/* * * (C) 2003-2022 Anope Team * Contact us at team@anope.org * * Please read COPYING and README for further details. * * Based on the original code of Epona by Lara. * Based on the original code of Services by Andy Church. */ #include "uplink.h" #include "logger.h" #include "config.h" #include "protocol.h" #include "servers.h" UplinkSocket *UplinkSock = NULL; class ReconnectTimer : public Timer { public: ReconnectTimer(int wait) : Timer(wait) { } void Tick(time_t) { try { Uplink::Connect(); } catch (const SocketException &ex) { Log(LOG_TERMINAL) << "Unable to connect to uplink #" << (Anope::CurrentUplink + 1) << " (" << Config->Uplinks[Anope::CurrentUplink].host << ":" << Config->Uplinks[Anope::CurrentUplink].port << "): " << ex.GetReason(); } } }; void Uplink::Connect() { if (Config->Uplinks.empty()) { Log() << "Warning: There are no configured uplinks."; return; } if (static_cast(++Anope::CurrentUplink) >= Config->Uplinks.size()) Anope::CurrentUplink = 0; Configuration::Uplink &u = Config->Uplinks[Anope::CurrentUplink]; new UplinkSocket(); if (!Config->GetBlock("serverinfo")->Get("localhost").empty()) UplinkSock->Bind(Config->GetBlock("serverinfo")->Get("localhost")); FOREACH_MOD(OnPreServerConnect, ()); Anope::string ip = Anope::Resolve(u.host, u.ipv6 ? AF_INET6 : AF_INET); Log(LOG_TERMINAL) << "Attempting to connect to uplink #" << (Anope::CurrentUplink + 1) << " " << u.host << " (" << ip << '/' << u.port << ") with protocol " << IRCD->GetProtocolName(); UplinkSock->Connect(ip, u.port); } UplinkSocket::UplinkSocket() : Socket(-1, Config->Uplinks[Anope::CurrentUplink].ipv6), ConnectionSocket(), BufferedSocket() { error = false; UplinkSock = this; } UplinkSocket::~UplinkSocket() { if (!error && !Anope::Quitting) { this->OnError(""); Module *protocol = ModuleManager::FindFirstOf(PROTOCOL); if (protocol && !protocol->name.find("inspircd")) Log(LOG_TERMINAL) << "Check that you have loaded m_spanningtree.so on InspIRCd, and are not connecting Anope to an SSL enabled port without configuring SSL in Anope (or vice versa)"; else Log(LOG_TERMINAL) << "Check that you are not connecting Anope to an SSL enabled port without configuring SSL in Anope (or vice versa)"; } if (IRCD && Servers::GetUplink() && Servers::GetUplink()->IsSynced()) { FOREACH_MOD(OnServerDisconnect, ()); for (user_map::const_iterator it = UserListByNick.begin(); it != UserListByNick.end(); ++it) { User *u = it->second; if (u->server == Me) { /* Don't use quitmsg here, it may contain information you don't want people to see */ IRCD->SendQuit(u, "Shutting down"); BotInfo* bi = BotInfo::Find(u->GetUID()); if (bi != NULL) bi->introduced = false; } } IRCD->SendSquit(Me, Anope::QuitReason); } for (unsigned i = Me->GetLinks().size(); i > 0; --i) if (!Me->GetLinks()[i - 1]->IsJuped()) Me->GetLinks()[i - 1]->Delete(Me->GetName() + " " + Me->GetLinks()[i - 1]->GetName()); this->ProcessWrite(); // Write out the last bit UplinkSock = NULL; Me->Unsync(); if (Anope::AtTerm()) { if (static_cast(Anope::CurrentUplink + 1) == Config->Uplinks.size()) { Anope::QuitReason = "Unable to connect to any uplink"; Anope::Quitting = true; Anope::ReturnValue = -1; } else { new ReconnectTimer(1); } } else if (!Anope::Quitting) { time_t retry = Config->GetBlock("options")->Get("retrywait"); Log() << "Disconnected, retrying in " << retry << " seconds"; new ReconnectTimer(retry); } } bool UplinkSocket::ProcessRead() { bool b = BufferedSocket::ProcessRead(); for (Anope::string buf; (buf = this->GetLine()).empty() == false;) { Anope::Process(buf); User::QuitUsers(); Channel::DeleteChannels(); } return b; } void UplinkSocket::OnConnect() { Log(LOG_TERMINAL) << "Successfully connected to uplink #" << (Anope::CurrentUplink + 1) << " " << Config->Uplinks[Anope::CurrentUplink].host << ":" << Config->Uplinks[Anope::CurrentUplink].port; IRCD->SendConnect(); FOREACH_MOD(OnServerConnect, ()); } void UplinkSocket::OnError(const Anope::string &err) { Anope::string what = !this->flags[SF_CONNECTED] ? "Unable to connect to" : "Lost connection from"; Log(LOG_TERMINAL) << what << " uplink #" << (Anope::CurrentUplink + 1) << " (" << Config->Uplinks[Anope::CurrentUplink].host << ":" << Config->Uplinks[Anope::CurrentUplink].port << ")" << (!err.empty() ? (": " + err) : ""); error |= !err.empty(); } UplinkSocket::Message::Message() : source(Me) { } UplinkSocket::Message::Message(const MessageSource &src) : source(src) { } UplinkSocket::Message::~Message() { Anope::string message_source; if (this->source.GetServer() != NULL) { const Server *s = this->source.GetServer(); if (s != Me && !s->IsJuped()) { Log(LOG_DEBUG) << "Attempted to send \"" << this->buffer.str() << "\" from " << s->GetName() << " who is not from me?"; return; } message_source = s->GetSID(); } else if (this->source.GetUser() != NULL) { const User *u = this->source.GetUser(); if (u->server != Me && !u->server->IsJuped()) { Log(LOG_DEBUG) << "Attempted to send \"" << this->buffer.str() << "\" from " << u->nick << " who is not from me?"; return; } const BotInfo *bi = this->source.GetBot(); if (bi != NULL && bi->introduced == false) { Log(LOG_DEBUG) << "Attempted to send \"" << this->buffer.str() << "\" from " << bi->nick << " when not introduced"; return; } message_source = u->GetUID(); } if (!UplinkSock) { if (!message_source.empty()) Log(LOG_DEBUG) << "Attempted to send \"" << message_source << " " << this->buffer.str() << "\" with UplinkSock NULL"; else Log(LOG_DEBUG) << "Attempted to send \"" << this->buffer.str() << "\" with UplinkSock NULL"; return; } Anope::string sent = IRCD->Format(message_source, this->buffer.str()); UplinkSock->Write(sent); Log(LOG_RAWIO) << "Sent: " << sent; }