/* * * (C) 2014-2022 Anope Team * Contact us at team@anope.org * * Please read COPYING and README for further details. */ namespace SASL { struct Message { Anope::string source; Anope::string target; Anope::string type; Anope::string data; Anope::string ext; }; class Mechanism; struct Session; class Service : public ::Service { public: Service(Module *o) : ::Service(o, "SASL::Service", "sasl") { } virtual void ProcessMessage(const Message &) = 0; virtual Anope::string GetAgent() = 0; virtual Session* GetSession(const Anope::string &uid) = 0; virtual void SendMessage(SASL::Session *session, const Anope::string &type, const Anope::string &data) = 0; virtual void Succeed(Session *, NickCore *) = 0; virtual void Fail(Session *) = 0; virtual void SendMechs(Session *) = 0; virtual void DeleteSessions(Mechanism *, bool = false) = 0; virtual void RemoveSession(Session *) = 0; }; static ServiceReference sasl("SASL::Service", "sasl"); struct Session { time_t created; Anope::string uid; Anope::string hostname, ip; Reference mech; Session(Mechanism *m, const Anope::string &u) : created(Anope::CurTime), uid(u), mech(m) { } virtual ~Session() { if (sasl) sasl->RemoveSession(this); } }; /* PLAIN, EXTERNAL, etc */ class Mechanism : public ::Service { public: Mechanism(Module *o, const Anope::string &sname) : Service(o, "SASL::Mechanism", sname) { } virtual Session* CreateSession(const Anope::string &uid) { return new Session(this, uid); } virtual void ProcessMessage(Session *session, const Message &) = 0; virtual ~Mechanism() { if (sasl) sasl->DeleteSessions(this, true); } }; class IdentifyRequest : public ::IdentifyRequest { Anope::string uid; Anope::string hostname, ip; public: IdentifyRequest(Module *m, const Anope::string &id, const Anope::string &acc, const Anope::string &pass, const Anope::string &h, const Anope::string &i) : ::IdentifyRequest(m, acc, pass), uid(id), hostname(h), ip(i) { } void OnSuccess() anope_override { if (!sasl) return; NickAlias *na = NickAlias::Find(GetAccount()); if (!na || na->nc->HasExt("NS_SUSPENDED") || na->nc->HasExt("UNCONFIRMED")) return OnFail(); unsigned int maxlogins = Config->GetModule("ns_identify")->Get("maxlogins"); if (maxlogins && na->nc->users.size() >= maxlogins) return OnFail(); Session *s = sasl->GetSession(uid); if (s) { Anope::string user = "A user"; if (!hostname.empty() && !ip.empty()) user = hostname + " (" + ip + ")"; Log(this->GetOwner(), "sasl", Config->GetClient("NickServ")) << user << " identified to account " << this->GetAccount() << " using SASL"; sasl->Succeed(s, na->nc); delete s; } } void OnFail() anope_override { if (!sasl) return; Session *s = sasl->GetSession(uid); if (s) { sasl->Fail(s); delete s; } Anope::string accountstatus; NickAlias *na = NickAlias::Find(GetAccount()); if (!na) accountstatus = "nonexistent "; else if (na->nc->HasExt("NS_SUSPENDED")) accountstatus = "suspended "; else if (na->nc->HasExt("UNCONFIRMED")) accountstatus = "unconfirmed "; Anope::string user = "A user"; if (!hostname.empty() && !ip.empty()) user = hostname + " (" + ip + ")"; Log(this->GetOwner(), "sasl", Config->GetClient("NickServ")) << user << " failed to identify for " << accountstatus << "account " << this->GetAccount() << " using SASL"; } }; }