/* NickServ core functions * * (C) 2003-2022 Anope Team * Contact us at team@anope.org * * Please read COPYING and README for further details. * * Based on the original code of Epona by Lara. * Based on the original code of Services by Andy Church. */ #include "module.h" #include "modules/ns_cert.h" static Anope::hash_map certmap; struct CertServiceImpl : CertService { CertServiceImpl(Module *o) : CertService(o) { } NickCore* FindAccountFromCert(const Anope::string &cert) anope_override { Anope::hash_map::iterator it = certmap.find(cert); if (it != certmap.end()) return it->second; return NULL; } }; struct NSCertListImpl : NSCertList { Serialize::Reference nc; std::vector certs; public: NSCertListImpl(Extensible *obj) : nc(anope_dynamic_static_cast(obj)) { } ~NSCertListImpl() { ClearCert(); } /** Add an entry to the nick's certificate list * * @param entry The fingerprint to add to the cert list * * Adds a new entry into the cert list. */ void AddCert(const Anope::string &entry) anope_override { this->certs.push_back(entry); certmap[entry] = nc; FOREACH_MOD(OnNickAddCert, (this->nc, entry)); } /** Get an entry from the nick's cert list by index * * @param entry Index in the certificate list vector to retrieve * @return The fingerprint entry of the given index if within bounds, an empty string if the vector is empty or the index is out of bounds * * Retrieves an entry from the certificate list corresponding to the given index. */ Anope::string GetCert(unsigned entry) const anope_override { if (entry >= this->certs.size()) return ""; return this->certs[entry]; } unsigned GetCertCount() const anope_override { return this->certs.size(); } /** Find an entry in the nick's cert list * * @param entry The fingerprint to search for * @return True if the fingerprint is found in the cert list, false otherwise * * Search for an fingerprint within the cert list. */ bool FindCert(const Anope::string &entry) const anope_override { return std::find(this->certs.begin(), this->certs.end(), entry) != this->certs.end(); } /** Erase a fingerprint from the nick's certificate list * * @param entry The fingerprint to remove * * Removes the specified fingerprint from the cert list. */ void EraseCert(const Anope::string &entry) anope_override { std::vector::iterator it = std::find(this->certs.begin(), this->certs.end(), entry); if (it != this->certs.end()) { FOREACH_MOD(OnNickEraseCert, (this->nc, entry)); certmap.erase(entry); this->certs.erase(it); } } /** Clears the entire nick's cert list * * Deletes all the memory allocated in the certificate list vector and then clears the vector. */ void ClearCert() anope_override { FOREACH_MOD(OnNickClearCert, (this->nc)); for (unsigned i = 0; i < certs.size(); ++i) certmap.erase(certs[i]); this->certs.clear(); } void Check() anope_override { if (this->certs.empty()) nc->Shrink("certificates"); } struct ExtensibleItem : ::ExtensibleItem { ExtensibleItem(Module *m, const Anope::string &ename) : ::ExtensibleItem(m, ename) { } void ExtensibleSerialize(const Extensible *e, const Serializable *s, Serialize::Data &data) const anope_override { if (s->GetSerializableType()->GetName() != "NickCore") return; const NickCore *n = anope_dynamic_static_cast(e); NSCertList *c = this->Get(n); if (c == NULL || !c->GetCertCount()) return; for (unsigned i = 0; i < c->GetCertCount(); ++i) data["cert"] << c->GetCert(i) << " "; } void ExtensibleUnserialize(Extensible *e, Serializable *s, Serialize::Data &data) anope_override { if (s->GetSerializableType()->GetName() != "NickCore") return; NickCore *n = anope_dynamic_static_cast(e); NSCertListImpl *c = this->Require(n); Anope::string buf; data["cert"] >> buf; spacesepstream sep(buf); for (unsigned i = 0; i < c->certs.size(); ++i) certmap.erase(c->certs[i]); c->certs.clear(); while (sep.GetToken(buf)) { c->certs.push_back(buf); certmap[buf] = n; } } }; }; class CommandNSCert : public Command { private: void DoAdd(CommandSource &source, NickCore *nc, Anope::string certfp) { NSCertList *cl = nc->Require("certificates"); unsigned max = Config->GetModule(this->owner)->Get("max", "5"); if (cl->GetCertCount() >= max) { source.Reply(_("Sorry, the maximum of %d certificate entries has been reached."), max); return; } if (source.GetAccount() == nc) { User *u = source.GetUser(); if (!u || u->fingerprint.empty()) { source.Reply(_("You are not using a client certificate.")); return; } certfp = u->fingerprint; } if (cl->FindCert(certfp)) { source.Reply(_("Fingerprint \002%s\002 already present on %s's certificate list."), certfp.c_str(), nc->display.c_str()); return; } if (certmap.find(certfp) != certmap.end()) { source.Reply(_("Fingerprint \002%s\002 is already in use."), certfp.c_str()); return; } cl->AddCert(certfp); Log(nc == source.GetAccount() ? LOG_COMMAND : LOG_ADMIN, source, this) << "to ADD certificate fingerprint " << certfp << " to " << nc->display; source.Reply(_("\002%s\002 added to %s's certificate list."), certfp.c_str(), nc->display.c_str()); } void DoDel(CommandSource &source, NickCore *nc, Anope::string certfp) { NSCertList *cl = nc->Require("certificates"); if (certfp.empty()) { User *u = source.GetUser(); if (u) certfp = u->fingerprint; } if (certfp.empty()) { this->OnSyntaxError(source, "DEL"); return; } if (!cl->FindCert(certfp)) { source.Reply(_("\002%s\002 not found on %s's certificate list."), certfp.c_str(), nc->display.c_str()); return; } cl->EraseCert(certfp); cl->Check(); Log(nc == source.GetAccount() ? LOG_COMMAND : LOG_ADMIN, source, this) << "to DELETE certificate fingerprint " << certfp << " from " << nc->display; source.Reply(_("\002%s\002 deleted from %s's certificate list."), certfp.c_str(), nc->display.c_str()); } void DoList(CommandSource &source, const NickCore *nc) { NSCertList *cl = nc->GetExt("certificates"); if (!cl || !cl->GetCertCount()) { source.Reply(_("%s's certificate list is empty."), nc->display.c_str()); return; } source.Reply(_("Certificate list for %s:"), nc->display.c_str()); for (unsigned i = 0; i < cl->GetCertCount(); ++i) { Anope::string fingerprint = cl->GetCert(i); source.Reply(" %s", fingerprint.c_str()); } } public: CommandNSCert(Module *creator) : Command(creator, "nickserv/cert", 1, 3) { this->SetDesc(_("Modify the nickname client certificate list")); this->SetSyntax(_("ADD [\037nickname\037] [\037fingerprint\037]")); this->SetSyntax(_("DEL [\037nickname\037] \037fingerprint\037")); this->SetSyntax(_("LIST [\037nickname\037]")); } void Execute(CommandSource &source, const std::vector ¶ms) anope_override { const Anope::string &cmd = params[0]; Anope::string nick, certfp; if (cmd.equals_ci("LIST")) nick = params.size() > 1 ? params[1] : ""; else { nick = params.size() == 3 ? params[1] : ""; certfp = params.size() > 1 ? params[params.size() - 1] : ""; } NickCore *nc; if (!nick.empty()) { const NickAlias *na = NickAlias::Find(nick); if (na == NULL) { source.Reply(NICK_X_NOT_REGISTERED, nick.c_str()); return; } else if (na->nc != source.GetAccount() && !source.HasPriv("nickserv/access")) { source.Reply(ACCESS_DENIED); return; } else if (Config->GetModule("nickserv")->Get("secureadmins", "yes") && source.GetAccount() != na->nc && na->nc->IsServicesOper() && !cmd.equals_ci("LIST")) { source.Reply(_("You may view but not modify the certificate list of other Services Operators.")); return; } nc = na->nc; } else nc = source.nc; if (cmd.equals_ci("LIST")) return this->DoList(source, nc); else if (nc->HasExt("NS_SUSPENDED")) source.Reply(NICK_X_SUSPENDED, nc->display.c_str()); else if (Anope::ReadOnly) source.Reply(READ_ONLY_MODE); else if (cmd.equals_ci("ADD")) return this->DoAdd(source, nc, certfp); else if (cmd.equals_ci("DEL")) return this->DoDel(source, nc, certfp); else this->OnSyntaxError(source, ""); } bool OnHelp(CommandSource &source, const Anope::string &subcommand) anope_override { this->SendSyntax(source); source.Reply(" "); source.Reply(_("Modifies or displays the certificate list for your nick.\n" "If you connect to IRC and provide a client certificate with a\n" "matching fingerprint in the cert list, you will be\n" "automatically identified to services. Services Operators\n" "may provide a nick to modify other users' certificate lists.\n" " \n")); source.Reply(_("Examples:\n" " \n" " \002CERT ADD\002\n" " Adds your current fingerprint to the certificate list and\n" " automatically identifies you when you connect to IRC\n" " using this fingerprint.\n" " \n" " \002CERT DEL \002\n" " Removes the fingerprint from your certificate list.\n" " \n" " \002CERT LIST\002\n" " Displays the current certificate list.")); return true; } }; class NSCert : public Module { CommandNSCert commandnscert; NSCertListImpl::ExtensibleItem certs; CertServiceImpl cs; public: NSCert(const Anope::string &modname, const Anope::string &creator) : Module(modname, creator, VENDOR), commandnscert(this), certs(this, "certificates"), cs(this) { if (!IRCD || !IRCD->CanCertFP) throw ModuleException("Your IRCd does not support ssl client certificates"); } void OnFingerprint(User *u) anope_override { BotInfo *NickServ = Config->GetClient("NickServ"); if (!NickServ || u->IsIdentified()) return; NickCore *nc = cs.FindAccountFromCert(u->fingerprint); if (!nc || nc->HasExt("NS_SUSPENDED")) return; unsigned int maxlogins = Config->GetModule("ns_identify")->Get("maxlogins"); if (maxlogins && nc->users.size() >= maxlogins) { u->SendMessage(NickServ, _("Account \002%s\002 has already reached the maximum number of simultaneous logins (%u)."), nc->display.c_str(), maxlogins); return; } NickAlias *na = NickAlias::Find(u->nick); if (na && na->nc == nc) u->Identify(na); else u->Login(nc); u->SendMessage(NickServ, _("SSL certificate fingerprint accepted, you are now identified to \002%s\002."), nc->display.c_str()); Log(NickServ) << u->GetMask() << " automatically identified for account " << nc->display << " via SSL certificate fingerprint"; } EventReturn OnNickValidate(User *u, NickAlias *na) anope_override { NSCertList *cl = certs.Get(na->nc); if (!u->fingerprint.empty() && cl && cl->FindCert(u->fingerprint)) { BotInfo *NickServ = Config->GetClient("NickServ"); unsigned int maxlogins = Config->GetModule("ns_identify")->Get("maxlogins"); if (maxlogins && na->nc->users.size() >= maxlogins) { u->SendMessage(NickServ, _("Account \002%s\002 has already reached the maximum number of simultaneous logins (%u)."), na->nc->display.c_str(), maxlogins); return EVENT_CONTINUE; } u->Identify(na); u->SendMessage(NickServ, _("SSL certificate fingerprint accepted, you are now identified.")); Log(NickServ) << u->GetMask() << " automatically identified for account " << na->nc->display << " via SSL certificate fingerprint"; return EVENT_ALLOW; } return EVENT_CONTINUE; } }; MODULE_INIT(NSCert)