/* OperServ core functions * * (C) 2003-2022 Anope Team * Contact us at team@anope.org * * Please read COPYING and README for further details. * * Based on the original code of Epona by Lara. * Based on the original code of Services by Andy Church. */ #include "module.h" class SGLineManager : public XLineManager { public: SGLineManager(Module *creator) : XLineManager(creator, "xlinemanager/sgline", 'G') { } void OnMatch(User *u, XLine *x) anope_override { this->Send(u, x); } void OnExpire(const XLine *x) anope_override { Log(Config->GetClient("OperServ"), "expire/akill") << "AKILL on \002" << x->mask << "\002 has expired"; } void Send(User *u, XLine *x) anope_override { IRCD->SendAkill(u, x); } void SendDel(XLine *x) anope_override { IRCD->SendAkillDel(x); } bool Check(User *u, const XLine *x) anope_override { if (x->regex) { Anope::string uh = u->GetIdent() + "@" + u->host, nuhr = u->nick + "!" + uh + "#" + u->realname; return x->regex->Matches(uh) || x->regex->Matches(nuhr); } if (!x->GetNick().empty() && !Anope::Match(u->nick, x->GetNick())) return false; if (!x->GetUser().empty() && !Anope::Match(u->GetIdent(), x->GetUser())) return false; if (!x->GetReal().empty() && !Anope::Match(u->realname, x->GetReal())) return false; if (x->c && x->c->match(u->ip)) return true; if (x->GetHost().empty() || Anope::Match(u->host, x->GetHost()) || Anope::Match(u->ip.addr(), x->GetHost())) return true; return false; } }; class SQLineManager : public XLineManager { ServiceReference nickserv; public: SQLineManager(Module *creator) : XLineManager(creator, "xlinemanager/sqline", 'Q'), nickserv("NickServService", "NickServ") { } void OnMatch(User *u, XLine *x) anope_override { this->Send(u, x); } void OnExpire(const XLine *x) anope_override { Log(Config->GetClient("OperServ"), "expire/sqline") << "SQLINE on \002" << x->mask << "\002 has expired"; } void Send(User *u, XLine *x) anope_override { if (!IRCD->CanSQLine) { if (!u) ; else if (nickserv) nickserv->Collide(u, NULL); else u->Kill(Config->GetClient("OperServ"), "Q-Lined: " + x->reason); } else if (x->IsRegex()) { if (u) u->Kill(Config->GetClient("OperServ"), "Q-Lined: " + x->reason); } else if (x->mask[0] != '#' || IRCD->CanSQLineChannel) { IRCD->SendSQLine(u, x); /* If it is an oper, assume they're walking it, otherwise kill for good measure */ if (u && !u->HasMode("OPER")) u->Kill(Config->GetClient("OperServ"), "Q-Lined: " + x->reason); } } void SendDel(XLine *x) anope_override { if (!IRCD->CanSQLine || x->IsRegex()) ; else if (x->mask[0] != '#' || IRCD->CanSQLineChannel) IRCD->SendSQLineDel(x); } bool Check(User *u, const XLine *x) anope_override { if (x->regex) return x->regex->Matches(u->nick); return Anope::Match(u->nick, x->mask); } XLine *CheckChannel(Channel *c) { for (std::vector::const_iterator it = this->GetList().begin(), it_end = this->GetList().end(); it != it_end; ++it) { XLine *x = *it; if (x->regex) { if (x->regex->Matches(c->name)) return x; } else { if (x->mask.empty() || x->mask[0] != '#') continue; if (Anope::Match(c->name, x->mask, false, true)) return x; } } return NULL; } }; class SNLineManager : public XLineManager { public: SNLineManager(Module *creator) : XLineManager(creator, "xlinemanager/snline", 'N') { } void OnMatch(User *u, XLine *x) anope_override { this->Send(u, x); } void OnExpire(const XLine *x) anope_override { Log(Config->GetClient("OperServ"), "expire/snline") << "SNLINE