/* Channel-handling routines. * * (C) 2003-2022 Anope Team * Contact us at team@anope.org * * Please read COPYING and README for further details. * * Based on the original code of Epona by Lara. * Based on the original code of Services by Andy Church. */ #include "services.h" #include "channels.h" #include "regchannel.h" #include "logger.h" #include "modules.h" #include "users.h" #include "bots.h" #include "servers.h" #include "protocol.h" #include "users.h" #include "config.h" #include "access.h" #include "sockets.h" #include "language.h" #include "uplink.h" channel_map ChannelList; std::vector Channel::deleting; Channel::Channel(const Anope::string &nname, time_t ts) { if (nname.empty()) throw CoreException("A channel without a name ?"); this->name = nname; this->creation_time = ts; this->syncing = this->botchannel = false; this->server_modetime = this->chanserv_modetime = 0; this->server_modecount = this->chanserv_modecount = this->bouncy_modes = this->topic_ts = this->topic_time = 0; this->ci = ChannelInfo::Find(this->name); if (this->ci) this->ci->c = this; if (Me && Me->IsSynced()) Log(NULL, this, "create"); FOREACH_MOD(OnChannelCreate, (this)); } Channel::~Channel() { UnsetExtensibles(); FOREACH_MOD(OnChannelDelete, (this)); ModeManager::StackerDel(this); if (Me && Me->IsSynced()) Log(NULL, this, "destroy"); if (this->ci) this->ci->c = NULL; ChannelList.erase(this->name); } void Channel::Reset() { this->modes.clear(); for (ChanUserList::const_iterator it = this->users.begin(), it_end = this->users.end(); it != it_end; ++it) { ChanUserContainer *uc = it->second; ChannelStatus f = uc->status; uc->status.Clear(); /* reset modes for my clients */ if (uc->user->server == Me) { for (size_t i = 0; i < f.Modes().length(); ++i) this->SetMode(NULL, ModeManager::FindChannelModeByChar(f.Modes()[i]), uc->user->GetUID(), false); /* Modes might not exist yet, so be sure the status is really reset */ uc->status = f; } } for (ChanUserList::const_iterator it = this->users.begin(), it_end = this->users.end(); it != it_end; ++it) this->SetCorrectModes(it->second->user, true); // If the channel is syncing now, do not force a sync due to Reset(), as we are probably iterating over users in Message::SJoin // A sync will come soon if (!syncing) this->Sync(); } void Channel::Sync() { syncing = false; FOREACH_MOD(OnChannelSync, (this)); CheckModes(); } void Channel::CheckModes() { if (this->bouncy_modes || this->syncing) return; /* Check for mode bouncing */ if (this->chanserv_modetime == Anope::CurTime && this->server_modetime == Anope::CurTime && this->server_modecount >= 3 && this->chanserv_modecount >= 3) { Log() << "Warning: unable to set modes on channel " << this->name << ". Are your servers' U:lines configured correctly?"; this->bouncy_modes = 1; return; } Reference ref = this; FOREACH_MOD(OnCheckModes, (ref)); } bool Channel::CheckDelete() { /* Channel is syncing from a netburst, don't destroy it as more users are probably wanting to join immediately * We also don't part the bot here either, if necessary we will part it after the sync */ if (this->syncing) return false; /* Permanent channels never get deleted */ if (this->HasMode("PERM")) return false; EventReturn MOD_RESULT; FOREACH_RESULT(OnCheckDelete, MOD_RESULT, (this)); return MOD_RESULT != EVENT_STOP && this->users.empty(); } ChanUserContainer* Channel::JoinUser(User *user, const ChannelStatus *status) { if (user->server && user->server->IsSynced()) Log(user, this, "join"); ChanUserContainer *cuc = new ChanUserContainer(user, this); user->chans[this] = cuc; this->users[user] = cuc; if (status) cuc->status = *status; return cuc; } void Channel::DeleteUser(User *user) { if (user->server && user->server->IsSynced() && !user->Quitting()) Log(user, this, "leave"); FOREACH_MOD(OnLeaveChannel, (user, this)); ChanUserContainer *cu = user->FindChannel(this); if (!this->users.erase(user)) Log(LOG_DEBUG) << "Channel::DeleteUser() tried to delete nonexistent user " << user->nick << " from channel " << this->name; if (!user->chans.erase(this)) Log(LOG_DEBUG) << "Channel::DeleteUser() tried to delete nonexistent channel " << this->name << " from " << user->nick << "'s channel list"; delete cu; QueueForDeletion(); } ChanUserContainer *Channel::FindUser(User *u) const { ChanUserList::const_iterator it = this->users.find(u); if (it != this->users.end()) return it->second; return NULL; } bool Channel::HasUserStatus(User *u, ChannelModeStatus *cms) { /* Usually its more efficient to search the users channels than the channels users */ ChanUserContainer *cc = u->FindChannel(this); if (cc) { if (cms) return cc->status.HasMode(cms->mchar); else return cc->status.Empty(); } return false; } bool Channel::HasUserStatus(User *u, const Anope::string &mname) { return HasUserStatus(u, anope_dynamic_static_cast(ModeManager::FindChannelModeByName(mname))); } size_t Channel::HasMode(const Anope::string &mname, const Anope::string ¶m) { if (param.empty()) return modes.count(mname); std::vector v = this->GetModeList(mname); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) if (v[i].equals_ci(param)) return 1; return 0; } Anope::string Channel::GetModes(bool complete, bool plus) { Anope::string res, params; for (std::multimap::const_iterator it = this->modes.begin(), it_end = this->modes.end(); it != it_end; ++it) { ChannelMode *cm = ModeManager::FindChannelModeByName(it->first); if (!cm || cm->type == MODE_LIST) continue; res += cm->mchar; if (complete && !it->second.empty()) { ChannelModeParam *cmp = NULL; if (cm->type == MODE_PARAM) cmp = anope_dynamic_static_cast(cm); if (plus || !cmp || !cmp->minus_no_arg) params += " " + it->second; } } return res + params; } const Channel::ModeList &Channel::GetModes() const { return this->modes; } template struct second { S operator()(const std::pair &p) { return p.second; } }; std::vector Channel::GetModeList(const Anope::string &mname) { std::vector r; std::transform(modes.lower_bound(mname), modes.upper_bound(mname), std::back_inserter(r), second()); return r; } void Channel::SetModeInternal(MessageSource &setter, ChannelMode *ocm, const Anope::string &oparam, bool enforce_mlock) { if (!ocm) return; Anope::string param = oparam; ChannelMode *cm = ocm->Unwrap(param); EventReturn MOD_RESULT; /* Setting v/h/o/a/q etc */ if (cm->type == MODE_STATUS) { if (param.empty()) { Log() << "Channel::SetModeInternal() mode " << cm->mchar << " with no parameter for channel " << this->name; return; } User *u = User::Find(param); if (!u) { Log(LOG_DEBUG) << "MODE " << this->name << " +" << cm->mchar << " for nonexistent user " << param; return; } Log(LOG_DEBUG) << "Setting +" << cm->mchar << " on " << this->name << " for " << u->nick; /* Set the status on the user */ ChanUserContainer *cc = u->FindChannel(this); if (cc) cc->status.AddMode(cm->mchar); FOREACH_RESULT(OnChannelModeSet, MOD_RESULT, (this, setter, cm, param)); /* Enforce secureops, etc */ if (enforce_mlock && MOD_RESULT != EVENT_STOP) this->SetCorrectModes(u, false); return; } if (cm->type != MODE_LIST) this->modes.erase(cm->name); else if (this->HasMode(cm->name, param)) return; this->modes.insert(std::make_pair(cm->name, param)); if (param.empty() && cm->type != MODE_REGULAR) { Log() << "Channel::SetModeInternal() mode " << cm->mchar << " for " << this->name << " with no paramater, but is a param mode"; return; } if (cm->type == MODE_LIST) { ChannelModeList *cml = anope_dynamic_static_cast(cm); cml->OnAdd(this, param); } FOREACH_RESULT(OnChannelModeSet, MOD_RESULT, (this, setter, cm, param)); /* Check if we should enforce mlock */ if (!enforce_mlock || MOD_RESULT == EVENT_STOP) return; this->CheckModes(); } void Channel::RemoveModeInternal(MessageSource &setter, ChannelMode *ocm, const Anope::string &oparam, bool enforce_mlock) { if (!ocm) return; Anope::string param = oparam; ChannelMode *cm = ocm->Unwrap(param); EventReturn MOD_RESULT; /* Setting v/h/o/a/q etc */ if (cm->type == MODE_STATUS) { if (param.empty()) { Log() << "Channel::RemoveModeInternal() mode " << cm->mchar << " with no parameter for channel " << this->name; return; } BotInfo *bi = BotInfo::Find(param); User *u = bi ? bi : User::Find(param); if (!u) { Log(LOG_DEBUG) << "Channel::RemoveModeInternal() MODE " << this->name << "-" << cm->mchar << " for nonexistent user " << param; return; } Log(LOG_DEBUG) << "Setting -" << cm->mchar << " on " << this->name << " for " << u->nick; /* Remove the status on the user */ ChanUserContainer *cc = u->FindChannel(this); if (cc) cc->status.DelMode(cm->mchar); FOREACH_RESULT(OnChannelModeUnset, MOD_RESULT, (this, setter, cm, param)); if (enforce_mlock && MOD_RESULT != EVENT_STOP) this->SetCorrectModes(u, false); return; } if (cm->type == MODE_LIST) { for (Channel::ModeList::iterator it = modes.lower_bound(cm->name), it_end = modes.upper_bound(cm->name); it != it_end; ++it) if (param.equals_ci(it->second)) { this->modes.erase(it); break; } } else this->modes.erase(cm->name); if (cm->type == MODE_LIST) { ChannelModeList *cml = anope_dynamic_static_cast(cm); cml->OnDel(this, param); } FOREACH_RESULT(OnChannelModeUnset, MOD_RESULT, (this, setter, cm, param)); if (cm->name == "PERM") { if (this->CheckDelete()) { delete this; return; } } /* Check for mlock */ if (!enforce_mlock || MOD_RESULT == EVENT_STOP) return; this->CheckModes(); } void Channel::SetMode(BotInfo *bi, ChannelMode *cm, const Anope::string ¶m, bool enforce_mlock) { Anope::string wparam = param; if (!cm) return; /* Don't set modes already set */ if (cm->type == MODE_REGULAR && HasMode(cm->name)) return; else if (cm->type == MODE_PARAM) { ChannelModeParam *cmp = anope_dynamic_static_cast(cm); if (!cmp->IsValid(wparam)) return; Anope::string cparam; if (GetParam(cm->name, cparam) && cparam.equals_cs(wparam)) return; } else if (cm->type == MODE_STATUS) { User *u = User::Find(param); if (!u || HasUserStatus(u, anope_dynamic_static_cast(cm))) return; } else if (cm->type == MODE_LIST) { ChannelModeList *cml = anope_dynamic_static_cast(cm); if (!cml->IsValid(wparam)) return; if (this->HasMode(cm->name, wparam)) return; } if (Me->IsSynced()) { if (this->chanserv_modetime != Anope::CurTime) { this->chanserv_modecount = 0; this->chanserv_modetime = Anope::CurTime; } this->chanserv_modecount++; } ChannelMode *wcm = cm->Wrap(wparam); ModeManager::StackerAdd(bi, this, wcm, true, wparam); MessageSource ms(bi); SetModeInternal(ms, wcm, wparam, enforce_mlock); } void Channel::SetMode(BotInfo *bi, const Anope::string &mname, const Anope::string ¶m, bool enforce_mlock) { SetMode(bi, ModeManager::FindChannelModeByName(mname), param, enforce_mlock); } void Channel::RemoveMode(BotInfo *bi, ChannelMode *cm, const Anope::string &wparam, bool enforce_mlock) { if (!cm) return; /* Don't unset modes that arent set */ if ((cm->type == MODE_REGULAR || cm->type == MODE_PARAM) && !HasMode(cm->name)) return; /* Unwrap to be sure we have the internal representation */ Anope::string param = wparam; cm = cm->Unwrap(param); /* Don't unset status that aren't set */ if (cm->type == MODE_STATUS) { User *u = User::Find(param); if (!u || !HasUserStatus(u, anope_dynamic_static_cast(cm))) return; } else if (cm->type == MODE_LIST) { if (!this->HasMode(cm->name, param)) return; } /* Get the param to send, if we need it */ if (cm->type == MODE_PARAM) { param.clear(); ChannelModeParam *cmp = anope_dynamic_static_cast(cm); if (!cmp->minus_no_arg) this->GetParam(cmp->name, param); } if (Me->IsSynced()) { if (this->chanserv_modetime != Anope::CurTime) { this->chanserv_modecount = 0; this->chanserv_modetime = Anope::CurTime; } this->chanserv_modecount++; } /* Wrap to get ircd representation */ ChannelMode *wcm = cm->Wrap(param); ModeManager::StackerAdd(bi, this, wcm, false, param); MessageSource ms(bi); RemoveModeInternal(ms, wcm, param, enforce_mlock); } void Channel::RemoveMode(BotInfo *bi, const Anope::string &mname, const Anope::string ¶m, bool enforce_mlock) { RemoveMode(bi, ModeManager::FindChannelModeByName(mname), param, enforce_mlock); } bool Channel::GetParam(const Anope::string &mname, Anope::string &target) const { std::multimap::const_iterator it = this->modes.find(mname); target.clear(); if (it != this->modes.end()) { target = it->second; return true; } return false; } void Channel::SetModes(BotInfo *bi, bool enforce_mlock, const char *cmodes, ...) { char buf[BUFSIZE] = ""; va_list args; Anope::string modebuf, sbuf; int add = -1; va_start(args, cmodes); vsnprintf(buf, BUFSIZE - 1, cmodes, args); va_end(args); Reference this_reference(this); spacesepstream sep(buf); sep.GetToken(modebuf); for (unsigned i = 0, end = modebuf.length(); this_reference && i < end; ++i) { ChannelMode *cm; switch (modebuf[i]) { case '+': add = 1; continue; case '-': add = 0; continue; default: if (add == -1) continue; cm = ModeManager::FindChannelModeByChar(modebuf[i]); if (!cm) continue; } if (add) { if (cm->type != MODE_REGULAR && sep.GetToken(sbuf)) { if (cm->type == MODE_STATUS) { User *targ = User::Find(sbuf); if (targ != NULL) sbuf = targ->GetUID(); } this->SetMode(bi, cm, sbuf, enforce_mlock); } else this->SetMode(bi, cm, "", enforce_mlock); } else if (!add) { if (cm->type != MODE_REGULAR && sep.GetToken(sbuf)) { if (cm->type == MODE_STATUS) { User *targ = User::Find(sbuf); if (targ != NULL) sbuf = targ->GetUID(); } this->RemoveMode(bi, cm, sbuf, enforce_mlock); } else this->RemoveMode(bi, cm, "", enforce_mlock); } } } void Channel::SetModesInternal(MessageSource &source, const Anope::string &mode, time_t ts, bool enforce_mlock) { if (!ts) ; else if (ts > this->creation_time) { Log(LOG_DEBUG) << "Dropping mode " << mode << " on " << this->name << ", " << ts << " > " << this->creation_time; return; } else if (ts < this->creation_time) { Log(LOG_DEBUG) << "Changing TS of " << this->name << " from " << this->creation_time << " to " << ts; this->creation_time = ts; this->Reset(); } User *setter = source.GetUser(); /* Removing channel modes *may* delete this channel */ Reference this_reference(this); spacesepstream sep_modes(mode); Anope::string m; sep_modes.GetToken(m); Anope::string modestring; Anope::string paramstring; int add = -1; bool changed = false; for (unsigned int i = 0, end = m.length(); i < end && this_reference; ++i) { ChannelMode *cm; switch (m[i]) { case '+': modestring += '+'; add = 1; continue; case '-': modestring += '-'; add = 0; continue; default: if (add == -1) continue; cm = ModeManager::FindChannelModeByChar(m[i]); if (!cm) { Log(LOG_DEBUG) << "Channel::SetModeInternal: Unknown mode char " << m[i]; continue; } modestring += cm->mchar; } if (cm->type == MODE_REGULAR) { /* something changed if we are adding a mode we don't have, or removing one we have */ changed |= !!add != this->HasMode(cm->name); if (add) this->SetModeInternal(source, cm, "", false); else