/* OperServ core functions * * (C) 2003-2022 Anope Team * Contact us at team@anope.org * * Please read COPYING and README for further details. * * Based on the original code of Epona by Lara. * Based on the original code of Services by Andy Church. */ #include "module.h" #include "modules/os_session.h" struct Stats : Serializable { static Stats *me; Stats() : Serializable("Stats") { me = this; } void Serialize(Serialize::Data &data) const anope_override { data["maxusercnt"] << MaxUserCount; data["maxusertime"] << MaxUserTime; } static Serializable* Unserialize(Serializable *obj, Serialize::Data &data) { data["maxusercnt"] >> MaxUserCount; data["maxusertime"] >> MaxUserTime; return me; } }; Stats *Stats::me; /** * Count servers connected to server s * @param s The server to start counting from * @return Amount of servers connected to server s **/ static int stats_count_servers(Server *s) { if (!s) return 0; int count = 1; if (!s->GetLinks().empty()) for (unsigned i = 0, j = s->GetLinks().size(); i < j; ++i) count += stats_count_servers(s->GetLinks()[i]); return count; } class CommandOSStats : public Command { ServiceReference akills, snlines, sqlines; private: void DoStatsAkill(CommandSource &source) { int timeout; if (akills) { /* AKILLs */ source.Reply(_("Current number of AKILLs: \002%d\002"), akills->GetCount()); timeout = Config->GetModule("operserv")->Get("autokillexpiry", "30d") + 59; if (timeout >= 172800) source.Reply(_("Default AKILL expiry time: \002%d days\002"), timeout / 86400); else if (timeout >= 86400) source.Reply(_("Default AKILL expiry time: \0021 day\002")); else if (timeout >= 7200) source.Reply(_("Default AKILL expiry time: \002%d hours\002"), timeout / 3600); else if (timeout >= 3600) source.Reply(_("Default AKILL expiry time: \0021 hour\002")); else if (timeout >= 120) source.Reply(_("Default AKILL expiry time: \002%d minutes\002"), timeout / 60); else if (timeout >= 60) source.Reply(_("Default AKILL expiry time: \0021 minute\002")); else source.Reply(_("Default AKILL expiry time: \002No expiration\002")); } if (snlines) { /* SNLINEs */ source.Reply(_("Current number of SNLINEs: \002%d\002"), snlines->GetCount()); timeout = Config->GetModule("operserv")->Get("snlineexpiry", "30d") + 59; if (timeout >= 172800) source.Reply(_("Default SNLINE expiry time: \002%d days\002"), timeout / 86400); else if (timeout >= 86400) source.Reply(_("Default SNLINE expiry time: \0021 day\002")); else if (timeout >= 7200) source.Reply(_("Default SNLINE expiry time: \002%d hours\002"), timeout / 3600); else if (timeout >= 3600) source.Reply(_("Default SNLINE expiry time: \0021 hour\002")); else if (timeout >= 120) source.Reply(_("Default SNLINE expiry time: \002%d minutes\002"), timeout / 60); else if (timeout >= 60) source.Reply(_("Default SNLINE expiry time: \0021 minute\002")); else source.Reply(_("Default SNLINE expiry time: \002No expiration\002")); } if (sqlines) { /* SQLINEs */ source.Reply(_("Current number of SQLINEs: \002%d\002"), sqlines->GetCount()); timeout = Config->GetModule("operserv")->Get("sglineexpiry", "30d") + 59; if (timeout >= 172800) source.Reply(_("Default SQLINE expiry time: \002%d days\002"), timeout / 86400); else if (timeout >= 86400) source.Reply(_("Default SQLINE expiry time: \0021 day\002")); else if (timeout >= 7200) source.Reply(_("Default SQLINE expiry time: \002%d hours\002"), timeout / 3600); else if (timeout >= 3600) source.Reply(_("Default SQLINE expiry time: \0021 hour\002")); else if (timeout >= 120) source.Reply(_("Default SQLINE expiry time: \002%d minutes\002"), timeout / 60); else if (timeout >= 60) source.Reply(_("Default SQLINE expiry time: \0021 minute\002")); else source.Reply(_("Default SQLINE expiry time: \002No expiration\002")); } } void DoStatsReset(CommandSource &source) { MaxUserCount = UserListByNick.size(); source.Reply(_("Statistics reset.")); return; } void DoStatsUptime(CommandSource &source) { time_t uptime = Anope::CurTime - Anope::StartTime; source.Reply(_("Current users: \002%d\002 (\002%d\002 ops)"), UserListByNick.size(), OperCount); source.Reply(_("Maximum users: \002%d\002 (%s)"), MaxUserCount, Anope::strftime(MaxUserTime, source.GetAccount()).c_str()); source.Reply(_("Services up %s."), Anope::Duration(uptime, source.GetAccount()).c_str()); return; } void DoStatsUplink(CommandSource &source) { Anope::string buf; for (std::set::iterator it = Servers::Capab.begin(); it != Servers::Capab.end(); ++it) buf += " " + *it; if (!buf.empty()) buf.erase(buf.begin()); source.Reply(_("Uplink server: %s"), Me->GetLinks().front()->GetName().c_str()); source.Reply(_("Uplink capab: %s"), buf.c_str()); source.Reply(_("Servers found: %d"), stats_count_servers(Me->GetLinks().front())); return; } template void GetHashStats(const T& map, size_t& entries, size_t& buckets, size_t& max_chain) { entries = map.size(), buckets = map.bucket_count(), max_chain = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < buckets; ++i) if (map.bucket_size(i) > max_chain) max_chain = map.bucket_size(i); } void DoStatsHash(CommandSource &source) { size_t entries, buckets, max_chain; GetHashStats(UserListByNick, entries, buckets, max_chain); source.Reply(_("Users (nick): %lu entries, %lu buckets, longest chain is %d"), entries, buckets, max_chain); if (!UserListByUID.empty()) { GetHashStats(UserListByUID, entries, buckets, max_chain); source.Reply(_("Users (uid): %lu entries, %lu buckets, longest chain is %d"), entries, buckets, max_chain); } GetHashStats(ChannelList, entries, buckets, max_chain); source.Reply(_("Channels: %lu entries, %lu buckets, longest chain is %d"), entries, buckets, max_chain); GetHashStats(*RegisteredChannelList, entries, buckets, max_chain); source.Reply(_("Registered channels: %lu entries, %lu buckets, longest chain is %d"), entries, buckets, max_chain); GetHashStats(*NickAliasList, entries, buckets, max_chain); source.Reply(_("Registered nicknames: %lu entries, %lu buckets, longest chain is %d"), entries, buckets, max_chain); GetHashStats(*NickCoreList, entries, buckets, max_chain); source.Reply(_("Registered nick groups: %lu entries, %lu buckets, longest chain is %d"), entries, buckets, max_chain); if (session_service) { GetHashStats(session_service->GetSessions(), entries, buckets, max_chain); source.Reply(_("Sessions: %lu entries, %lu buckets, longest chain is %d"), entries, buckets, max_chain); } } public: CommandOSStats(Module *creator) : Command(creator, "operserv/stats", 0, 1), akills("XLineManager", "xlinemanager/sgline"), snlines("XLineManager", "xlinemanager/snline"), sqlines("XLineManager", "xlinemanager/sqline") { this->SetDesc(_("Show status of Services and network")); this->SetSyntax("[AKILL | HASH | UPLINK | UPTIME | ALL | RESET]"); } void Execute(CommandSource &source, const std::vector ¶ms) anope_override { Anope::string extra = !params.empty() ? params[0] : ""; Log(LOG_ADMIN, source, this) << extra; if (extra.equals_ci("RESET")) return this->DoStatsReset(source); if (extra.equals_ci("ALL") || extra.equals_ci("AKILL")) this->DoStatsAkill(source); if (extra.equals_ci("ALL") || extra.equals_ci("HASH")) this->DoStatsHash(source); if (extra.equals_ci("ALL") || extra.equals_ci("UPLINK")) this->DoStatsUplink(source); if (extra.empty() || extra.equals_ci("ALL") || extra.equals_ci("UPTIME")) this->DoStatsUptime(source); if (!extra.empty() && !extra.equals_ci("ALL") && !extra.equals_ci("AKILL") && !extra.equals_ci("HASH") && !extra.equals_ci("UPLINK") && !extra.equals_ci("UPTIME")) source.Reply(_("Unknown STATS option: \002%s\002"), extra.c_str()); } bool OnHelp(CommandSource &source, const Anope::string &subcommand) anope_override { this->SendSyntax(source); source.Reply(" "); source.Reply(_("Without any option, shows the current number of users online,\n" "and the highest number of users online since Services was\n" "started, and the length of time Services has been running.\n" " \n" "With the \002AKILL\002 option, displays the current size of the\n" "AKILL list and the current default expiry time.\n" " \n" "The \002RESET\002 option currently resets the maximum user count\n" "to the number of users currently present on the network.\n" " \n" "The \002UPLINK\002 option displays information about the current\n" "server Anope uses as an uplink to the network.\n" " \n" "The \002HASH\002 option displays information about the hash maps.\n" " \n" "The \002ALL\002 option displays all of the above statistics.")); return true; } }; class OSStats : public Module { CommandOSStats commandosstats; Serialize::Type stats_type; Stats stats_saver; public: OSStats(const Anope::string &modname, const Anope::string &creator) : Module(modname, creator, VENDOR), commandosstats(this), stats_type("Stats", Stats::Unserialize) { } void OnUserConnect(User *u, bool &exempt) anope_override { if (UserListByNick.size() == MaxUserCount && Anope::CurTime == MaxUserTime) stats_saver.QueueUpdate(); } }; MODULE_INIT(OSStats)