/* Include file for high-level encryption routines. * * (C) 2003-2022 Anope Team * Contact us at team@anope.org * * Please read COPYING and README for further details. * * Based on the original code of Epona by Lara. * Based on the original code of Services by Andy Church. */ #include "module.h" #include "modules/encryption.h" static ServiceReference md5("Encryption::Provider", "md5"); class OldMD5Provider : public Encryption::Provider { public: OldMD5Provider(Module *creator) : Encryption::Provider(creator, "oldmd5") { } Encryption::Context *CreateContext(Encryption::IV *iv) anope_override { if (md5) return md5->CreateContext(iv); return NULL; } Encryption::IV GetDefaultIV() anope_override { if (md5) return md5->GetDefaultIV(); return Encryption::IV(static_cast(NULL), 0); } }; class EOld : public Module { OldMD5Provider oldmd5provider; inline static char XTOI(char c) { return c > 9 ? c - 'A' + 10 : c - '0'; } public: EOld(const Anope::string &modname, const Anope::string &creator) : Module(modname, creator, ENCRYPTION | VENDOR), oldmd5provider(this) { ModuleManager::LoadModule("enc_md5", User::Find(creator, true)); if (!md5) throw ModuleException("Unable to find md5 reference"); } EventReturn OnEncrypt(const Anope::string &src, Anope::string &dest) anope_override { if (!md5) return EVENT_CONTINUE; Encryption::Context *context = md5->CreateContext(); context->Update(reinterpret_cast(src.c_str()), src.length()); context->Finalize(); Encryption::Hash hash = context->GetFinalizedHash(); char digest[32], digest2[16]; memset(digest, 0, sizeof(digest)); if (hash.second > sizeof(digest)) throw CoreException("Hash too large"); memcpy(digest, hash.first, hash.second); for (int i = 0; i < 32; i += 2) digest2[i / 2] = XTOI(digest[i]) << 4 | XTOI(digest[i + 1]); Anope::string buf = "oldmd5:" + Anope::Hex(digest2, sizeof(digest2)); Log(LOG_DEBUG_2) << "(enc_old) hashed password from [" << src << "] to [" << buf << "]"; dest = buf; delete context; return EVENT_ALLOW; } void OnCheckAuthentication(User *, IdentifyRequest *req) anope_override { const NickAlias *na = NickAlias::Find(req->GetAccount()); if (na == NULL) return; NickCore *nc = na->nc; size_t pos = nc->pass.find(':'); if (pos == Anope::string::npos) return; Anope::string hash_method(nc->pass.begin(), nc->pass.begin() + pos); if (!hash_method.equals_cs("oldmd5")) return; Anope::string buf; this->OnEncrypt(req->GetPassword(), buf); if (nc->pass.equals_cs(buf)) { /* if we are NOT the first module in the list, * we want to re-encrypt the pass with the new encryption */ if (ModuleManager::FindFirstOf(ENCRYPTION) != this) Anope::Encrypt(req->GetPassword(), nc->pass); req->Success(this); } } }; MODULE_INIT(EOld)