick); if (na && *na->nc == u->Account() && !Config->GetModule("nickserv")->Get("nonicknameownership") && !na->nc->HasExt("UNCONFIRMED")) u->SetMode(NickServ, "REGISTERED"); const Anope::string &modesonid = Config->GetModule(this)->Get("modesonid"); if (!modesonid.empty()) u->SetModes(NickServ, "%s", modesonid.c_str()); } void Collide(User *u, NickAlias *na) anope_override { if (na) collided.Set(na); if (IRCD->CanSVSNick) { unsigned nicklen = Config->GetBlock("networkinfo")->Get("nicklen"); const Anope::string &guestprefix = Config->GetModule("nickserv")->Get("guestnickprefix", "Guest"); Anope::string guestnick; int i = 0; do { guestnick = guestprefix + stringify(static_cast(rand())); if (guestnick.length() > nicklen) guestnick = guestnick.substr(0, nicklen); } while (User::Find(guestnick) && i++ < 10); if (i == 11) u->Kill(*NickServ, "Services nickname-enforcer kill"); else { u->SendMessage(*NickServ, _("Your nickname is now being changed to \002%s\002"), guestnick.c_str()); IRCD->SendForceNickChange(u, guestnick, Anope::CurTime); } } else u->Kill(*NickServ, "Services nickname-enforcer kill"); } void Release(NickAlias *na) anope_override { if (held.HasExt(na)) { if (IRCD->CanSVSHold) IRCD->SendSVSHoldDel(na->nick); else { User *u = User::Find(na->nick); if (u && u->server == Me) { u->Quit(); } } held.Unset(na); } collided.Unset(na); /* clear pending collide */ } void OnReload(Configuration::Conf *conf) anope_override { const Anope::string &nsnick = conf->GetModule(this)->Get("client"); if (nsnick.empty()) throw ConfigException(Module::name + ": must be defined"); BotInfo *bi = BotInfo::Find(nsnick, true); if (!bi) throw ConfigException(Module::name + ": no bot named " + nsnick); NickServ = bi; spacesepstream(conf->GetModule(this)->Get("defaults", "ns_secure memo_signon memo_receive")).GetTokens(defaults); if (defaults.empty()) { defaults.push_back("NS_SECURE"); defaults.push_back("MEMO_SIGNON"); defaults.push_back("MEMO_RECEIVE"); } else if (defaults[0].equals_ci("none")) defaults.clear(); } void OnDelNick(NickAlias *na) anope_override { User *u = User::Find(na->nick); if (u && u->Account() == na->nc) { IRCD->SendLogout(u); u->RemoveMode(NickServ, "REGISTERED"); u->Logout(); } } void OnDelCore(NickCore *nc) anope_override { Log(NickServ, "nick") << "Deleting nickname group " << nc->display; /* Clean up this nick core from any users online */ for (std::list::iterator it = nc->users.begin(); it != nc->users.end();) { User *user = *it++; IRCD->SendLogout(user); user->RemoveMode(NickServ, "REGISTERED"); user->Logout(); FOREACH_MOD(OnNickLogout, (user)); } nc->users.clear(); } void OnChangeCoreDisplay(NickCore *nc, const Anope::string &newdisplay) anope_override { Log(LOG_NORMAL, "nick", NickServ) << "Changing " << nc->display << " nickname group display to " << newdisplay; } void OnNickIdentify(User *u) anope_override { Configuration::Block *block = Config->GetModule(this); if (block->Get("modeonid", "yes")) for (User::ChanUserList::iterator it = u->chans.begin(), it_end = u->chans.end(); it != it_end; ++it) { ChanUserContainer *cc = it->second; Channel *c = cc->chan; if (c) c->SetCorrectModes(u, true); } const Anope::string &modesonid = block->Get("modesonid"); if (!modesonid.empty()) u->SetModes(NickServ, "%s", modesonid.c_str()); if (block->Get("forceemail", "yes") && u->Account()->email.empty()) { u->SendMessage(NickServ, _("You must now supply an e-mail for your nick.