/* NickServ core functions * * (C) 2003-2022 Anope Team * Contact us at team@anope.org * * Please read COPYING and README for further details. * * Based on the original code of Epona by Lara. * Based on the original code of Services by Andy Church. */ #include "module.h" static bool SendResetEmail(User *u, const NickAlias *na, BotInfo *bi); class CommandNSResetPass : public Command { public: CommandNSResetPass(Module *creator) : Command(creator, "nickserv/resetpass", 2, 2) { this->SetDesc(_("Helps you reset lost passwords")); this->SetSyntax(_("\037nickname\037 \037email\037")); this->AllowUnregistered(true); } void Execute(CommandSource &source, const std::vector ¶ms) anope_override { const NickAlias *na; if (!(na = NickAlias::Find(params[0]))) source.Reply(NICK_X_NOT_REGISTERED, params[0].c_str()); else if (!na->nc->email.equals_ci(params[1])) source.Reply(_("Incorrect email address.")); else { if (SendResetEmail(source.GetUser(), na, source.service)) { Log(LOG_COMMAND, source, this) << "for " << na->nick << " (group: " << na->nc->display << ")"; source.Reply(_("Password reset email for \002%s\002 has been sent."), na->nick.c_str()); } } return; } bool OnHelp(CommandSource &source, const Anope::string &subcommand) anope_override { this->SendSyntax(source); source.Reply(" "); source.Reply(_("Sends a passcode to the nickname with instructions on how to\n" "reset their password. Email must be the email address associated\n" "to the nickname.")); return true; } }; struct ResetInfo { Anope::string code; time_t time; }; class NSResetPass : public Module { CommandNSResetPass commandnsresetpass; PrimitiveExtensibleItem reset; public: NSResetPass(const Anope::string &modname, const Anope::string &creator) : Module(modname, creator, VENDOR), commandnsresetpass(this), reset(this, "reset") { if (!Config->GetBlock("mail")->Get("usemail")) throw ModuleException("Not using mail."); } EventReturn OnPreCommand(CommandSource &source, Command *command, std::vector ¶ms) anope_override { if (command->name == "nickserv/confirm" && params.size() > 1) { if (Anope::ReadOnly) { source.Reply(READ_ONLY_MODE); return EVENT_STOP; } NickAlias *na = NickAlias::Find(params[0]); ResetInfo *ri = na ? reset.Get(na->nc) : NULL; if (na && ri) { NickCore *nc = na->nc; const Anope::string &passcode = params[1]; if (ri->time < Anope::CurTime - 3600) { reset.Unset(nc); source.Reply(_("Your password reset request has expired.")); } else if (passcode.equals_cs(ri->code)) { reset.Unset(nc); nc->Shrink("UNCONFIRMED"); Log(LOG_COMMAND, source, &commandnsresetpass) << "to confirm RESETPASS and forcefully identify as " << na->nick; if (source.GetUser()) { source.GetUser()->Identify(na); } source.Reply(_("You are now identified for your nick. Change your password now.")); } else return EVENT_CONTINUE; return EVENT_STOP; } } return EVENT_CONTINUE; } }; static bool SendResetEmail(User *u, const NickAlias *na, BotInfo *bi) { Anope::string subject = Language::Translate(na->nc, Config->GetBlock("mail")->Get("reset_subject").c_str()), message = Language::Translate(na->nc, Config->GetBlock("mail")->Get("reset_message").c_str()), passcode = Anope::Random(20); subject = subject.replace_all_cs("%n", na->nick); subject = subject.replace_all_cs("%N", Config->GetBlock("networkinfo")->Get("networkname")); subject = subject.replace_all_cs("%c", passcode); message = message.replace_all_cs("%n", na->nick); message = message.replace_all_cs("%N", Config->GetBlock("networkinfo")->Get("networkname")); message = message.replace_all_cs("%c", passcode); ResetInfo *ri = na->nc->Extend("reset"); ri->code = passcode; ri->time = Anope::CurTime; return Mail::Send(u, na->nc, bi, subject, message); } MODULE_INIT(NSResetPass)