/* * * (C) 2003-2022 Anope Team * Contact us at team@anope.org * * Please read COPYING and README for further details. * * Based on the original code of Epona by Lara. * Based on the original code of Services by Andy Church. */ #include "module.h" #include "modules/os_session.h" #include "modules/bs_kick.h" #include "modules/cs_mode.h" #include "modules/bs_badwords.h" #include "modules/os_news.h" #include "modules/suspend.h" #include "modules/os_forbid.h" #include "modules/cs_entrymsg.h" #define READ(x) \ if (true) \ { \ if ((x) < 0) \ printf("Error, the database is broken, line %d, trying to continue... no guarantee.\n", __LINE__); \ } \ else \ static_cast(0) #define getc_db(f) (fgetc((f)->fp)) #define read_db(f, buf, len) (fread((buf), 1, (len), (f)->fp)) #define read_buffer(buf, f) ((read_db((f), (buf), sizeof(buf)) == sizeof(buf)) ? 0 : -1) #define OLD_BI_PRIVATE 0x0001 #define OLD_NI_KILLPROTECT 0x00000001 /* Kill others who take this nick */ #define OLD_NI_SECURE 0x00000002 /* Don't recognize unless IDENTIFY'd */ #define OLD_NI_MSG 0x00000004 /* Use PRIVMSGs instead of NOTICEs */ #define OLD_NI_MEMO_HARDMAX 0x00000008 /* Don't allow user to change memo limit */ #define OLD_NI_MEMO_SIGNON 0x00000010 /* Notify of memos at signon and un-away */ #define OLD_NI_MEMO_RECEIVE 0x00000020 /* Notify of new memos when sent */ #define OLD_NI_PRIVATE 0x00000040 /* Don't show in LIST to non-servadmins */ #define OLD_NI_HIDE_EMAIL 0x00000080 /* Don't show E-mail in INFO */ #define OLD_NI_HIDE_MASK 0x00000100 /* Don't show last seen address in INFO */ #define OLD_NI_HIDE_QUIT 0x00000200 /* Don't show last quit message in INFO */ #define OLD_NI_KILL_QUICK 0x00000400 /* Kill in 20 seconds instead of 60 */ #define OLD_NI_KILL_IMMED 0x00000800 /* Kill immediately instead of in 60 sec */ #define OLD_NI_MEMO_MAIL 0x00010000 /* User gets email on memo */ #define OLD_NI_HIDE_STATUS 0x00020000 /* Don't show services access status */ #define OLD_NI_SUSPENDED 0x00040000 /* Nickname is suspended */ #define OLD_NI_AUTOOP 0x00080000 /* Autoop nickname in channels */ #define OLD_NS_NO_EXPIRE 0x0004 /* nick won't expire */ #define OLD_NS_VERBOTEN 0x0002 #define OLD_CI_KEEPTOPIC 0x00000001 #define OLD_CI_SECUREOPS 0x00000002 #define OLD_CI_PRIVATE 0x00000004 #define OLD_CI_TOPICLOCK 0x00000008 #define OLD_CI_RESTRICTED 0x00000010 #define OLD_CI_PEACE 0x00000020 #define OLD_CI_SECURE 0x00000040 #define OLD_CI_VERBOTEN 0x00000080 #define OLD_CI_ENCRYPTEDPW 0x00000100 #define OLD_CI_NO_EXPIRE 0x00000200 #define OLD_CI_MEMO_HARDMAX 0x00000400 #define OLD_CI_OPNOTICE 0x00000800 #define OLD_CI_SECUREFOUNDER 0x00001000 #define OLD_CI_SIGNKICK 0x00002000 #define OLD_CI_SIGNKICK_LEVEL 0x00004000 #define OLD_CI_XOP 0x00008000 #define OLD_CI_SUSPENDED 0x00010000 /* BotServ SET flags */ #define OLD_BS_DONTKICKOPS 0x00000001 #define OLD_BS_DONTKICKVOICES 0x00000002 #define OLD_BS_FANTASY 0x00000004 #define OLD_BS_SYMBIOSIS 0x00000008 #define OLD_BS_GREET 0x00000010 #define OLD_BS_NOBOT 0x00000020 /* BotServ Kickers flags */ #define OLD_BS_KICK_BOLDS 0x80000000 #define OLD_BS_KICK_COLORS 0x40000000 #define OLD_BS_KICK_REVERSES 0x20000000 #define OLD_BS_KICK_UNDERLINES 0x10000000 #define OLD_BS_KICK_BADWORDS 0x08000000 #define OLD_BS_KICK_CAPS 0x04000000 #define OLD_BS_KICK_FLOOD 0x02000000 #define OLD_BS_KICK_REPEAT 0x01000000 #define OLD_NEWS_LOGON 0 #define OLD_NEWS_OPER 1 #define OLD_NEWS_RANDOM 2 static struct mlock_info { char c; uint32_t m; } mlock_infos[] = { {'i', 0x00000001}, {'m', 0x00000002}, {'n', 