/* OperServ core functions * * (C) 2003-2022 Anope Team * Contact us at team@anope.org * * Please read COPYING and README for further details. * * Based on the original code of Epona by Lara. * Based on the original code of Services by Andy Church. */ #include "module.h" #include "modules/os_forbid.h" static ServiceReference nickserv("NickServService", "NickServ"); struct ForbidDataImpl : ForbidData, Serializable { ForbidDataImpl() : Serializable("ForbidData") { } void Serialize(Serialize::Data &data) const anope_override; static Serializable* Unserialize(Serializable *obj, Serialize::Data &data); }; void ForbidDataImpl::Serialize(Serialize::Data &data) const { data["mask"] << this->mask; data["creator"] << this->creator; data["reason"] << this->reason; data["created"] << this->created; data["expires"] << this->expires; data["type"] << this->type; } Serializable* ForbidDataImpl::Unserialize(Serializable *obj, Serialize::Data &data) { if (!forbid_service) return NULL; ForbidDataImpl *fb; if (obj) fb = anope_dynamic_static_cast(obj); else fb = new ForbidDataImpl(); data["mask"] >> fb->mask; data["creator"] >> fb->creator; data["reason"] >> fb->reason; data["created"] >> fb->created; data["expires"] >> fb->expires; unsigned int t; data["type"] >> t; fb->type = static_cast(t); if (t > FT_SIZE - 1) return NULL; if (!obj) forbid_service->AddForbid(fb); return fb; } class MyForbidService : public ForbidService { Serialize::Checker[FT_SIZE - 1]> forbid_data; inline std::vector& forbids(unsigned t) { return (*this->forbid_data)[t - 1]; } public: MyForbidService(Module *m) : ForbidService(m), forbid_data("ForbidData") { } ~MyForbidService() { std::vector f = GetForbids(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < f.size(); ++i) delete f[i]; } void AddForbid(ForbidData *d) anope_override { this->forbids(d->type).push_back(d); } void RemoveForbid(ForbidData *d) anope_override { std::vector::iterator it = std::find(this->forbids(d->type).begin(), this->forbids(d->type).end(), d); if (it != this->forbids(d->type).end()) this->forbids(d->type).erase(it); delete d; } ForbidData *CreateForbid() anope_override { return new ForbidDataImpl(); } ForbidData *FindForbid(const Anope::string &mask, ForbidType ftype) anope_override { for (unsigned i = this->forbids(ftype).size(); i > 0; --i) { ForbidData *d = this->forbids(ftype)[i - 1]; if (Anope::Match(mask, d->mask, false, true)) return d; } return NULL; } ForbidData *FindForbidExact(const Anope::string &mask, ForbidType ftype) anope_override { for (unsigned i = this->forbids(ftype).size(); i > 0; --i) { ForbidData *d = this->forbids(ftype)[i - 1]; if (d->mask.equals_ci(mask)) return d; } return NULL; } std::vector GetForbids() anope_override { std::vector f; for (unsigned j = FT_NICK; j < FT_SIZE; ++j) for (unsigned i = this->forbids(j).size(); i > 0; --i) { ForbidData *d = this->forbids(j).at(i - 1); if (d->expires && !Anope::NoExpire && Anope::CurTime >= d->expires) { Anope::string ftype = "none"; if (d->type == FT_NICK) ftype = "nick"; else if (d->type == FT_CHAN) ftype = "chan"; else if (d->type == FT_EMAIL) ftype = "email"; Log(LOG_NORMAL, "expire/forbid", Config->GetClient("OperServ")) << "Expiring forbid for " << d->mask << " type " << ftype; this->forbids(j).erase(this->forbids(j).begin() + i - 1); delete d; } else f.push_back(d); } return f; } }; class CommandOSForbid : public Command { ServiceReference fs; public: CommandOSForbid(Module *creator) : Command(creator, "operserv/forbid", 1, 5), fs("ForbidService", "forbid") { this->SetDesc(_("Forbid usage of nicknames, channels, and emails")); this->SetSyntax(_("ADD {NICK|CHAN|EMAIL|REGISTER} [+\037expiry\037] \037entry\037 \037reason\037")); this->SetSyntax(_("DEL {NICK|CHAN|EMAIL|REGISTER} \037entry\037")); this->SetSyntax("LIST [NICK|CHAN|EMAIL|REGISTER]"); } void Execute(CommandSource &source, const std::vector ¶ms) anope_override { if (!this->fs) return; const Anope::string &command = params[0]; const Anope::string &subcommand = params.size() > 1 ? params[1] : ""; ForbidType ftype = FT_SIZE; if (subcommand.equals_ci("NICK")) ftype = FT_NICK; else if (subcommand.equals_ci("CHAN")) ftype = FT_CHAN; else if (subcommand.equals_ci("EMAIL")) ftype = FT_EMAIL; else if (subcommand.equals_ci("REGISTER")) ftype = FT_REGISTER; if (command.equals_ci("ADD") && params.size() > 3 && ftype != FT_SIZE) { const Anope::string &expiry = params[2][0] == '+' ? params[2] : ""; const Anope::string &entry = !expiry.empty() ? params[3] : params[2]; Anope::string reason; if (expiry.empty()) reason = params[3] + " "; if (params.size() > 4) reason += params[4]; reason.trim(); if (entry.replace_all_cs("?*", "").empty()) { source.Reply(_("The mask must contain at least one non wildcard character.")); return; } time_t expiryt = 0; if (!expiry.empty()) { expiryt = Anope::DoTime(expiry); if (expiryt < 0) { source.Reply(BAD_EXPIRY_TIME); return; } else if (expiryt) expiryt += Anope::CurTime; } NickAlias *target = NickAlias::Find(entry); if (target != NULL && Config->GetModule("nickserv")->Get("secureadmins", "yes") && target->nc->IsServicesOper()) { source.Reply(ACCESS_DENIED); return; } ForbidData *d = this->fs->FindForbidExact(entry, ftype); bool created = false; if (d == NULL) { d = new ForbidDataImpl(); created = true; } d->mask = entry; d->creator = source.GetNick(); d->reason = reason; d->created = Anope::CurTime; d->expires = expiryt; d->type = ftype; if (created) this->fs->AddForbid(d); if (Anope::ReadOnly) source.Reply(READ_ONLY_MODE); Log(LOG_ADMIN, source, this) << "to add a forbid on " << entry << " of type " << subcommand; source.Reply(_("Added a forbid on %s of type %s to expire on %s."), entry.c_str(), subcommand.lower().c_str(), d->expires ? Anope::strftime(d->expires, source.GetAccount()).c_str() : "never"); /* apply forbid */ switch (ftype) { case FT_NICK: { int na_matches = 0; for (user_map::const_iterator it = UserListByNick.begin(); it != UserListByNick.end(); ++it) module->OnUserNickChange(it->second, ""); for (nickalias_map::const_iterator it = NickAliasList->begin(), it_end = NickAliasList->end(); it != it_end;) { NickAlias *na = it->second; ++it; d = this->fs->FindForbid(na->nick, FT_NICK); if (d == NULL) continue; ++na_matches; delete na; } source.Reply(_("\002%d\002 nickname(s) dropped."), na_matches); break; } case FT_CHAN: { int chan_matches = 0, ci_matches = 0; for (channel_map::const_iterator it = ChannelList.begin(), it_end = ChannelList.end(); it != it_end;) { Channel *c = it->second; ++it; d = this->fs->FindForbid(c->name, FT_CHAN); if (d == NULL) continue; ServiceReference chanserv("ChanServService", "ChanServ"); BotInfo *OperServ = Config->GetClient("OperServ"); if (IRCD->CanSQLineChannel && OperServ) { time_t inhabit = Config->GetModule("chanserv")->Get("inhabit", "15s"); XLine x(c->name, OperServ->nick, Anope::CurTime + inhabit, d->reason); IRCD->SendSQLine(NULL, &x); } else if (chanserv) { chanserv->Hold(c); } ++chan_matches; for (Channel::ChanUserList::const_iterator cit = c->users.begin(), cit_end = c->users.end(); cit != cit_end;) { User *u = cit->first; ++cit; if (u->server == Me || u->HasMode("OPER")) continue; reason = Anope::printf(Language::Translate(u, _("This channel has been forbidden: %s")), d->reason.c_str()); c->Kick(source.service, u, "%s", reason.c_str()); } } for (registered_channel_map::const_iterator it = RegisteredChannelList->begin(); it != RegisteredChannelList->end();) { ChannelInfo *ci = it->second; ++it; d = this->fs->FindForbid(ci->name, FT_CHAN); if (d == NULL) continue; ++ci_matches; delete ci; } source.Reply(_("\002%d\002 channel(s) cleared, and \002%d\002 channel(s) dropped."), chan_matches, ci_matches); break; } default: break; } } else if (command.equals_ci("DEL") && params.size() > 2 && ftype != FT_SIZE) { const Anope::string &entry = params[2]; ForbidData *d = this->fs->FindForbidExact(entry, ftype); if (d != NULL) { if (Anope::ReadOnly) source.Reply(READ_ONLY_MODE); Log(LOG_ADMIN, source, this) << "to remove forbid on " << d->mask << " of type " << subcommand; source.Reply(_("%s deleted from the %s forbid list."), d->mask.c_str(), subcommand.c_str()); this->fs->RemoveForbid(d); } else source.Reply(_("Forbid on %s was not found."), entry.c_str()); } else if (command.equals_ci("LIST")) { const std::vector &forbids = this->fs->GetForbids(); if (forbids.empty()) source.Reply(_("Forbid list is empty.")); else { ListFormatter list(source.GetAccount()); list.AddColumn(_("Mask")).AddColumn(_("Type")).AddColumn(_("Creator")).AddColumn(_("Expires")).AddColumn(_("Reason")); unsigned shown = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < forbids.size(); ++i) { ForbidData *d = forbids[i]; if (ftype != FT_SIZE && ftype != d->type) continue; Anope::string stype; if (d->type == FT_NICK) stype = "NICK"; else if (d->type == FT_CHAN) stype = "CHAN"; else if (d->type == FT_EMAIL) stype = "EMAIL"; else if (d->type == FT_REGISTER) stype = "REGISTER"; else continue; ListFormatter::ListEntry entry; entry["Mask"] = d->mask; entry["Type"] = stype; entry["Creator"] = d->creator; entry["Expires"] = d->expires ? Anope::strftime(d->expires, NULL, true).c_str() : Language::Translate(source.GetAccount(), _("Never")); entry["Reason"] = d->reason; list.AddEntry(entry); ++shown; } if (!shown) { source.Reply(_("There are no forbids of type %s."), subcommand.upper().c_str()); } else { source.Reply(_("Forbid list:")); std::vector replies; list.Process(replies); for (unsigned i = 0; i < replies.size(); ++i) source.Reply(replies[i]); if (shown >= forbids.size()) source.Reply(_("End of forbid list.")); else source.Reply(_("End of forbid list - %d/%d entries shown."), shown, forbids.size()); } } } else this->OnSyntaxError(source, command); return; } bool OnHelp(CommandSource &source, const Anope::string &subcommand) anope_override { this->SendSyntax(source); source.Reply(" "); source.Reply(_("Forbid allows you to forbid usage of certain nicknames, channels,\n" "and email addresses. Wildcards are accepted for all entries.")); const Anope::string ®exengine = Config->GetBlock("options")->Get("regexengine"); if (!regexengine.empty()) { source.Reply(" "); source.Reply(_("Regex matches are also supported using the %s engine.