/* * * (C) 2003-2022 Anope Team * Contact us at team@anope.org * * Please read COPYING and README for further details. * * Based on the original code of Epona by Lara. * Based on the original code of Services by Andy Church. */ #include "services.h" #include "anope.h" #include "serialize.h" #include "modules.h" #include "account.h" #include "bots.h" #include "regchannel.h" #include "xline.h" #include "access.h" using namespace Serialize; std::vector Type::TypeOrder; std::map Serialize::Type::Types; std::list *Serializable::SerializableItems; void Serialize::RegisterTypes() { static Type nc("NickCore", NickCore::Unserialize), na("NickAlias", NickAlias::Unserialize), bi("BotInfo", BotInfo::Unserialize), ci("ChannelInfo", ChannelInfo::Unserialize), access("ChanAccess", ChanAccess::Unserialize), akick("AutoKick", AutoKick::Unserialize), memo("Memo", Memo::Unserialize), xline("XLine", XLine::Unserialize); } void Serialize::CheckTypes() { for (std::map::const_iterator it = Serialize::Type::GetTypes().begin(), it_end = Serialize::Type::GetTypes().end(); it != it_end; ++it) { Serialize::Type *t = it->second; t->Check(); } } Serializable::Serializable(const Anope::string &serialize_type) : last_commit(0), last_commit_time(0), id(0), redis_ignore(0) { if (SerializableItems == NULL) SerializableItems = new std::list(); SerializableItems->push_back(this); this->s_type = Type::Find(serialize_type); this->s_iter = SerializableItems->end(); --this->s_iter; FOREACH_MOD(OnSerializableConstruct, (this)); } Serializable::Serializable(const Serializable &other) : last_commit(0), last_commit_time(0), id(0), redis_ignore(0) { SerializableItems->push_back(this); this->s_iter = SerializableItems->end(); --this->s_iter; this->s_type = other.s_type; FOREACH_MOD(OnSerializableConstruct, (this)); } Serializable::~Serializable() { FOREACH_MOD(OnSerializableDestruct, (this)); SerializableItems->erase(this->s_iter); } Serializable &Serializable::operator=(const Serializable &) { return *this; } void Serializable::QueueUpdate() { /* Schedule updater */ FOREACH_MOD(OnSerializableUpdate, (this)); /* Check for modifications now - this can delete this object! */ FOREACH_MOD(OnSerializeCheck, (this->GetSerializableType())); } bool Serializable::IsCached(Serialize::Data &data) { return this->last_commit == data.Hash(); } void Serializable::UpdateCache(Serialize::Data &data) { this->last_commit = data.Hash(); } bool Serializable::IsTSCached() { return this->last_commit_time == Anope::CurTime; } void Serializable::UpdateTS() { this->last_commit_time = Anope::CurTime; } const std::list &Serializable::GetItems() { return *SerializableItems; } Type::Type(const Anope::string &n, unserialize_func f, Module *o) : name(n), unserialize(f), owner(o), timestamp(0) { TypeOrder.push_back(this->name); Types[this->name] = this; FOREACH_MOD(OnSerializeTypeCreate, (this)); } Type::~Type() { /* null the type of existing serializable objects of this type */ if (Serializable::SerializableItems != NULL) for (std::list::iterator it = Serializable::SerializableItems->begin(); it != Serializable::SerializableItems->end(); ++it) { Serializable *s = *it; if (s->s_type == this) s->s_type = NULL; } std::vector::iterator it = std::find(TypeOrder.begin(), TypeOrder.end(), this->name); if (it != TypeOrder.end()) TypeOrder.erase(it); Types.erase(this->name); } Serializable *Type::Unserialize(Serializable *obj, Serialize::Data &data) { return this->unserialize(obj, data); } void Type::Check() { FOREACH_MOD(OnSerializeCheck, (this)); } time_t Type::GetTimestamp() const { return this->timestamp; } void Type::UpdateTimestamp() { this->timestamp = Anope::CurTime; } Type *Serialize::Type::Find(const Anope::string &name) { std::map::iterator it = Types.find(name); if (it != Types.end()) return it->second; return NULL; } const std::vector &Type::GetTypeOrder() { return TypeOrder; } const std::map& Type::GetTypes() { return Types; }