0x00000004}, {'p', 0x00000008}, {'s', 0x00000010}, {'t', 0x00000020}, {'R', 0x00000100}, {'r', 0x00000200}, {'c', 0x00000400}, {'A', 0x00000800}, {'K', 0x00002000}, {'O', 0x00008000}, {'Q', 0x00010000}, {'S', 0x00020000}, {'G', 0x00100000}, {'C', 0x00200000}, {'u', 0x00400000}, {'z', 0x00800000}, {'N', 0x01000000}, {'M', 0x04000000} }; static Anope::string hashm; enum { LANG_EN_US, /* United States English */ LANG_JA_JIS, /* Japanese (JIS encoding) */ LANG_JA_EUC, /* Japanese (EUC encoding) */ LANG_JA_SJIS, /* Japanese (SJIS encoding) */ LANG_ES, /* Spanish */ LANG_PT, /* Portugese */ LANG_FR, /* French */ LANG_TR, /* Turkish */ LANG_IT, /* Italian */ LANG_DE, /* German */ LANG_CAT, /* Catalan */ LANG_GR, /* Greek */ LANG_NL, /* Dutch */ LANG_RU, /* Russian */ LANG_HUN, /* Hungarian */ LANG_PL /* Polish */ }; static void process_mlock(ChannelInfo *ci, uint32_t lock, bool status, uint32_t *limit, Anope::string *key) { ModeLocks *ml = ci->Require("modelocks"); for (unsigned i = 0; i < (sizeof(mlock_infos) / sizeof(mlock_info)); ++i) if (lock & mlock_infos[i].m) { ChannelMode *cm = ModeManager::FindChannelModeByChar(mlock_infos[i].c); if (cm && ml) { if (limit && mlock_infos[i].c == 'l') ml->SetMLock(cm, status, stringify(*limit)); else if (key && mlock_infos[i].c == 'k') ml->SetMLock(cm, status, *key); else ml->SetMLock(cm, status); } } } static const char Base64[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"; static const char Pad64 = '='; static void my_b64_encode(const Anope::string &src, Anope::string &target) { size_t src_pos = 0, src_len = src.length(); unsigned char input[3]; target.clear(); while (src_len - src_pos > 2) { input[0] = src[src_pos++]; input[1] = src[src_pos++]; input[2] = src[src_pos++]; target += Base64[input[0] >> 2]; target += Base64[((input[0] & 0x03) << 4) + (input[1] >> 4)]; target += Base64[((input[1] & 0x0f) << 2) + (input[2] >> 6)]; target += Base64[input[2] & 0x3f]; } /* Now we worry about padding */ if (src_pos != src_len) { input[0] = input[1] = input[2] = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < src_len - src_pos; ++i) input[i] = src[src_pos + i]; target += Base64[input[0] >> 2]; target += Base64[((input[0] & 0x03) << 4) + (input[1] >> 4)]; if (src_pos == src_len - 1) target += Pad64; else target += Base64[((input[1] & 0x0f) << 2) + (input[2] >> 6)]; target += Pad64; } } static Anope::string Hex(const char *data, size_t l) { const char hextable[] = "0123456789abcdef"; std::string rv; for (size_t i = 0; i < l; ++i) { unsigned char c = data[i]; rv += hextable[c >> 4]; rv += hextable[c & 0xF]; } return rv; } static Anope::string GetLevelName(int level) { switch (level) { case 0: return "INVITE"; case 1: return "AKICK"; case 2: return "SET"; case 3: return "UNBAN"; case 4: return "AUTOOP"; case 5: return "AUTODEOP"; case 6: return "AUTOVOICE"; case 7: return "OP"; case 8: return "ACCESS_LIST"; case 9: return "CLEAR"; case 10: return "NOJOIN"; case 11: return "ACCESS_CHANGE"; case 12: return "MEMO"; case 13: return "ASSIGN"; case 14: return "BADWORDS"; case 15: return "NOKICK"; case 16: return "FANTASIA"; case 17: return "SAY"; case 18: return "GREET"; case 19: return "VOICEME"; case 20: return "VOICE"; case 21: return "GETKEY"; case 22: return "AUTOHALFOP"; case 23: return "AUTOPROTECT"; case 24: return "OPME"; case 25: return "HALFOPME"; case 26: return "HALFOP"; case 27: return "PROTECTME"; case 28: return "PROTECT"; case 29: return "KICKME"; case 30: return "KICK"; case 31: return "SIGNKICK"; case 32: return "BANME"; case 33: return "BAN"; case 34: return "TOPIC"; case 35: return "INFO"; default: return "INVALID"; } } static char *strscpy(char *d, const char *s, size_t len) { char *d_orig = d; if (!len) return d; while (--len && (*d++ = *s++)); *d = '\0'; return d_orig; } struct dbFILE { int mode; /* 'r' for reading, 'w' for writing */ FILE *fp; /* The normal file descriptor */ char filename[1024]; /* Name of the database file */ }; static dbFILE *open_db_read(const char *service, const char *filename, int version) { dbFILE *f; FILE *fp; int myversion; f = new dbFILE; strscpy(f->filename, (Anope::DataDir + "/" + filename).c_str(), sizeof(f->filename)); f->mode = 'r'; fp = fopen(f->filename, "rb"); if (!fp) { Log() << "Can't read " << service << " database " << f->filename; delete f; return NULL; } f->fp = fp; myversion = fgetc(fp) << 24 | fgetc(fp) << 16 | fgetc(fp) << 8 | fgetc(fp); if (feof(fp)) { Log() << "Error reading version number on " << f->filename << ": End of file detected."; delete f; return NULL; } else if (myversion < version) { Log() << "Unsupported database version (" << myversion << ") on " << f->filename << "."; delete f; return NULL; } return f; } void close_db(dbFILE *f) { fclose(f->fp); delete f; } static int read_int16(int16_t *ret, dbFILE *f) { int c1, c2; *ret = 0; c1 = fgetc(f->fp); c2 = fgetc(f->fp); if (c1 == EOF || c2 == EOF) return -1; *ret = c1 << 8 | c2; return 0; } static int read_uint16(uint16_t *ret, dbFILE *f) { int c1, c2; *ret = 0; c1 = fgetc(f->fp); c2 = fgetc(f->fp); if (c1 == EOF || c2 == EOF) return -1; *ret = c1 << 8 | c2; return 0; } static int read_string(Anope::string &str, dbFILE *f) { str.clear(); uint16_t len; if (read_uint16(&len, f) < 0) return -1; if (len == 0) return 0; char *s = new char[len]; if (len != fread(s, 1, len, f->fp)) { delete [] s; return -1; } str = s; delete [] s; return 0; } static int read_uint32(uint32_t *ret, dbFILE *f) { int c1, c2, c3, c4; *ret = 0; c1 = fgetc(f->fp); c2 = fgetc(f->fp); c3 = fgetc(f->fp); c4 = fgetc(f->fp); if (c1 == EOF || c2 == EOF || c3 == EOF || c4 == EOF) return -1; *ret = c1 << 24 | c2 << 16 | c3 << 8 | c4; return 0; } int read_int32(int32_t *ret, dbFILE *f) { int c1, c2, c3, c4; *ret = 0; c1 = fgetc(f->fp); c2 = fgetc(f->fp); c3 = fgetc(f->fp); c4 = fgetc(f->fp); if (c1 == EOF || c2 == EOF || c3 == EOF || c4 == EOF) return -1; *ret = c1 << 24 | c2 << 16 | c3 << 8 | c4; return 0; } static void LoadNicks() { ServiceReference forbid("ForbidService", "forbid"); dbFILE *f = open_db_read("NickServ", "nick.db", 14); if (f == NULL) return; for (int i = 0; i < 1024; ++i) for (int c; (c = getc_db(f)) == 1;) { Anope::string buffer; READ(read_string(buffer, f)); NickCore *nc = new NickCore(buffer); const Anope::string settings[] = { "killprotect", "kill_quick", "ns_secure", "ns_private", "hide_email", "hide_mask", "hide_quit", "memo_signon", "memo_receive", "autoop", "msg", "ns_keepmodes" }; for (unsigned j = 0; j < sizeof(settings) / sizeof(Anope::string); ++j) nc->Shrink(settings[j].upper()); char pwbuf[32]; READ(read_buffer(pwbuf, f)); if (hashm == "plain") my_b64_encode(pwbuf, nc->pass); else if (hashm == "md5" || hashm == "oldmd5") nc->pass = Hex(pwbuf, 16); else if (hashm == "sha1") nc->pass = Hex(pwbuf, 20); else nc->pass = Hex(pwbuf, strlen(pwbuf)); nc->pass = hashm + ":" + nc->pass; READ(read_string(buffer, f)); nc->email = buffer; READ(read_string(buffer, f)); if (!buffer.empty()) nc->Extend("greet", buffer); uint32_t u32; READ(read_uint32(&u32, f)); //nc->icq = u32; READ(read_string(buffer, f)); //nc->url = buffer; READ(read_uint32(&u32, f)); if (u32 & OLD_NI_KILLPROTECT) nc->Extend("KILLPROTECT"); if (u32 & OLD_NI_SECURE) nc->Extend("NS_SECURE"); if (u32 & OLD_NI_MSG) nc->Extend("MSG"); if (u32 & OLD_NI_MEMO_HARDMAX) nc->Extend("MEMO_HARDMAX"); if (u32 & OLD_NI_MEMO_SIGNON) nc->Extend("MEMO_SIGNON"); if (u32 & OLD_NI_MEMO_RECEIVE) nc->Extend("MEMO_RECEIVE"); if (u32 & OLD_NI_PRIVATE) nc->Extend("NS_PRIVATE"); if (u32 & OLD_NI_HIDE_EMAIL) nc->Extend("HIDE_EMAIL"); if (u32 & OLD_NI_HIDE_MASK) nc->Extend("HIDE_MASK"); if (u32 & OLD_NI_HIDE_QUIT) nc->Extend("HIDE_QUIT"); if (u32 & OLD_NI_KILL_QUICK) nc->Extend("KILL_QUICK"); if (u32 & OLD_NI_KILL_IMMED) nc->Extend("KILL_IMMED"); if (u32 & OLD_NI_MEMO_MAIL) nc->Extend("MEMO_MAIL"); if (u32 & OLD_NI_HIDE_STATUS) nc->Extend("HIDE_STATUS"); if (u32 & OLD_NI_SUSPENDED) { SuspendInfo si; si.what = nc->display; si.when = si.expires = 0; nc->Extend("NS_SUSPENDED", si); } if (!(u32 & OLD_NI_AUTOOP)) nc->Extend("AUTOOP"); uint16_t u16; READ(read_uint16(&u16, f)); switch (u16) { case LANG_ES: nc->language = "es_ES.UTF-8"; break; case LANG_PT: nc->language = "pt_PT.UTF-8"; break; case LANG_FR: nc->language = "fr_FR.UTF-8"; break; case LANG_TR: nc->language = "tr_TR.UTF-8"; break; case LANG_IT: nc->language = "it_IT.UTF-8"; break; case LANG_DE: nc->language = "de_DE.UTF-8"; break; case LANG_CAT: nc->language = "ca_ES.UTF-8"; // yes, iso639 defines catalan as CA break; case LANG_GR: nc->language = "el_GR.UTF-8"; break; case LANG_NL: nc->language = "nl_NL.UTF-8"; break; case LANG_RU: nc->language = "ru_RU.UTF-8"; break; case LANG_HUN: nc->language = "hu_HU.UTF-8"; break; case LANG_PL: nc->language = "pl_PL.UTF-8"; break; case LANG_EN_US: case LANG_JA_JIS: case LANG_JA_EUC: case LANG_JA_SJIS: // these seem to be unused default: nc->language = "en"; } READ(read_uint16(&u16, f)); for (uint16_t j = 0; j < u16; ++j) { READ(read_string(buffer, f)); nc->access.push_back(buffer); } int16_t i16; READ(read_int16(&i16, f)); READ(read_int16(&nc->memos.memomax, f)); for (int16_t j = 0; j < i16; ++j) { Memo *m = new Memo; READ(read_uint32(&u32, f)); uint16_t flags; READ(read_uint16(&flags, f)); int32_t tmp32; READ(read_int32(&tmp32, f)); m->time = tmp32; char sbuf[32]; READ(read_buffer(sbuf, f)); m->sender = sbuf; READ(read_string(m->text, f)); m->owner = nc->display; nc->memos.memos->push_back(m); m->mi = &nc->memos; } READ(read_uint16(&u16, f)); READ(read_int16(&i16, f)); Log(LOG_DEBUG) << "Loaded NickCore " << nc->display; } for (int i = 0; i < 1024; ++i) for (int c; (c = getc_db(f)) == 1;) { Anope::string nick, last_usermask, last_realname, last_quit; time_t time_registered, last_seen; READ(read_string(nick, f)); READ(read_string(last_usermask, f)); READ(read_string(last_realname, f)); READ(read_string(last_quit, f)); int32_t tmp32; READ(read_int32(&tmp32, f)); time_registered = tmp32; READ(read_int32(&tmp32, f)); last_seen = tmp32; uint16_t tmpu16; READ(read_uint16(&tmpu16, f)); Anope::string core; READ(read_string(core, f)); NickCore *nc = NickCore::Find(core); if (nc == NULL) { Log() << "Skipping coreless nick " << nick << " with core " << core; continue; } if (tmpu16 & OLD_NS_VERBOTEN) { if (!forbid) { delete nc; continue; } if (nc->display.find_first_of("?