/* MemoServ core functions * * (C) 2003-2022 Anope Team * Contact us at team@anope.org * * Please read COPYING and README for further details. * * Based on the original code of Epona by Lara. * Based on the original code of Services by Andy Church. */ #include "module.h" namespace { ServiceReference memoserv("MemoServService", "MemoServ"); } class CommandMSStaff : public Command { public: CommandMSStaff(Module *creator) : Command(creator, "memoserv/staff", 1, 1) { this->SetDesc(_("Send a memo to all opers/admins")); this->SetSyntax(_("\037memo-text\037")); } void Execute(CommandSource &source, const std::vector ¶ms) anope_override { if (!memoserv) return; const Anope::string &text = params[0]; for (nickcore_map::const_iterator it = NickCoreList->begin(), it_end = NickCoreList->end(); it != it_end; ++it) { const NickCore *nc = it->second; if (source.nc != nc && nc->IsServicesOper()) memoserv->Send(source.GetNick(), nc->display, text, true); } } bool OnHelp(CommandSource &source, const Anope::string &subcommand) anope_override { this->SendSyntax(source); source.Reply(" "); source.Reply(_("Sends all services staff a memo containing \037memo-text\037.")); return true; } }; class MSStaff : public Module { CommandMSStaff commandmsstaff; public: MSStaff(const Anope::string &modname, const Anope::string &creator) : Module(modname, creator, VENDOR), commandmsstaff(this) { if (!memoserv) throw ModuleException("No MemoServ!"); } }; MODULE_INIT(MSStaff)