on \002" << x->mask << "\002 has expired"; } void Send(User *u, XLine *x) anope_override { if (IRCD->CanSNLine && !x->IsRegex()) IRCD->SendSGLine(u, x); if (u) u->Kill(Config->GetClient("OperServ"), "SNLined: " + x->reason); } void SendDel(XLine *x) anope_override { if (IRCD->CanSNLine && !x->IsRegex()) IRCD->SendSGLineDel(x); } bool Check(User *u, const XLine *x) anope_override { if (x->regex) return x->regex->Matches(u->realname); return Anope::Match(u->realname, x->mask, false, true); } }; class OperServCore : public Module { Reference OperServ; SGLineManager sglines; SQLineManager sqlines; SNLineManager snlines; public: OperServCore(const Anope::string &modname, const Anope::string &creator) : Module(modname, creator, PSEUDOCLIENT | VENDOR), sglines(this), sqlines(this), snlines(this) { /* Yes, these are in this order for a reason. Most violent->least violent. */ XLineManager::RegisterXLineManager(&sglines); XLineManager::RegisterXLineManager(&sqlines); XLineManager::RegisterXLineManager(&snlines); } ~OperServCore() { this->sglines.Clear(); this->sqlines.Clear(); this->snlines.Clear(); XLineManager::UnregisterXLineManager(&sglines); XLineManager::UnregisterXLineManager(&sqlines); XLineManager::UnregisterXLineManager(&snlines); } void OnReload(Configuration::Conf *conf) anope_override { const Anope::string &osnick = conf->GetModule(this)->Get("client"); if (osnick.empty()) throw ConfigException(this->name + ": must be defined"); BotInfo *bi = BotInfo::Find(osnick, true); if (!bi) throw ConfigException(this->name + ": no bot named " + osnick); OperServ = bi; } EventReturn OnBotPrivmsg(User *u, BotInfo *bi, Anope::string &message) anope_override { if (bi == OperServ && !u->HasMode("OPER") && Config->GetModule(this)->Get("opersonly")) { u->SendMessage(bi, ACCESS_DENIED); Log(bi, "bados") << "Denied access to " << bi->nick << " from " << u->GetMask() << " (non-oper)"; return EVENT_STOP; } return EVENT_CONTINUE; } void OnServerQuit(Server *server) anope_override { if (server->IsJuped()) Log(server, "squit", OperServ) << "Received SQUIT for juped server " << server->GetName(); } void OnUserModeSet(const MessageSource &setter, User *u, const Anope::string &mname) anope_override { if (mname == "OPER") Log(u, "oper", OperServ) << "is now an IRC operator."; } void OnUserModeUnset(const MessageSource &setter, User *u, const Anope::string &mname) anope_override { if (mname == "OPER") Log(u, "oper", OperServ) << "is no longer an IRC operator"; } void OnUserConnect(User *u, bool &exempt) anope_override { if (!u->Quitting() && !exempt) XLineManager::CheckAll(u); } void OnUserNickChange(User *u, const Anope::string &oldnick) anope_override { if (!u->HasMode("OPER")) this->sqlines.CheckAllXLines(u); } EventReturn OnCheckKick(User *u, Channel *c, Anope::string &mask, Anope::string &reason) anope_override { XLine *x = this->sqlines.CheckChannel(c); if (x) { this->sqlines.OnMatch(u, x); reason = x->reason; return EVENT_STOP; } return EVENT_CONTINUE; } EventReturn OnPreHelp(CommandSource &source, const std::vector ¶ms) anope_override { if (!params.empty() || source.c || source.service != *OperServ) return EVENT_CONTINUE; source.Reply(_("%s commands:"), OperServ->nick.c_str()); return EVENT_CONTINUE; } void OnLog(Log *l) anope_override { if (l->type == LOG_SERVER) l->bi = OperServ; } }; MODULE_INIT(OperServCore)