*") != Anope::string::npos) { delete nc; continue; } ForbidData *d = forbid->CreateForbid(); d->mask = nc->display; d->creator = last_usermask; d->reason = last_realname; d->expires = 0; d->created = 0; d->type = FT_NICK; delete nc; forbid->AddForbid(d); continue; } NickAlias *na = new NickAlias(nick, nc); na->last_usermask = last_usermask; na->last_realname = last_realname; na->last_quit = last_quit; na->time_registered = time_registered; na->last_seen = last_seen; if (tmpu16 & OLD_NS_NO_EXPIRE) na->Extend("NS_NO_EXPIRE"); Log(LOG_DEBUG) << "Loaded NickAlias " << na->nick; } close_db(f); /* End of section Ia */ } static void LoadVHosts() { dbFILE *f = open_db_read("HostServ", "hosts.db", 3); if (f == NULL) return; for (int c; (c = getc_db(f)) == 1;) { Anope::string nick, ident, host, creator; int32_t vtime; READ(read_string(nick, f)); READ(read_string(ident, f)); READ(read_string(host, f)); READ(read_string(creator, f)); READ(read_int32(&vtime, f)); NickAlias *na = NickAlias::Find(nick); if (na == NULL) { Log() << "Removing vhost for nonexistent nick " << nick; continue; } na->SetVhost(ident, host, creator, vtime); Log() << "Loaded vhost for " << na->nick; } close_db(f); } static void LoadBots() { dbFILE *f = open_db_read("Botserv", "bot.db", 10); if (f == NULL) return; for (int c; (c = getc_db(f)) == 1;) { Anope::string nick, user, host, real; int16_t flags, chancount; int32_t created; READ(read_string(nick, f)); READ(read_string(user, f)); READ(read_string(host, f)); READ(read_string(real, f)); READ(read_int16(&flags, f)); READ(read_int32(&created, f)); READ(read_int16(&chancount, f)); BotInfo *bi = BotInfo::Find(nick, true); if (!bi) bi = new BotInfo(nick, user, host, real); bi->created = created; if (flags & OLD_BI_PRIVATE) bi->oper_only = true; Log(LOG_DEBUG) << "Loaded bot " << bi->nick; } close_db(f); } static void LoadChannels() { ServiceReference forbid("ForbidService", "forbid"); dbFILE *f = open_db_read("ChanServ", "chan.db", 16); if (f == NULL) return; for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) for (int c; (c = getc_db(f)) == 1;) { Anope::string buffer; char namebuf[64]; READ(read_buffer(namebuf, f)); ChannelInfo *ci = new ChannelInfo(namebuf); const Anope::string settings[] = { "keeptopic", "peace", "cs_private", "restricted", "cs_secure", "secureops", "securefounder", "signkick", "signkick_level", "topiclock", "persist", "noautoop", "cs_keepmodes" }; for (unsigned j = 0; j < sizeof(settings) / sizeof(Anope::string); ++j) ci->Shrink(settings[j].upper()); READ(read_string(buffer, f)); ci->SetFounder(NickCore::Find(buffer)); READ(read_string(buffer, f)); ci->SetSuccessor(NickCore::Find(buffer)); char pwbuf[32]; READ(read_buffer(pwbuf, f)); READ(read_string(ci->desc, f)); READ(read_string(buffer, f)); READ(read_string(buffer, f)); int32_t tmp32; READ(read_int32(&tmp32, f)); ci->time_registered = tmp32; READ(read_int32(&tmp32, f)); ci->last_used = tmp32; READ(read_string(ci->last_topic, f)); READ(read_buffer(pwbuf, f)); ci->last_topic_setter = pwbuf; READ(read_int32(&tmp32, f)); ci->last_topic_time = tmp32; uint32_t tmpu32; READ(read_uint32(&tmpu32, f)); // Temporary flags cleanup tmpu32 &= ~0x80000000; if (tmpu32 & OLD_CI_KEEPTOPIC) ci->Extend("KEEPTOPIC"); if (tmpu32 & OLD_CI_SECUREOPS) ci->Extend("SECUREOPS"); if (tmpu32 & OLD_CI_PRIVATE) ci->Extend("CS_PRIVATE"); if (tmpu32 & OLD_CI_TOPICLOCK) ci->Extend("TOPICLOCK"); if (tmpu32 & OLD_CI_RESTRICTED) ci->Extend("RESTRICTED"); if (tmpu32 & OLD_CI_PEACE) ci->Extend("PEACE"); if (tmpu32 & OLD_CI_SECURE) ci->Extend("CS_SECURE"); if (tmpu32 & OLD_CI_NO_EXPIRE) ci->Extend("CS_NO_EXPIRE"); if (tmpu32 & OLD_CI_MEMO_HARDMAX) ci->Extend("MEMO_HARDMAX"); if (tmpu32 & OLD_CI_SECUREFOUNDER) ci->Extend("SECUREFOUNDER"); if (tmpu32 & OLD_CI_SIGNKICK) ci->Extend("SIGNKICK"); if (tmpu32 & OLD_CI_SIGNKICK_LEVEL) ci->Extend("SIGNKICK_LEVEL"); Anope::string forbidby, forbidreason; READ(read_string(forbidby, f)); READ(read_string(forbidreason, f)); if (tmpu32 & OLD_CI_SUSPENDED) { SuspendInfo si; si.what = ci->name; si.by = forbidby; si.reason = forbidreason; si.when = si.expires = 0; ci->Extend("CS_SUSPENDED", si); } bool forbid_chan = tmpu32 & OLD_CI_VERBOTEN; int16_t tmp16; READ(read_int16(&tmp16, f)); ci->bantype = tmp16; READ(read_int16(&tmp16, f)); if (tmp16 > 36) tmp16 = 36; for (int16_t j = 0; j < tmp16; ++j) { int16_t level; READ(read_int16(&level, f)); if (level == ACCESS_INVALID) level = ACCESS_FOUNDER; if (j == 10 && level < 0) // NOJOIN ci->Shrink("RESTRICTED"); // If CSDefRestricted was enabled this can happen ci->SetLevel(GetLevelName(j), level); } bool xop = tmpu32 & OLD_CI_XOP; ServiceReference provider_access("AccessProvider", "access/access"), provider_xop("AccessProvider", "access/xop"); uint16_t tmpu16; READ(read_uint16(&tmpu16, f)); for (uint16_t j = 0; j < tmpu16; ++j) { uint16_t in_use; READ(read_uint16(&in_use, f)); if (in_use) { ChanAccess *access = NULL; if (xop) { if (provider_xop) access = provider_xop->Create(); } else if (provider_access) access = provider_access->Create(); if (access) access->ci = ci; int16_t level; READ(read_int16(&level, f)); if (access) { if (xop) { switch (level) { case 3: access->AccessUnserialize("VOP"); break; case 4: access->AccessUnserialize("HOP"); break; case 5: access->AccessUnserialize("AOP"); break; case 10: access->AccessUnserialize("SOP"); break; } } else access->AccessUnserialize(stringify(level)); } Anope::string mask; READ(read_string(mask, f)); if (access) access->SetMask(mask, ci); READ(read_int32(&tmp32, f)); if (access) { access->last_seen = tmp32; access->creator = "Unknown"; access->created = Anope::CurTime; ci->AddAccess(access); } } } READ(read_uint16(&tmpu16, f)); for (uint16_t j = 0; j < tmpu16; ++j) { uint16_t flags; READ(read_uint16(&flags, f)); if (flags & 0x0001) { Anope::string mask, reason, creator; READ(read_string(mask, f)); READ(read_string(reason, f)); READ(read_string(creator, f)); READ(read_int32(&tmp32, f)); ci->AddAkick(creator, mask, reason, tmp32); } } READ(read_uint32(&tmpu32, f)); // mlock on ci->Extend("mlock_on", tmpu32); READ(read_uint32(&tmpu32, f)); // mlock off ci->Extend("mlock_off", tmpu32); READ(read_uint32(&tmpu32, f)); // mlock limit ci->Extend("mlock_limit", tmpu32); READ(read_string(buffer, f)); // key ci->Extend("mlock_key", buffer); READ(read_string(buffer, f)); // +f READ(read_string(buffer, f)); // +L READ(read_int16(&tmp16, f)); READ(read_int16(&ci->memos.memomax, f)); for (int16_t j = 0; j < tmp16; ++j) { READ(read_uint32(&tmpu32, f)); READ(read_uint16(&tmpu16, f)); Memo *m = new Memo; READ(read_int32(&tmp32, f)); m->time = tmp32; char sbuf[32]; READ(read_buffer(sbuf, f)); m->sender = sbuf; READ(read_string(m->text, f)); m->owner = ci->name; ci->memos.memos->push_back(m); m->mi = &ci->memos; } READ(read_string(buffer, f)); if (!buffer.empty()) { EntryMessageList *eml = ci->Require("entrymsg"); if (eml) { EntryMsg *e = eml->Create(); e->chan = ci->name; e->creator = "Unknown"; e->message = buffer; e->when = Anope::CurTime; (*eml)->push_back(e); } } READ(read_string(buffer, f)); ci->bi = BotInfo::Find(buffer, true); READ(read_int32(&tmp32, f)); if (tmp32 & OLD_BS_DONTKICKOPS) ci->Extend("BS_DONTKICKOPS"); if (tmp32 & OLD_BS_DONTKICKVOICES) ci->Extend("BS_DONTKICKVOICES"); if (tmp32 & OLD_BS_FANTASY) ci->Extend("BS_FANTASY"); if (tmp32 & OLD_BS_GREET) ci->Extend("BS_GREET"); if (tmp32 & OLD_BS_NOBOT) ci->Extend("BS_NOBOT"); KickerData *kd = ci->Require("kickerdata"); if (kd) { if (tmp32 & OLD_BS_KICK_BOLDS) kd->bolds = true; if (tmp32 & OLD_BS_KICK_COLORS) kd->colors = true; if (tmp32 & OLD_BS_KICK_REVERSES) kd->reverses = true; if (tmp32 & OLD_BS_KICK_UNDERLINES) kd->underlines = true; if (tmp32 & OLD_BS_KICK_BADWORDS) kd->badwords = true; if (tmp32 & OLD_BS_KICK_CAPS) kd->caps = true; if (tmp32 & OLD_BS_KICK_FLOOD) kd->flood = true; if (tmp32 & OLD_BS_KICK_REPEAT) kd->repeat = true; } READ(read_int16(&tmp16, f)); for (int16_t j = 0; j < tmp16; ++j) { int16_t ttb; READ(read_int16(&ttb, f)); if (j < TTB_SIZE && kd) kd->ttb[j] = ttb; } READ(read_int16(&tmp16, f)); if (kd) kd->capsmin = tmp16; READ(read_int16(&tmp16, f)); if (kd) kd->capspercent = tmp16; READ(read_int16(&tmp16, f)); if (kd) kd->floodlines = tmp16; READ(read_int16(&tmp16, f)); if (kd) kd->floodsecs = tmp16; READ(read_int16(&tmp16, f)); if (kd) kd->repeattimes = tmp16; BadWords *bw = ci->Require("badwords"); READ(read_uint16(&tmpu16, f)); for (uint16_t j = 0; j < tmpu16; ++j) { uint16_t in_use; READ(read_uint16(&in_use, f)); if (in_use) { READ(read_string(buffer, f)); uint16_t type; READ(read_uint16(&type, f)); BadWordType bwtype = BW_ANY; if (type == 1) bwtype = BW_SINGLE; else if (type == 2) bwtype = BW_START; else if (type == 3) bwtype = BW_END; if (bw) bw->AddBadWord(buffer, bwtype); } } if (forbid_chan) { if (!forbid) { delete ci; continue; } if (ci->name.find_first_of("?*") != Anope::string::npos) { delete ci; continue; } ForbidData *d = forbid->CreateForbid(); d->mask = ci->name; d->creator = forbidby; d->reason = forbidreason; d->expires = 0; d->created = 0; d->type = FT_CHAN; delete ci; forbid->AddForbid(d); continue; } Log(LOG_DEBUG) << "Loaded channel " << ci->name; } close_db(f); } static void LoadOper() { dbFILE *f = open_db_read("OperServ", "oper.db", 13); if (f == NULL) return; XLineManager *akill, *sqline, *snline, *szline; akill = sqline = snline = szline = NULL; for (std::list::iterator it = XLineManager::XLineManagers.begin(), it_end = XLineManager::XLineManagers.end(); it != it_end; ++it) { XLineManager *xl = *it; if (xl->Type() == 'G') akill = xl; else if (xl->Type() == 'Q') sqline = xl; else if (xl->Type() == 'N') snline = xl; else if (xl->Type() == 'Z') szline = xl; } int32_t tmp32; READ(read_int32(&tmp32, f)); READ(read_int32(&tmp32, f)); int16_t capacity; read_int16(&capacity, f); // AKill count for (int16_t i = 0; i < capacity; ++i) { Anope::string user, host, by, reason; int32_t seton, expires; READ(read_string(user, f)); READ(read_string(host, f)); READ(read_string(by, f)); READ(read_string(reason, f)); READ(read_int32(&seton, f)); READ(read_int32(&expires, f)); if (!akill) continue; XLine *x = new XLine(user + "@" + host, by, expires, reason, XLineManager::GenerateUID()); x->created = seton; akill->AddXLine(x); } read_int16(&capacity, f); // SNLines for (int16_t i = 0; i < capacity; ++i) { Anope::string mask, by, reason; int32_t seton, expires; READ(read_string(mask, f)); READ(read_string(by, f)); READ(read_string(reason, f)); READ(read_int32(&seton, f)); READ(read_int32(&expires, f)); if (!snline) continue; XLine *x = new XLine(mask, by, expires, reason, XLineManager::GenerateUID()); x->created = seton; snline->AddXLine(x); } read_int16(&capacity, f); // SQLines for (int16_t i = 0; i < capacity; ++i) { Anope::string mask, by, reason; int32_t