this->RemoveModeInternal(source, cm, "", false); continue; } else if (cm->type == MODE_PARAM) { ChannelModeParam *cmp = anope_dynamic_static_cast(cm); if (!add && cmp->minus_no_arg) { this->RemoveModeInternal(source, cm, "", false); continue; } } Anope::string token; if (sep_modes.GetToken(token)) { User *u = NULL; if (cm->type == MODE_STATUS && (u = User::Find(token))) paramstring += " " + u->nick; else paramstring += " " + token; changed |= !!add != this->HasMode(cm->name, token); /* CheckModes below doesn't check secureops (+ the module event) */ if (add) this->SetModeInternal(source, cm, token, enforce_mlock); else this->RemoveModeInternal(source, cm, token, enforce_mlock); } else Log() << "warning: Channel::SetModesInternal() received more modes requiring params than params, modes: " << mode; } if (!this_reference) return; if (changed && source.GetServer() && source.GetServer()->IsSynced()) { if (Anope::CurTime != this->server_modetime) { this->server_modecount = 0; this->server_modetime = Anope::CurTime; } ++this->server_modecount; } if (setter) Log(setter, this, "mode") << modestring << paramstring; else Log(LOG_DEBUG) << source.GetName() << " is setting " << this->name << " to " << modestring << paramstring; if (enforce_mlock) this->CheckModes(); } bool Channel::MatchesList(User *u, const Anope::string &mode) { if (!this->HasMode(mode)) return false; std::vector v = this->GetModeList(mode); for (unsigned i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) { Entry e(mode, v[i]); if (e.Matches(u)) return true; } return false; } void Channel::KickInternal(const MessageSource &source, const Anope::string &nick, const Anope::string &reason) { User *sender = source.GetUser(); User *target = User::Find(nick); if (!target) { Log(LOG_DEBUG) << "Channel::KickInternal got a nonexistent user " << nick << " on " << this->name << ": " << reason; return; } if (sender) Log(sender, this, "kick") << "kicked " << target->nick << " (" << reason << ")"; else Log(target, this, "kick") << "was kicked by " << source.GetName() << " (" << reason << ")"; Anope::string chname = this->name; ChanUserContainer *cu = target->FindChannel(this); if (cu == NULL) { Log(LOG_DEBUG) << "Channel::KickInternal got kick for user " << target->nick << " from " << source.GetSource() << " who isn't on channel " << this->name; return; } ChannelStatus status = cu->status; FOREACH_MOD(OnPreUserKicked, (source, cu, reason)); this->DeleteUser(target); FOREACH_MOD(OnUserKicked, (source, target, this->name, status, reason)); } bool Channel::Kick(BotInfo *bi, User *u, const char *reason, ...) { va_list args; char buf[BUFSIZE] = ""; va_start(args, reason); vsnprintf(buf, BUFSIZE - 1, reason, args); va_end(args); /* Do not kick protected clients or Ulines */ if (u->IsProtected()) return false; if (bi == NULL) bi = this->ci->WhoSends(); EventReturn MOD_RESULT; FOREACH_RESULT(OnBotKick, MOD_RESULT, (bi, this, u, buf)); if (MOD_RESULT == EVENT_STOP) return false; IRCD->SendKick(bi, this, u, "%s", buf); this->KickInternal(bi, u->nick, buf); return true; } void Channel::ChangeTopicInternal(User *u, const Anope::string &user, const Anope::string &newtopic, time_t ts) { this->topic = newtopic; this->topic_setter = u ? u->nick : user; this->topic_ts = ts; this->topic_time = Anope::CurTime; Log(LOG_DEBUG) << "Topic of " << this->name << " changed by " << this->topic_setter << " to " << newtopic; FOREACH_MOD(OnTopicUpdated, (u, this, user, this->topic)); } void Channel::ChangeTopic(const Anope::string &user, const Anope::string &newtopic, time_t ts) { this->topic = newtopic; this->topic_setter = user; this->topic_ts = ts; IRCD->SendTopic(this->ci->WhoSends(), this); /* Now that the topic is set