/* Modular support * * (C) 2003-2022 Anope Team * Contact us at team@anope.org * * Please read COPYING and README for further details. */ #include "services.h" #include "modules.h" #include "users.h" #include "regchannel.h" #include "config.h" #include #include #ifndef _WIN32 #include #include #include #endif std::list ModuleManager::Modules; std::vector ModuleManager::EventHandlers[I_SIZE]; #ifdef _WIN32 void ModuleManager::CleanupRuntimeDirectory() { Anope::string dirbuf = Anope::DataDir + "/runtime"; Log(LOG_DEBUG) << "Cleaning out Module run time directory (" << dirbuf << ") - this may take a moment, please wait"; DIR *dirp = opendir(dirbuf.c_str()); if (!dirp) { Log(LOG_DEBUG) << "Cannot open directory (" << dirbuf << ")"; return; } for (dirent *dp; (dp = readdir(dirp));) { if (!dp->d_ino) continue; if (Anope::string(dp->d_name).equals_cs(".") || Anope::string(dp->d_name).equals_cs("..")) continue; Anope::string filebuf = dirbuf + "/" + dp->d_name; unlink(filebuf.c_str()); } closedir(dirp); } /** * Copy the module from the modules folder to the runtime folder. * This will prevent module updates while the modules is loaded from * triggering a segfault, as the actual file in use will be in the * runtime folder. * @param name the name of the module to copy * @param output the destination to copy the module to * @return MOD_ERR_OK on success */ static ModuleReturn moduleCopyFile(const Anope::string &name, Anope::string &output) { Anope::string input = Anope::ModuleDir + "/modules/" + name + ".so"; struct stat s; if (stat(input.c_str(), &s) == -1) return MOD_ERR_NOEXIST; else if (!S_ISREG(s.st_mode)) return MOD_ERR_NOEXIST; std::ifstream source(input.c_str(), std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::binary); if (!source.is_open()) return MOD_ERR_NOEXIST; char *tmp_output = strdup(output.c_str()); int target_fd = mkstemp(tmp_output); if (target_fd == -1 || close(target_fd) == -1) { free(tmp_output); source.close(); return MOD_ERR_FILE_IO; } output = tmp_output; free(tmp_output); Log(LOG_DEBUG_2) << "Runtime module location: " << output; std::ofstream target(output.c_str(), std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::binary); if (!target.is_open()) { source.close(); return MOD_ERR_FILE_IO; } int want = s.st_size; char buffer[1024]; while (want > 0 && !source.fail() && !target.fail()) { source.read(buffer, std::min(want, static_cast(sizeof(buffer)))); int read_len = source.gcount(); target.write(buffer, read_len); want -= read_len; } source.close(); target.close(); return !source.fail() && !target.fail() ? MOD_ERR_OK : MOD_ERR_FILE_IO; } #endif /* This code was found online at https://web.archive.org/web/20180318184211/https://www.linuxjournal.com/article/3687#comment-26593 * * This function will take a pointer from either dlsym or GetProcAddress and cast it in * a way that won't cause C++ warnings/errors to come up. */ template static TYPE function_cast(void *symbol) { union { void *symbol; TYPE function; } cast; cast.symbol = symbol; return cast.function; } ModuleReturn ModuleManager::LoadModule(const Anope::string &modname, User *u) { if (modname.empty()) return MOD_ERR_PARAMS; if (FindModule(modname)) return MOD_ERR_EXISTS; Log(LOG_DEBUG) << "Trying to load module: " << modname; #ifdef _WIN32 /* Generate the filename for the temporary copy of the module */ Anope::string pbuf = Anope::DataDir + "/runtime/" + modname + ".so.XXXXXX"; /* Don't skip return value checking! -GD */ ModuleReturn ret = moduleCopyFile(modname, pbuf); if (ret != MOD_ERR_OK) { if (ret == MOD_ERR_NOEXIST) Log(LOG_TERMINAL) << "Error while loading " << modname << " (file does not exist)"; else if (ret == MOD_ERR_FILE_IO) Log(LOG_TERMINAL) << "Error while loading " << modname << " (file IO error, check file permissions and diskspace)"; return ret; } #else Anope::string pbuf = Anope::ModuleDir + "/modules/" + modname + ".so"; #endif dlerror(); void *handle = dlopen(pbuf.c_str(), RTLD_NOW); const char *err = dlerror(); if (!handle) { if (err && *err) Log() << err; return MOD_ERR_NOLOAD; } try { ModuleVersion v = GetVersion(handle); if (v.GetMajor() < Anope::VersionMajor() || (v.GetMajor() == Anope::VersionMajor() && v.GetMinor() < Anope::VersionMinor())) { Log() << "Module " << modname << " is compiled against an older version of Anope " << v.GetMajor() << "." << v.GetMinor() << ", this is " << Anope::VersionShort(); dlclose(handle); return MOD_ERR_VERSION; } else if (v.GetMajor() > Anope::VersionMajor() || (v.GetMajor() == Anope::VersionMajor() && v.GetMinor() > Anope::VersionMinor())) { Log() << "Module " << modname << " is compiled against a newer version of Anope " << v.GetMajor() << "." << v.GetMinor() << ", this is " << Anope::VersionShort(); dlclose(handle); return MOD_ERR_VERSION; } else if (v.GetPatch() < Anope::VersionPatch()) { Log() << "Module " << modname << " is compiled against an older version of Anope, " << v.GetMajor() << "." << v.GetMinor() << "." << v.GetPatch() << ", this is " << Anope::VersionShort(); dlclose(handle); return MOD_ERR_VERSION; } else if (v.GetPatch() > Anope::VersionPatch()) { Log() << "Module " << modname << " is compiled against a newer version of Anope, " << v.GetMajor() << "." << v.GetMinor() << "." << v.GetPatch() << ", this is " << Anope::VersionShort(); dlclose(handle); return MOD_ERR_VERSION; } else { Log(LOG_DEBUG_2) << "Module " << modname << " is compiled against current version of Anope " << Anope::VersionShort(); } } catch (const ModuleException &ex) { /* this error has already been logged */ dlclose(handle); return MOD_ERR_NOLOAD; } dlerror(); Module *(*func)(const Anope::string &, const Anope::string &) = function_cast(dlsym(handle, "AnopeInit")); err = dlerror(); if (!func) { Log() << "No init function found, not an Anope module"; if (err && *err) Log(LOG_DEBUG) << err; dlclose(handle); return MOD_ERR_NOLOAD; } /* Create module. */ Anope::string nick; if (u) nick = u->nick; Module *m; ModuleReturn moderr = MOD_ERR_OK; try { m = func(modname, nick); } catch (const ModuleException &ex) { Log() << "Error while loading " << modname << ": " << ex.GetReason(); moderr = MOD_ERR_EXCEPTION; } if (moderr != MOD_ERR_OK) { if (dlclose(handle)) Log() << dlerror(); return moderr; } m->filename = pbuf; m->handle = handle; /* Initialize config */ try { m->OnReload(Config); } catch (const ModuleException &ex) { Log() << "Module " << modname << " couldn't load:" << ex.GetReason(); moderr = MOD_ERR_EXCEPTION; } catch (const ConfigException &ex) { Log() << "Module " << modname << " couldn't load due to configuration problems: " << ex.GetReason(); moderr = MOD_ERR_EXCEPTION; } catch (const NotImplementedException &ex) { } if (moderr != MOD_ERR_OK) { DeleteModule(m); return moderr; } Log(LOG_DEBUG) << "Module " << modname << " loaded."; /* Attach module to all events */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < I_SIZE; ++i) EventHandlers[i].push_back(m); m->Prioritize(); FOREACH_MOD(OnModuleLoad, (u, m)); return MOD_ERR_OK; } ModuleVersion ModuleManager::GetVersion(void *handle) { dlerror(); ModuleVersionC (*func)() = function_cast(dlsym(handle, "AnopeVersion"));; if (!func) { Log() << "No version function found, not an Anope module"; const char *err = dlerror(); if (err && *err) Log(LOG_DEBUG) << err; throw ModuleException("No version"); } return func(); } ModuleReturn ModuleManager::UnloadModule(Module *m, User *u) { if (!m) return MOD_ERR_PARAMS; FOREACH_MOD(OnModuleUnload, (u, m)); return DeleteModule(m); } Module *ModuleManager::FindModule(const Anope::string &name) { for (std::list::const_iterator it = Modules.begin(), it_end = Modules.end(); it != it_end; ++it) { Module *m = *it; if (m->name.equals_ci(name)) return m; } return NULL; } Module *ModuleManager::FindFirstOf(ModType type) { for (std::list::const_iterator it = Modules.begin(), it_end = Modules.end(); it != it_end; ++it) { Module *m = *it; if (m->type & type) return m; } return NULL; } void ModuleManager::RequireVersion(int major, int minor, int patch) { if (Anope::VersionMajor() > major) return; else if (Anope::VersionMajor() == major) { if (minor == -1) return; else if (Anope::VersionMinor() > minor) return; else if (Anope::VersionMinor() == minor) { if (patch == -1) return; else if (Anope::VersionPatch() > patch) return; else if (Anope::VersionPatch() == patch) return; } } throw ModuleException("This module