/* * * (C) 2003-2022 Anope Team * Contact us at team@anope.org * * Please read COPYING and README for further details. * * Based on the original code of Epona by Lara. * Based on the original code of Services by Andy Church. */ #include "module.h" #include "modules/set_misc.h" static Module *me; static Anope::map descriptions; struct CSMiscData; static Anope::map *> items; static ExtensibleItem *GetItem(const Anope::string &name) { ExtensibleItem* &it = items[name]; if (!it) try { it = new ExtensibleItem(me, name); } catch (const ModuleException &) { } return it; } struct CSMiscData : MiscData, Serializable { CSMiscData(Extensible *obj) : Serializable("CSMiscData") { } CSMiscData(ChannelInfo *c, const Anope::string &n, const Anope::string &d) : Serializable("CSMiscData") { object = c->name; name = n; data = d; } void Serialize(Serialize::Data &sdata) const anope_override { sdata["ci"] << this->object; sdata["name"] << this->name; sdata["data"] << this->data; } static Serializable* Unserialize(Serializable *obj, Serialize::Data &data) { Anope::string sci, sname, sdata; data["ci"] >> sci; data["name"] >> sname; data["data"] >> sdata; ChannelInfo *ci = ChannelInfo::Find(sci); if (ci == NULL) return NULL; CSMiscData *d = NULL; if (obj) { d = anope_dynamic_static_cast(obj); d->object = ci->name; data["name"] >> d->name; data["data"] >> d->data; } else { ExtensibleItem *item = GetItem(sname); if (item) d = item->Set(ci, CSMiscData(ci, sname, sdata)); } return d; } }; static Anope::string GetAttribute(const Anope::string &command) { size_t sp = command.rfind(' '); if (sp != Anope::string::npos) return command.substr(sp + 1); return command; } class CommandCSSetMisc : public Command { public: CommandCSSetMisc(Module *creator, const Anope::string &cname = "chanserv/set/misc") : Command(creator, cname, 1, 2) { this->SetSyntax(_("\037channel\037 [\037parameters\037]")); } void Execute(CommandSource &source, const std::vector ¶ms) anope_override { if (Anope::ReadOnly) { source.Reply(READ_ONLY_MODE); return; } ChannelInfo *ci = ChannelInfo::Find(params[0]); const Anope::string ¶m = params.size() > 1 ? params[1] : ""; if (ci == NULL) { source.Reply(CHAN_X_NOT_REGISTERED, params[0].c_str()); return; } EventReturn MOD_RESULT; FOREACH_RESULT(OnSetChannelOption, MOD_RESULT, (source, this, ci, param)); if (MOD_RESULT == EVENT_STOP) return; if (MOD_RESULT != EVENT_ALLOW && !source.AccessFor(ci).HasPriv("SET") && source.permission.empty() && !source.HasPriv("chanserv/administration")) { source.Reply(ACCESS_DENIED); return; } Anope::string scommand = GetAttribute(source.command); Anope::string key = "cs_set_misc:" + scommand; ExtensibleItem *item = GetItem(key); if (item == NULL) return; if (!param.empty()) { item->Set(ci, CSMiscData(ci, key, param)); Log(source.AccessFor(ci).HasPriv("SET") ? LOG_COMMAND : LOG_OVERRIDE, source, this, ci) << "to change it to " << param; source.Reply(CHAN_SETTING_CHANGED, scommand.c_str(), ci->name.c_str(), params[1].c_str()); } else { item->Unset(ci); Log(source.AccessFor(ci).HasPriv("SET") ? LOG_COMMAND : LOG_OVERRIDE, source, this, ci) << "to unset it"; source.Reply(CHAN_SETTING_UNSET, scommand.c_str(), ci->name.c_str()); } } void OnServHelp(CommandSource &source) anope_override { if (descriptions.count(source.command)) { this->SetDesc(descriptions[source.command]); Command::OnServHelp(source); } } bool OnHelp(CommandSource &source, const Anope::string &subcommand) anope_override { if (descriptions.count(source.command)) { this->SendSyntax(source); source.Reply("%s", Language::Translate(source.nc, descriptions[source.command].c_str())); return true; } return false; } }; class CSSetMisc : public Module { CommandCSSetMisc commandcssetmisc; Serialize::Type csmiscdata_type; public: CSSetMisc(const Anope::string &modname, const Anope::string &creator) : Module(modname, creator, VENDOR), commandcssetmisc(this), csmiscdata_type("CSMiscData", CSMiscData::Unserialize) { me = this; } ~CSSetMisc() { for (Anope::map *>::iterator it = items.begin(); it != items.end(); ++it) delete it->second; } void OnReload(Configuration::Conf *conf) anope_override { descriptions.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < conf->CountBlock("command"); ++i) { Configuration::Block *block = conf->GetBlock("command", i); if (block->Get("command") != "chanserv/set/misc") continue; Anope::string cname = block->Get("name"); Anope::string desc = block->Get("misc_description"); if (cname.empty() || desc.empty()) continue; descriptions[cname] = desc; } } void OnChanInfo(CommandSource &source, ChannelInfo *ci, InfoFormatter &info, bool) anope_override { for (Anope::map *>::iterator it = items.begin(); it != items.end(); ++it) { ExtensibleItem *e = it->second; MiscData *data = e->Get(ci); if (data != NULL) info[e->name.substr(12).replace_all_cs("_", " ")] = data->data; } } }; MODULE_INIT(CSSetMisc)