/* * * (C) 2010-2022 Anope Team * Contact us at team@anope.org * * Please read COPYING and README for further details. */ #include "module.h" #include "modules/xmlrpc.h" static Module *me; class XMLRPCIdentifyRequest : public IdentifyRequest { XMLRPCRequest request; HTTPReply repl; /* Request holds a reference to the HTTPReply, because we might exist long enough to invalidate it we'll copy it here then reset the reference before we use it */ Reference client; Reference xinterface; public: XMLRPCIdentifyRequest(Module *m, XMLRPCRequest& req, HTTPClient *c, XMLRPCServiceInterface* iface, const Anope::string &acc, const Anope::string &pass) : IdentifyRequest(m, acc, pass), request(req), repl(request.r), client(c), xinterface(iface) { } void OnSuccess() anope_override { if (!xinterface || !client) return; request.r = this->repl; request.reply("result", "Success"); request.reply("account", GetAccount()); xinterface->Reply(request); client->SendReply(&request.r); } void OnFail() anope_override { if (!xinterface || !client) return; request.r = this->repl; request.reply("error", "Invalid password"); xinterface->Reply(request); client->SendReply(&request.r); } }; class MyXMLRPCEvent : public XMLRPCEvent { public: bool Run(XMLRPCServiceInterface *iface, HTTPClient *client, XMLRPCRequest &request) anope_override { if (request.name == "command") this->DoCommand(iface, client, request); else if (request.name == "checkAuthentication") return this->DoCheckAuthentication(iface, client, request); else if (request.name == "stats") this->DoStats(iface, client, request); else if (request.name == "channel") this->DoChannel(iface, client, request); else if (request.name == "user") this->DoUser(iface, client, request); else if (request.name == "opers") this->DoOperType(iface, client, request); else if (request.name == "notice") this->DoNotice(iface, client, request); return true; } private: void DoCommand(XMLRPCServiceInterface *iface, HTTPClient *client, XMLRPCRequest &request) { Anope::string service = request.data.size() > 0 ? request.data[0] : ""; Anope::string user = request.data.size() > 1 ? request.data[1] : ""; Anope::string command = request.data.size() > 2 ? request.data[2] : ""; if (service.empty() || user.empty() || command.empty()) request.reply("error", "Invalid parameters"); else { BotInfo *bi = BotInfo::Find(service, true); if (!bi) request.reply("error", "Invalid service"); else { request.reply("result", "Success"); NickAlias *na = NickAlias::Find(user); Anope::string out; struct XMLRPCommandReply : CommandReply { Anope::string &str; XMLRPCommandReply(Anope::string &s) : str(s) { } void SendMessage(BotInfo *, const Anope::string &msg) anope_override { str += msg + "\n"; }; } reply(out); User *u = User::Find(user, true); CommandSource source(user, u, na ? *na->nc : NULL, &reply, bi); Command::Run(source, command); if (!out.empty()) request.reply("return", iface->Sanitize(out)); } } } bool DoCheckAuthentication(XMLRPCServiceInterface *iface, HTTPClient *client, XMLRPCRequest &request) { Anope::string username = request.data.size() > 0 ? request.data[0] : ""; Anope::string password = request.data.size() > 1 ? request.data[1] : ""; if (username.empty() || password.empty()) request.reply("error", "Invalid parameters"); else { XMLRPCIdentifyRequest *req = new XMLRPCIdentifyRequest(me, request, client, iface, username, password); FOREACH_MOD(OnCheckAuthentication, (NULL, req)); req->Dispatch(); return false; } return true; } void DoStats(XMLRPCServiceInterface *iface, HTTPClient *client, XMLRPCRequest &request) { request.reply("uptime", stringify(Anope::CurTime - Anope::StartTime)); request.reply("uplinkname", Me->GetLinks().front()->GetName()); { Anope::string buf; for (std::set::iterator it = Servers::Capab.begin(); it != Servers::Capab.end(); ++it) buf += " " + *it; if (!buf.empty()) buf.erase(buf.begin()); request.reply("uplinkcapab", buf); } request.reply("usercount", stringify(UserListByNick.size())); request.reply("maxusercount", stringify(MaxUserCount)); request.reply("channelcount", stringify(ChannelList.size())); } void DoChannel(XMLRPCServiceInterface *iface, HTTPClient *client, XMLRPCRequest &request) { if (request.data.empty()) return; Channel *c = Channel::Find(request.data[0]); request.reply("name", iface->Sanitize(c ? c->name : request.data[0])); if (c) { request.reply("bancount", stringify(c->HasMode("BAN"))); int count = 0; std::vector v = c->GetModeList("BAN"); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) request.reply("ban" + stringify(++count), iface->Sanitize(v[i])); request.reply("exceptcount", stringify(c->HasMode("EXCEPT"))); count = 0; v = c->GetModeList("EXCEPT"); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) request.reply("except" + stringify(++count), iface->Sanitize(v[i])); request.reply("invitecount", stringify(c->HasMode("INVITEOVERRIDE"))); count = 0; v = c->GetModeList("INVITEOVERRIDE"); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) request.reply("invite" + stringify(++count), iface->Sanitize(v[i])); Anope::string users; for (Channel::ChanUserList::const_iterator it = c->users.begin(); it != c->users.end(); ++it) { ChanUserContainer *uc = it->second; users += uc->status.BuildModePrefixList() + uc->user->nick + " "; } if (!users.empty()) { users.erase(users.length() - 1); request.reply("users", iface->Sanitize(users)); } if (!c->topic.empty()) request.reply("topic", iface->Sanitize(c->topic)); if (!c->topic_setter.empty()) request.reply("topicsetter", iface->Sanitize(c->topic_setter)); request.reply("topictime", stringify(c->topic_time)); request.reply("topicts", stringify(c->topic_ts)); } } void DoUser(XMLRPCServiceInterface *iface, HTTPClient *client, XMLRPCRequest &request) { if (request.data.empty()) return; User *u = User::Find(request.data[0]); request.reply("nick", iface->Sanitize(u ? u->nick : request.data[0])); if (u) { request.reply("ident", iface->Sanitize(u->GetIdent())); request.reply("vident", iface->Sanitize(u->GetVIdent())); request.reply("host", iface->Sanitize(u->host)); if (!u->vhost.empty()) request.reply("vhost", iface->Sanitize(u->vhost)); if (!u->chost.empty()) request.reply("chost", iface->Sanitize(u->chost)); request.reply("ip", u->ip.addr()); request.reply("timestamp", stringify(u->timestamp)); request.reply("signon", stringify(u->signon)); if (u->Account()) { request.reply("account", iface->Sanitize(u->Account()->display)); if (u->Account()->o) request.reply("opertype", iface->Sanitize(u->Account()->o->ot->GetName())); } Anope::string channels; for (User::ChanUserList::const_iterator it = u->chans.begin(); it != u->chans.end(); ++it) { ChanUserContainer *cc = it->second; channels += cc->status.BuildModePrefixList() + cc->chan->name + " "; } if (!channels.empty()) { channels.erase(channels.length() - 1); request.reply("channels", channels); } } } void DoOperType(XMLRPCServiceInterface *iface, HTTPClient *client, XMLRPCRequest &request) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < Config->MyOperTypes.size(); ++i) { OperType *ot = Config->MyOperTypes[i]; Anope::string perms; std::list privs = ot->GetPrivs(); for (std::list::const_iterator it2 = privs.begin(), it2_end = privs.end(); it2 != it2_end; ++it2) perms += " " + *it2; std::list commands = ot->GetCommands(); for (std::list::const_iterator it2 = commands.begin(), it2_end = commands.end(); it2 != it2_end; ++it2) perms += " " + *it2; request.reply(ot->GetName(), perms); } } void DoNotice(XMLRPCServiceInterface *iface, HTTPClient *client, XMLRPCRequest &request) { Anope::string from = request.data.size() > 0 ? request.data[0] : ""; Anope::string to = request.data.size() > 1 ? request.data[1] : ""; Anope::string message = request.data.size() > 2 ? request.data[2] : ""; BotInfo *bi = BotInfo::Find(from, true); User *u = User::Find(to, true); if (!bi || !u || message.empty()) return; u->SendMessage(bi, message); request.reply("result", "Success"); } }; class ModuleXMLRPCMain : public Module { ServiceReference xmlrpc; MyXMLRPCEvent stats; public: ModuleXMLRPCMain(const Anope::string &modname, const Anope::string &creator) : Module(modname, creator, EXTRA | VENDOR), xmlrpc("XMLRPCServiceInterface", "xmlrpc") { me = this; if (!xmlrpc) throw ModuleException("Unable to find xmlrpc reference, is m_xmlrpc loaded?"); xmlrpc->Register(&stats); } ~ModuleXMLRPCMain() { if (xmlrpc) xmlrpc->Unregister(&stats); } }; MODULE_INIT(ModuleXMLRPCMain)