requires version " + stringify(major) + "." + stringify(minor) + "." + stringify(patch) + " - this is " + Anope::VersionShort()); } ModuleReturn ModuleManager::DeleteModule(Module *m) { if (!m || !m->handle) return MOD_ERR_PARAMS; void *handle = m->handle; Anope::string filename = m->filename; Log(LOG_DEBUG) << "Unloading module " << m->name; dlerror(); void (*destroy_func)(Module *m) = function_cast(dlsym(m->handle, "AnopeFini")); const char *err = dlerror(); if (!destroy_func || (err && *err)) { Log() << "No destroy function found for " << m->name << ", chancing delete..."; delete m; /* we just have to chance they haven't overwrote the delete operator then... */ } else destroy_func(m); /* Let the module delete it self, just in case */ if (dlclose(handle)) Log() << dlerror(); #ifdef _WIN32 if (!filename.empty()) unlink(filename.c_str()); #endif return MOD_ERR_OK; } void ModuleManager::DetachAll(Module *mod) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < I_SIZE; ++i) { std::vector &mods = EventHandlers[i]; std::vector::iterator it2 = std::find(mods.begin(), mods.end(), mod); if (it2 != mods.end()) mods.erase(it2); } } bool ModuleManager::SetPriority(Module *mod, Priority s) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < I_SIZE; ++i) SetPriority(mod, static_cast(i), s); return true; } bool ModuleManager::SetPriority(Module *mod, Implementation i, Priority s, Module **modules, size_t sz) { /** To change the priority of a module, we first find its position in the vector, * then we find the position of the other modules in the vector that this module * wants to be before/after. We pick off either the first or last of these depending * on which they want, and we make sure our module is *at least* before or after * the first or last of this subset, depending again on the type of priority. */ /* Locate our module. This is O(n) but it only occurs on module load so we're * not too bothered about it */ size_t source = 0; bool found = false; for (size_t x = 0, end = EventHandlers[i].size(); x != end; ++x) if (EventHandlers[i][x] == mod) { source = x; found = true; break; } /* Eh? this module doesn't exist, probably trying to set priority on an event * they're not attached to. */ if (!found) return false; size_t swap_pos = 0; bool swap = true; switch (s) { /* Dummy value */ case PRIORITY_DONTCARE: swap = false; break; /* Module wants to be first, sod everything else */ case PRIORITY_FIRST: swap_pos = 0; break; /* Module is submissive and wants to be last... awww. */ case PRIORITY_LAST: if (EventHandlers[i].empty()) swap_pos = 0; else swap_pos = EventHandlers[i].size() - 1; break; /* Place this module after a set of other modules */ case PRIORITY_AFTER: /* Find the latest possible position */ swap_pos = 0; swap = false; for (size_t x = 0, end = EventHandlers[i].size(); x != end; ++x) for (size_t n = 0; n < sz; ++n) if (modules[n] && EventHandlers[i][x] == modules[n] && x >= swap_pos && source <= swap_pos) { swap_pos = x; swap = true; } break; /* Place this module before a set of other modules */ case PRIORITY_BEFORE: swap_pos = EventHandlers[i].size() - 1; swap = false; for (size_t x = 0, end = EventHandlers[i].size(); x != end; ++x) for (size_t n = 0; n < sz; ++n) if (modules[n] && EventHandlers[i][x] == modules[n] && x <= swap_pos && source >= swap_pos) { swap = true; swap_pos = x; } } /* Do we need to swap? */ if (swap && swap_pos != source) { /* Suggestion from Phoenix, "shuffle" the modules to better retain call order */ int increment = 1; if (source > swap_pos) increment = -1; for (unsigned j = source; j != swap_pos; j += increment) { if (j + increment > EventHandlers[i].size() - 1 || (!j && increment == -1)) continue; std::swap(EventHandlers[i][j], EventHandlers[i][j + increment]); } } return true; } void ModuleManager::UnloadAll() { std::vector modules; for (size_t i = 1, j = 0; i != MT_END; j |= i, i <<= 1) for (std::list::iterator it = Modules.begin(), it_end = Modules.end(); it != it_end; ++it) { Module *m = *it; if ((m->type & j) == m->type) modules.push_back(m->name); } for (unsigned i = 0; i < modules.size(); ++i) { Module *m = FindModule(modules[i]); if (m != NULL) UnloadModule(m, NULL); } }