seton, expires; READ(read_string(mask, f)); READ(read_string(by, f)); READ(read_string(reason, f)); READ(read_int32(&seton, f)); READ(read_int32(&expires, f)); if (!sqline) continue; XLine *x = new XLine(mask, by, expires, reason, XLineManager::GenerateUID()); x->created = seton; sqline->AddXLine(x); } read_int16(&capacity, f); // SZLines for (int16_t i = 0; i < capacity; ++i) { Anope::string mask, by, reason; int32_t seton, expires; READ(read_string(mask, f)); READ(read_string(by, f)); READ(read_string(reason, f)); READ(read_int32(&seton, f)); READ(read_int32(&expires, f)); if (!szline) continue; XLine *x = new XLine(mask, by, expires, reason, XLineManager::GenerateUID()); x->created = seton; szline->AddXLine(x); } close_db(f); } static void LoadExceptions() { if (!session_service) return; dbFILE *f = open_db_read("OperServ", "exception.db", 9); if (f == NULL) return; int16_t num; READ(read_int16(&num, f)); for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) { Anope::string mask, reason; int16_t limit; char who[32]; int32_t time, expires; READ(read_string(mask, f)); READ(read_int16(&limit, f)); READ(read_buffer(who, f)); READ(read_string(reason, f)); READ(read_int32(&time, f)); READ(read_int32(&expires, f)); Exception *exception = session_service->CreateException(); exception->mask = mask; exception->limit = limit; exception->who = who; exception->time = time; exception->expires = expires; exception->reason = reason; session_service->AddException(exception); } close_db(f); } static void LoadNews() { if (!news_service) return; dbFILE *f = open_db_read("OperServ", "news.db", 9); if (f == NULL) return; int16_t n; READ(read_int16(&n, f)); for (int16_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { int16_t type; NewsItem *ni = news_service->CreateNewsItem(); READ(read_int16(&type, f)); switch (type) { case OLD_NEWS_LOGON: ni->type = NEWS_LOGON; break; case OLD_NEWS_OPER: ni->type = NEWS_OPER; break; case OLD_NEWS_RANDOM: ni->type = NEWS_RANDOM; break; } int32_t unused; READ(read_int32(&unused, f)); READ(read_string(ni->text, f)); char who[32]; READ(read_buffer(who, f)); ni->who = who; int32_t tmp; READ(read_int32(&tmp, f)); ni->time = tmp; news_service->AddNewsItem(ni); } close_db(f); } class DBOld : public Module { PrimitiveExtensibleItem mlock_on, mlock_off, mlock_limit; PrimitiveExtensibleItem mlock_key; public: DBOld(const Anope::string &modname, const Anope::string &creator) : Module(modname, creator, DATABASE | VENDOR), mlock_on(this, "mlock_on"), mlock_off(this, "mlock_off"), mlock_limit(this, "mlock_limit"), mlock_key(this, "mlock_key") { hashm = Config->GetModule(this)->Get("hash"); if (hashm != "md5" && hashm != "oldmd5" && hashm != "sha1" && hashm != "plain" && hashm != "sha256") throw ModuleException("Invalid hash method"); } EventReturn OnLoadDatabase() anope_override { LoadNicks(); LoadVHosts(); LoadBots(); LoadChannels(); LoadOper(); LoadExceptions(); LoadNews(); return EVENT_STOP; } void OnUplinkSync(Server *s) anope_override { for (registered_channel_map::iterator it = RegisteredChannelList->begin(), it_end = RegisteredChannelList->end(); it != it_end; ++it) { ChannelInfo *ci = it->second; uint32_t *limit = mlock_limit.Get(ci); Anope::string *key = mlock_key.Get(ci); uint32_t *u = mlock_on.Get(ci); if (u) { process_mlock(ci, *u, true, limit, key); mlock_on.Unset(ci); } u = mlock_off.Get(ci); if (u) { process_mlock(ci, *u, false, limit, key); mlock_off.Unset(ci); } mlock_limit.Unset(ci); mlock_key.Unset(ci); if (ci->c) ci->c->CheckModes(); } } }; MODULE_INIT(DBOld)