\n" "This e-mail will allow you to retrieve your password in\n" "case you forget it.")); u->SendMessage(NickServ, _("Type \002%s%s SET EMAIL \037e-mail\037\002 in order to set your e-mail.\n" "Your privacy is respected; this e-mail won't be given to\n" "any third-party person."), Config->StrictPrivmsg.c_str(), NickServ->nick.c_str()); } for (std::set::iterator it = collides.begin(); it != collides.end(); ++it) { NickServCollide *c = *it; if (c->GetUser() == u && c->GetNick() && c->GetNick()->nc == u->Account()) { delete c; break; } } } void OnNickGroup(User *u, NickAlias *target) anope_override { if (!target->nc->HasExt("UNCONFIRMED")) u->SetMode(NickServ, "REGISTERED"); } void OnNickUpdate(User *u) anope_override { for (User::ChanUserList::iterator it = u->chans.begin(), it_end = u->chans.end(); it != it_end; ++it) { ChanUserContainer *cc = it->second; Channel *c = cc->chan; if (c) c->SetCorrectModes(u, true); } } void OnUserConnect(User *u, bool &exempt) anope_override { if (u->Quitting() || !u->server->IsSynced() || u->server->IsULined()) return; const NickAlias *na = NickAlias::Find(u->nick); const Anope::string &unregistered_notice = Config->GetModule(this)->Get("unregistered_notice"); if (!Config->GetModule("nickserv")->Get("nonicknameownership") && !unregistered_notice.empty() && !na && !u->Account()) u->SendMessage(NickServ, unregistered_notice.replace_all_cs("%n", u->nick)); else if (na && !u->IsIdentified(true)) this->Validate(u); } void OnPostUserLogoff(User *u) anope_override { NickAlias *na = NickAlias::Find(u->nick); if (na) OnCancel(u, na); } void OnServerSync(Server *s) anope_override { for (user_map::const_iterator it = UserListByNick.begin(); it != UserListByNick.end(); ++it) { User *u = it->second; if (u->server == s) { if (u->HasMode("REGISTERED") && !u->IsIdentified(true)) u->RemoveMode(NickServ, "REGISTERED"); if (!u->IsIdentified()) this->Validate(u); } } } void OnUserNickChange(User *u, const Anope::string &oldnick) anope_override { NickAlias *old_na = NickAlias::Find(oldnick), *na = NickAlias::Find(u->nick); /* If the new nick isn't registered or it's registered and not yours */ if (!na || na->nc != u->Account()) { /* Remove +r, but keep an account associated with the user */ u->RemoveMode(NickServ, "REGISTERED"); this->Validate(u); } else { /* Reset +r and re-send account (even though it really should be set at this point) */ IRCD->SendLogin(u, na); if (!Config->GetModule("nickserv")->Get("nonicknameownership") && na->nc == u->Account() && !na->nc->HasExt("UNCONFIRMED")) u->SetMode(NickServ, "REGISTERED"); Log(u, "", NickServ) << u->GetMask() << " automatically identified for group " << u->Account()->display; } if (!u->nick.equals_ci(oldnick) && old_na) OnCancel(u, old_na); } void OnUserModeSet(const MessageSource &setter, User *u, const Anope::string &mname) anope_override { if (u->server->IsSynced() && mname == "REGISTERED" && !u->IsIdentified(true)) u->RemoveMode(NickServ, mname); } EventReturn OnPreHelp(CommandSource &source, const std::vector ¶ms) anope_override { if (!params.empty() || source.c || source.service != *NickServ) return EVENT_CONTINUE; if (!Config->GetModule("nickserv")->Get("nonicknameownership")) source.Reply(_("\002%s\002 allows you to register a nickname and\n" "prevent others from using it. The following\n" "commands allow for registration and maintenance of\n" "nicknames; to use them, type \002%s%s \037command\037\002.\n" "For more information on a specific command, type\n" "\002%s%s %s \037command\037\002.