\n" "Enclose your pattern in // if this is desired."), regexengine.c_str()); } return true; } }; class OSForbid : public Module { MyForbidService forbidService; Serialize::Type forbiddata_type; CommandOSForbid commandosforbid; public: OSForbid(const Anope::string &modname, const Anope::string &creator) : Module(modname, creator, VENDOR), forbidService(this), forbiddata_type("ForbidData", ForbidDataImpl::Unserialize), commandosforbid(this) { } void OnUserConnect(User *u, bool &exempt) anope_override { if (u->Quitting() || exempt) return; this->OnUserNickChange(u, ""); } void OnUserNickChange(User *u, const Anope::string &) anope_override { if (u->HasMode("OPER")) return; ForbidData *d = this->forbidService.FindForbid(u->nick, FT_NICK); if (d != NULL) { BotInfo *bi = Config->GetClient("NickServ"); if (!bi) bi = Config->GetClient("OperServ"); if (bi) u->SendMessage(bi, _("This nickname has been forbidden: %s"), d->reason.c_str()); if (nickserv) nickserv->Collide(u, NULL); } } EventReturn OnCheckKick(User *u, Channel *c, Anope::string &mask, Anope::string &reason) anope_override { BotInfo *OperServ = Config->GetClient("OperServ"); if (u->HasMode("OPER") || !OperServ) return EVENT_CONTINUE; ForbidData *d = this->forbidService.FindForbid(c->name, FT_CHAN); if (d != NULL) { ServiceReference chanserv("ChanServService", "ChanServ"); if (IRCD->CanSQLineChannel) { time_t inhabit = Config->GetModule("chanserv")->Get("inhabit", "15s"); XLine x(c->name, OperServ->nick, Anope::CurTime + inhabit, d->reason); IRCD->SendSQLine(NULL, &x); } else if (chanserv) { chanserv->Hold(c); } reason = Anope::printf(Language::Translate(u, _("This channel has been forbidden: %s")), d->reason.c_str()); return EVENT_STOP; } return EVENT_CONTINUE; } EventReturn OnPreCommand(CommandSource &source, Command *command, std::vector ¶ms) anope_override { if (command->name == "nickserv/info" && params.size() > 0) { ForbidData *d = this->forbidService.FindForbid(params[0], FT_NICK); if (d != NULL) { if (source.IsOper()) source.Reply(_("Nick \002%s\002 is forbidden by %s: %s"), params[0].c_str(), d->creator.c_str(), d->reason.c_str()); else source.Reply(_("Nick \002%s\002 is forbidden."), params[0].c_str()); return EVENT_STOP; } } else if (command->name == "chanserv/info" && params.size() > 0) { ForbidData *d = this->forbidService.FindForbid(params[0], FT_CHAN); if (d != NULL) { if (source.IsOper()) source.Reply(_("Channel \002%s\002 is forbidden by %s: %s"), params[0].c_str(), d->creator.c_str(), d->reason.c_str()); else source.Reply(_("Channel \002%s\002 is forbidden."), params[0].c_str()); return EVENT_STOP; } } else if (source.IsOper()) return EVENT_CONTINUE; else if (command->name == "nickserv/register" && params.size() > 1) { ForbidData *d = this->forbidService.FindForbid(source.GetNick(), FT_REGISTER); if (d != NULL) { source.Reply(NICK_CANNOT_BE_REGISTERED, source.GetNick().c_str()); return EVENT_STOP; } d = this->forbidService.FindForbid(params[1], FT_EMAIL); if (d != NULL) { source.Reply(_("Your email address is not allowed, choose a different one.")); return EVENT_STOP; } } else if (command->name == "nickserv/set/email" && params.size() > 0) { ForbidData *d = this->forbidService.FindForbid(params[0], FT_EMAIL); if (d != NULL) { source.Reply(_("Your email address is not allowed, choose a different one.")); return EVENT_STOP; } } else if (command->name == "chanserv/register" && !params.empty()) { ForbidData *d = this->forbidService.FindForbid(params[0], FT_REGISTER); if (d != NULL) { source.Reply(CHAN_X_INVALID, params[0].c_str()); return EVENT_STOP; } } return EVENT_CONTINUE; } }; MODULE_INIT(OSForbid)