/* * * (C) 2003-2022 Anope Team * Contact us at team@anope.org * * Please read COPYING and README for further details. */ #include "module.h" #include "modules/httpd.h" #include "modules/ssl.h" static Anope::string BuildDate() { char timebuf[64]; struct tm *tm = localtime(&Anope::CurTime); strftime(timebuf, sizeof(timebuf), "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z", tm); return timebuf; } static Anope::string GetStatusFromCode(HTTPError err) { switch (err) { case HTTP_ERROR_OK: return "200 OK"; case HTTP_FOUND: return "302 Found"; case HTTP_BAD_REQUEST: return "400 Bad Request"; case HTTP_PAGE_NOT_FOUND: return "404 Not Found"; case HTTP_NOT_SUPPORTED: return "505 HTTP Version Not Supported"; } return "501 Not Implemented"; } class MyHTTPClient : public HTTPClient { HTTPProvider *provider; HTTPMessage message; bool header_done, served; Anope::string page_name; Reference page; Anope::string ip; unsigned content_length; enum { ACTION_NONE, ACTION_GET, ACTION_POST } action; void Serve() { if (this->served) return; this->served = true; if (!this->page) { this->SendError(HTTP_PAGE_NOT_FOUND, "Page not found"); return; } if (std::find(this->provider->ext_ips.begin(), this->provider->ext_ips.end(), this->ip) != this->provider->ext_ips.end()) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < this->provider->ext_headers.size(); ++i) { const Anope::string &token = this->provider->ext_headers[i]; if (this->message.headers.count(token)) { this->ip = this->message.headers[token]; Log(LOG_DEBUG, "httpd") << "m_httpd: IP for connection " << this->GetFD() << " changed to " << this->ip; break; } } } Log(LOG_DEBUG, "httpd") << "m_httpd: Serving page " << this->page_name << " to " << this->ip; HTTPReply reply; reply.content_type = this->page->GetContentType(); if (this->page->OnRequest(this->provider, this->page_name, this, this->message, reply)) this->SendReply(&reply); } public: time_t created; MyHTTPClient(HTTPProvider *l, int f, const sockaddrs &a) : Socket(f, l->IsIPv6()), HTTPClient(l, f, a), provider(l), header_done(false), served(false), ip(a.addr()), content_length(0), action(ACTION_NONE), created(Anope::CurTime) { Log(LOG_DEBUG, "httpd") << "Accepted connection " << f << " from " << a.addr(); } ~MyHTTPClient() { Log(LOG_DEBUG, "httpd") << "Closing connection " << this->GetFD() << " from " << this->ip; } /* Close connection once all data is written */ bool ProcessWrite() anope_override { return !BinarySocket::ProcessWrite() || this->write_buffer.empty() ? false : true; } const Anope::string GetIP() anope_override { return this->ip; } bool Read(const char *buffer, size_t l) anope_override { message.content.append(buffer, l); for (size_t nl; !this->header_done && (nl = message.content.find('\n')) != Anope::string::npos;) { Anope::string token = message.content.substr(0, nl).trim(); message.content = message.content.substr(nl + 1); if (token.empty()) this->header_done = true; else this->Read(token); } if (!this->header_done) return true; if (this->message.content.length() >= this->content_length) { sepstream sep(this->message.content, '&'); Anope::string token; while (sep.GetToken(token)) { size_t sz = token.find('='); if (sz == Anope::string::npos || !sz || sz + 1 >= token.length()) continue; this->message.post_data[token.substr(0, sz)] = HTTPUtils::URLDecode(token.substr(sz + 1)); Log(LOG_DEBUG_2) << "HTTP POST from " << this->clientaddr.addr() << ": " << token.substr(0, sz) << ": " << this->message.post_data[token.substr(0, sz)]; } this->Serve(); } return true; } bool Read(const Anope::string &buf) { Log(LOG_DEBUG_2) << "HTTP from " << this->clientaddr.addr() << ": " << buf; if (this->action == ACTION_NONE) { std::vector params; spacesepstream(buf).GetTokens(params); if (params.empty() || (params[0] != "GET" && params[0] != "POST")) { this->SendError(HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Unknown operation"); return true; } if (params.size() != 3) { this->SendError(HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid parameters"); return true; } if (params[0] == "GET") this->action = ACTION_GET; else if (params[0] == "POST") this->action = ACTION_POST; Anope::string targ = params[1]; size_t q = targ.find('?'); if (q != Anope::string::npos) { sepstream sep(targ.substr(q + 1), '&'); targ = targ.substr(0, q); Anope::string token; while (sep.GetToken(token)) { size_t sz = token.find('='); if (sz == Anope::string::npos || !sz || sz + 1 >= token.length()) continue; this->message.get_data[token.substr(0, sz)] = HTTPUtils::URLDecode(token.substr(sz + 1)); } } this->page = this->provider->FindPage(targ); this->page_name = targ; } else if (buf.find_ci("Cookie: ") == 0) { spacesepstream sep(buf.substr(8)); Anope::string token; while (sep.GetToken(token)) { size_t sz = token.find('='); if (sz == Anope::string::npos || !sz || sz + 1 >= token.length()) continue; size_t end = token.length() - (sz + 1); if (!sep.StreamEnd()) --end; // Remove trailing ; this->message.cookies[token.substr(0, sz)] = token.substr(sz + 1, end); } } else if (buf.find_ci("Content-Length: ") == 0) { try { this->content_length = convertTo(buf.substr(16)); } catch (const ConvertException &ex) { } } else if (buf.find(':') != Anope::string::npos) { size_t sz = buf.find(':'); if (sz + 2 < buf.length()) this->message.headers[buf.substr(0, sz)] = buf.substr(sz + 2); } return true; } void SendError(HTTPError err, const Anope::string &msg) anope_override { HTTPReply h; h.error = err; h.Write(msg); this->SendReply(&h); } void SendReply(HTTPReply *msg) anope_override { this->WriteClient("HTTP/1.1 " + GetStatusFromCode(msg->error)); this->WriteClient("Date: " + BuildDate()); this->WriteClient("Server: Anope-" + Anope::VersionShort()); if (msg->content_type.empty()) this->WriteClient("Content-Type: text/html"); else this->WriteClient("Content-Type: " + msg->content_type); this->WriteClient("Content-Length: " + stringify(msg->length)); for (unsigned i = 0; i < msg->cookies.size(); ++i) { Anope::string buf = "Set-Cookie:"; for (HTTPReply::cookie::iterator it = msg->cookies[i].begin(), it_end = msg->cookies[i].end(); it != it_end; ++it) buf += " " + it->first + "=" + it->second + ";"; buf.erase(buf.length() - 1); this->WriteClient(buf); } typedef std::map map; for (map::iterator it = msg->headers.begin(), it_end = msg->headers.end(); it != it_end; ++it) this->WriteClient(it->first + ": " + it->second); this->WriteClient("Connection: Close"); this->WriteClient(""); for (unsigned i = 0; i < msg->out.size(); ++i) { HTTPReply::Data* d = msg->out[i]; this->Write(d->buf, d->len); delete d; } msg->out.clear(); } }; class MyHTTPProvider : public HTTPProvider, public Timer { int timeout; std::map pages; std::list > clients; public: MyHTTPProvider(Module *c, const Anope::string &n, const Anope::string &i, const unsigned short p, const int t, bool s) : Socket(-1, i.find(':') != Anope::string::npos), HTTPProvider(c, n, i, p, s), Timer(c, 10, Anope::CurTime, true), timeout(t) { } void Tick(time_t) anope_override { while (!this->clients.empty()) { Reference& c = this->clients.front(); if (c && c->created + this->timeout >= Anope::CurTime) break; delete c; this->clients.pop_front(); } } ClientSocket* OnAccept(int fd, const sockaddrs &addr) anope_override { MyHTTPClient *c = new MyHTTPClient(this, fd, addr); this->clients.push_back(c); return c; } bool RegisterPage(HTTPPage *page) anope_override { return this->pages.insert(std::make_pair(page->GetURL(), page)).second; } void UnregisterPage(HTTPPage *page) anope_override { this->pages.erase(page->GetURL()); } HTTPPage* FindPage(const Anope::string &pname) anope_override { if (this->pages.count(pname) == 0) return NULL; return this->pages[pname]; } }; class HTTPD : public Module { ServiceReference sslref; std::map providers; public: HTTPD(const Anope::string &modname, const Anope::string &creator) : Module(modname, creator, EXTRA | VENDOR), sslref("SSLService", "ssl") { } ~HTTPD() { for (std::map::const_iterator it = SocketEngine::Sockets.begin(), it_end = SocketEngine::Sockets.end(); it != it_end;) { Socket *s = it->second; ++it; if (dynamic_cast(s) || dynamic_cast(s)) delete s; } this->providers.clear(); } void OnReload(Configuration::Conf *config) anope_override { Configuration::Block *conf = config->GetModule(this); std::set existing; for (int i = 0; i < conf->CountBlock("httpd"); ++i) { Configuration::Block *block = conf->GetBlock("httpd", i); const Anope::string &hname = block->Get("name", "httpd/main"); existing.insert(hname); Anope::string ip = block->Get("ip"); int port = block->Get("port", "8080"); int timeout = block->Get("timeout", "30"); bool ssl = block->Get("ssl", "no"); Anope::string ext_ip = block->Get("extforward_ip"); Anope::string ext_header = block->Get("extforward_header"); if (ip.empty()) { Log(this) << "You must configure a bind IP for HTTP server " << hname; continue; } else if (port <= 0 || port > 65535) { Log(this) << "You must configure a (valid) listen port for HTTP server " << hname; continue; } MyHTTPProvider *p; if (this->providers.count(hname) == 0) { try { p = new MyHTTPProvider(this, hname, ip, port, timeout, ssl); if (ssl && sslref) sslref->Init(p); } catch (const SocketException &ex) { Log(this) << "Unable to create HTTP server " << hname << ": " << ex.GetReason(); continue; } this->providers[hname] = p; Log(this) << "Created HTTP server " << hname; } else { p = this->providers[hname]; if (p->GetIP() != ip || p->GetPort() != port) { delete p; this->providers.erase(hname); Log(this) << "Changing HTTP server " << hname << " to " << ip << ":" << port; try { p = new MyHTTPProvider(this, hname, ip, port, timeout, ssl); if (ssl && sslref) sslref->Init(p); } catch (const SocketException &ex) { Log(this) << "Unable to create HTTP server " << hname << ": " << ex.GetReason(); continue; } this->providers[hname] = p; } } spacesepstream(ext_ip).GetTokens(p->ext_ips); spacesepstream(ext_header).GetTokens(p->ext_headers); } for (std::map::iterator it = this->providers.begin(), it_end = this->providers.end(); it != it_end;) { HTTPProvider *p = it->second; ++it; if (existing.count(p->name) == 0) { Log(this) << "Removing HTTP server " << p->name; this->providers.erase(p->name); delete p; } } } void OnModuleLoad(User *u, Module *m) anope_override { for (std::map::iterator it = this->providers.begin(), it_end = this->providers.end(); it != it_end; ++it) { MyHTTPProvider *p = it->second; if (p->IsSSL() && sslref) try { sslref->Init(p); } catch (const CoreException &) { } // Throws on reinitialization } } }; MODULE_INIT(HTTPD)