update the time set. This is *after* we set it so the protocol modules are able to tell the old last set time */ this->topic_time = Anope::CurTime; FOREACH_MOD(OnTopicUpdated, (NULL, this, user, this->topic)); } void Channel::SetCorrectModes(User *user, bool give_modes) { if (user == NULL) return; if (!this->ci) return; Log(LOG_DEBUG) << "Setting correct user modes for " << user->nick << " on " << this->name << " (" << (give_modes ? "" : "not ") << "giving modes)"; AccessGroup u_access = ci->AccessFor(user); /* Initially only take modes if the channel is being created by a non netmerge */ bool take_modes = this->syncing && user->server->IsSynced(); FOREACH_MOD(OnSetCorrectModes, (user, this, u_access, give_modes, take_modes)); /* Never take modes from ulines */ if (user->server->IsULined()) take_modes = false; /* whether or not we are giving modes */ bool giving = give_modes; /* whether or not we have given a mode */ bool given = false; for (unsigned i = 0; i < ModeManager::GetStatusChannelModesByRank().size(); ++i) { ChannelModeStatus *cm = ModeManager::GetStatusChannelModesByRank()[i]; bool has_priv = u_access.HasPriv("AUTO" + cm->name); if (give_modes && has_priv) { /* Always give op. If we have already given one mode, don't give more until it has a symbol */ if (cm->name == "OP" || !given || (giving && cm->symbol)) { this->SetMode(NULL, cm, user->GetUID(), false); /* Now if this contains a symbol don't give any more modes, to prevent setting +qaohv etc on users */ giving = !cm->symbol; given = true; } } /* modes that have no privileges assigned shouldn't be removed (like operprefix, ojoin) */ else if (take_modes && !has_priv && ci->GetLevel(cm->name + "ME") != ACCESS_INVALID && !u_access.HasPriv(cm->name + "ME")) { /* Only remove modes if they are > voice */ if (cm->name == "VOICE") take_modes = false; else this->RemoveMode(NULL, cm, user->GetUID(), false); } } } bool Channel::Unban(User *u, const Anope::string &mode, bool full) { if (!this->HasMode(mode)) return false; bool ret = false; std::vector v = this->GetModeList(mode); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) { Entry ban(mode, v[i]); if (ban.Matches(u, full)) { this->RemoveMode(NULL, mode, ban.GetMask()); ret = true; } } return ret; } bool Channel::CheckKick(User *user) { if (user->super_admin) return false; /* We don't enforce services restrictions on clients on ulined services * as this will likely lead to kick/rejoin floods. ~ Viper */ if (user->IsProtected()) return false; Anope::string mask, reason; EventReturn MOD_RESULT; FOREACH_RESULT(OnCheckKick, MOD_RESULT, (user, this, mask, reason)); if (MOD_RESULT != EVENT_STOP) return false; if (mask.empty()) mask = this->ci->GetIdealBan(user); if (reason.empty()) reason = Language::Translate(user->Account(), CHAN_NOT_ALLOWED_TO_JOIN); Log(LOG_DEBUG) << "Autokicking " << user->nick << " (" << mask << ") from " << this->name; this->SetMode(NULL, "BAN", mask); this->Kick(NULL, user, "%s", reason.c_str()); return true; } Channel* Channel::Find(const Anope::string &name) { channel_map::const_iterator it = ChannelList.find(name); if (it != ChannelList.end()) return it->second; return NULL; } Channel *Channel::FindOrCreate(const Anope::string &name, bool &created, time_t ts) { Channel* &chan = ChannelList[name]; created = chan == NULL; if (!chan) chan = new Channel(name, ts); return chan; } void Channel::QueueForDeletion() { if (std::find(deleting.begin(), deleting.end(), this) == deleting.end()) deleting.push_back(this); } void Channel::DeleteChannels() { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < deleting.size(); ++i) { Channel *c = deleting[i]; if (c->CheckDelete()) delete c; } deleting.clear(); }