\n"), NickServ->nick.c_str(), Config->StrictPrivmsg.c_str(), NickServ->nick.c_str(), Config->StrictPrivmsg.c_str(), NickServ->nick.c_str(), source.command.c_str()); else source.Reply(_("\002%s\002 allows you to register an account.\n" "The following commands allow for registration and maintenance of\n" "accounts; to use them, type \002%s%s \037command\037\002.\n" "For more information on a specific command, type\n" "\002%s%s %s \037command\037\002.\n"), NickServ->nick.c_str(), Config->StrictPrivmsg.c_str(), NickServ->nick.c_str(), Config->StrictPrivmsg.c_str(), NickServ->nick.c_str(), source.command.c_str()); return EVENT_CONTINUE; } void OnPostHelp(CommandSource &source, const std::vector ¶ms) anope_override { if (!params.empty() || source.c || source.service != *NickServ) return; if (source.IsServicesOper()) source.Reply(_(" \n" "Services Operators can also drop any nickname without needing\n" "to identify for the nick, and may view the access list for\n" "any nickname.")); time_t nickserv_expire = Config->GetModule(this)->Get("expire", "21d"); if (nickserv_expire >= 86400) source.Reply(_(" \n" "Accounts that are not used anymore are subject to\n" "the automatic expiration, i.e. they will be deleted\n" "after %d days if not used."), nickserv_expire / 86400); } void OnNickCoreCreate(NickCore *nc) anope_override { /* Set default flags */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < defaults.size(); ++i) nc->Extend(defaults[i].upper()); } void OnUserQuit(User *u, const Anope::string &msg) anope_override { if (u->server && !u->server->GetQuitReason().empty() && Config->GetModule(this)->Get("hidenetsplitquit")) return; /* Update last quit and last seen for the user */ NickAlias *na = NickAlias::Find(u->nick); if (na && !na->nc->HasExt("NS_SUSPENDED") && (u->IsRecognized() || u->IsIdentified(true))) { na->last_seen = Anope::CurTime; na->last_quit = msg; } } void OnExpireTick() anope_override { if (Anope::NoExpire || Anope::ReadOnly) return; time_t nickserv_expire = Config->GetModule(this)->Get("expire", "21d"); for (nickalias_map::const_iterator it = NickAliasList->begin(), it_end = NickAliasList->end(); it != it_end; ) { NickAlias *na = it->second; ++it; User *u = User::Find(na->nick, true); if (u && (u->IsIdentified(true) || u->IsRecognized())) na->last_seen = Anope::CurTime; bool expire = false; if (nickserv_expire && Anope::CurTime - na->last_seen >= nickserv_expire) expire = true; FOREACH_MOD(OnPreNickExpire, (na, expire)); if (expire) { Log(LOG_NORMAL, "nickserv/expire", NickServ) << "Expiring nickname " << na->nick << " (group: " << na->nc->display << ") (e-mail: " << (na->nc->email.empty() ? "none" : na->nc->email) << ")"; FOREACH_MOD(OnNickExpire, (na)); delete na; } } } void OnNickInfo(CommandSource &source, NickAlias *na, InfoFormatter &info, bool show_hidden) anope_override { if (!na->nc->HasExt("UNCONFIRMED")) { time_t nickserv_expire = Config->GetModule(this)->Get("expire", "21d"); if (!na->HasExt("NS_NO_EXPIRE") && nickserv_expire && !Anope::NoExpire && (source.HasPriv("nickserv/auspex") || na->last_seen != Anope::CurTime)) info[_("Expires")] = Anope::strftime(na->last_seen + nickserv_expire, source.GetAccount()); } else { time_t unconfirmed_expire = Config->GetModule("ns_register")->Get("unconfirmedexpire", "1d"); info[_("Expires")] = Anope::strftime(na->time_registered + unconfirmed_expire, source.GetAccount()); } } }; MODULE_INIT(NickServCore)